“Ah, he’ll get over it. Anyway, there’s a rumour going around Elman college that he’s been having it away with one of the staff there.” Revealed Alex.

“You’re fucking joking?” Asked Mary. She propped herself up, using her elbow, and looked at Alex with interest. “What member of staff? Do you mean one of the tutors?” Mary desperately wanted to know.

“Nah, it’s the in-house career advisor. Her name is Kate Williams.” Answered Alex.

“You’re pulling my leg?” Mary responded. Alex laughed.

“No, I’m not pulling anyone’s leg. By all accounts, Howard and Kate are really close… too close. They’re always in her room together and stuff, and…”

“What’s she like? Is she young? Old? What’s she like, Alex?” Interrupted Mary.

“Kate? She just looks like a frumpy, overweight, middle-aged mom.” Alex told her.

“What? She’s got kids?” Mary asked.

“No, no, she ain’t got kids, Mary. What I mean is, she looks like one of the mom’s that you get, standing around outside Coldsleet primary school, waiting to pick their kids up. She’s nothing special at all.” Informed Alex. “Kate’s a real plain-Jane.” He added.

Mary wanted to know more about Kate Williams.

“This woman… Kate… does she have her hair styled in a bob?” She asked Alex.

“Yeah, yeah, she does. I think that Kate's a natural blonde, because she’s got this sort of brown-coloured hair, but with fair roots always coming through. Well, I suppose they could be grey roots… but they look blonde.” Alex laughed. “Her hair is a fucking mess… and so are Kate’s teeth.” He added, as an afterthought.

“Let me guess. They’re crooked. And she has spider veins on her nose… and a bit of a double chin.” Said Mary. Alex nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, she does, she does. Hey, how the fuck do you know that?” He asked, puzzled. Mary smiled.

“Because Howard told me all about her… he never revealed her name, but he listed all of her faults to me, and then said that despite those faults, to him she was the most beautiful woman in the world.” Confided Mary. Now it was Alex’s turn to prop himself up on his elbow.

“Really? He told you that?” He asked.

“Yep, a few weeks ago.” Mary Broderick answered.

“Fucking hell, so it looks like the rumours about Howard and Kate are true then.” Alex said.

“Not necessarily. Howard didn’t mention anything about… you know, sleeping with this Kate woman… and if he was, then why would Howard be chasing after me at the same time?” Wondered Mary.

“Because he’s a greedy little bastard, maybe?” Said Alex. He cuddled up to Mary. “And let’s face it, who’d be able to resist you?” Mary playfully pushed Alex away.

“Aw, get lost, you creep.” She grinned, before pulling at Alex, so that he ended up lying on top of her. Meanwhile, downstairs, Howard Trenton was just retrieving his canvas hi-tops from out of the washing machine, before placing them onto a radiator to dry.


Howard sat on his bed, speaking to Kate Williams on a mobile phone.

“Please, Kate. I could really do with some company tonight.” He pleaded.

“Howard. I already told you earlier… the other night was a big mistake. It should never have happened.” Replied Kate.

“Why? Why should it never have happened? I thought that you enjoyed it?” Howard wanted to know.

“I did enjoy myself, Howard. You know that I did.” Said Kate.

“Then what’s the fucking problem?” Howard demanded to know.

“It was just a one-off, Howard. A one-off. I don’t want a relationship with you, or anybody else, come to that. We had a bit of fun, but that’s all it was.” Kate stated her position.

“Why don’t you want a relationship with me? What’s wrong with me, for God’s sake?” Shouted Howard.

“There’s nothing’s wrong with you, but you’re too young for me.” Kate told him.

“Yeah, you weren’t saying that when you wanted me to go down on you.” Commented Howard, in a bitchy little voice.

“Goodbye Howard.” Said Kate.

“Hey! Don’t put your fucking phone down on me!” Ordered Howard, but it was already too late; the line went dead. Angrily, he dialled Kate’s telephone number again. All he got was her voicemail. Howard slung the mobile phone onto his bed. You’ll fucking pay for that, Kate, he thought. Howard got up from off his bed, and walked over to the bedroom window. Wonder if those shit-head coppers have left Alfie’s house yet? He wondered. Howard looked out of the window, and instantly jumped back, shaken; Detective Tom Grogan had been stood on the pavement below, staring up at Howard’s bedroom window.

Howard sat back down on the bed, shaking. Fuck, he’s on to me… he knows that I was in that house on the night that Alfie Whitehouse died. It's all because of those stupid fucking footprints… and him catching me smiling up at Alfie’s window. What if he’s here to arrest me, right now? Panicked Howard. Sure enough, the doorbell began to ring downstairs. Shit. What am I gonna do? What the fuck am I gonna do? Howard heard the front door open.

“Yeah, I’ll just go and get him for you.” He heard Kay say to somebody. Suddenly, there came shouting up the stairs. “Howard, could you come downstairs please?” Requested Kay. “Now!” She barked. Howard got up from off the bed and left his room. As he passed Mary’s room, he heard her softly groaning. She's getting fucked by that creepy little shit, Alex Crennell, realised Howard, tormented. That’ll be one of the last things that I ever hear whilst I’m at liberty… the sound of the woman of my dreams being pleasured by Alex Crennell’s dirty, smelly dick. Howard Trenton reached the top of the stairs, and looked down them; sure enough, Detective Tom Grogan was stood in the hallway, next to Kay. They were both looking up at Howard.

Howard walked down the stairs.

“Oh, hello, Mister Grogan.” Said Howard, his voice croaking.

“Hello again, Howard.” Replied the detective, smiling.

“Could I ask what this is about, sir?” Asked Kay. “Is this to do with Alfie Whitehouse?”

“Yes… but there’s absolutely nothing to worry about” Said Tom Grogan. “Nothing at all. I just need Howard’s help with something.” He added.

“Oh? What might that be?” Howard was curious to know.

“Well, Howard. You remember that discussion we had earlier on? About those footprints that we found in Mister Whitehouse’s bath-tub?”

“What footprints?” Asked Kay. Tom Grogan cleared his throat.

“Sorry, Mrs Trenton. I should explain… we believe that Mr Whitehouse might have been murdered.” He said, matter-of-fact. Kay put her hands up to her mouth.

“Murdered?” She asked, visibly shocked.

“It’s a theory that we’re working on.” Stated Tom. He smiled at Howard. “Could we borrow your hi-tops, Howard?” Tom asked, unexpectedly.

“What?” Replied Howard.

“Your hi-tops. The trainers that you were wearing earlier… I see you’ve changed out of them.” Noticed Tom, staring down at Howard’s slippers.

“Why do you want to borrow…” Howard was cut short by Kay.

“You don’t think Howard has got something to do with all of this, do you, Mister Grogan?” She asked. Tom laughed.

“No, Mrs Trenton, certainly not. But it would be helpful if I could borrow his trainers.” Answered the detective.

Detective Tom Grogan looked at Howard.

“So… can I?” He asked.

“Can you what?” Howard responded.

“Borrow the trainers that you wearing earlier. The canvas hi-tops.” Said Tom.

“Not unless you tell me why.” Howard replied. Tom Grogan sighed.

“It’s nothing sinister, Howard. We’re taking some photographs of the footprints right now. I mentioned to one of the forensic guys that you were wearing a style of hi-tops that I suspect was also worn by the intruder who broke into Mr Whitehouse’s home. He suggested we do a side-by-side comparison. That's all.” Explained Tom. Howard didn’t believe him.

“You think that I did it, don’t you?” He spat. “You think that I killed Mr Whitehouse.” Tom laughed.