“Yes, yes. I was just thinking about Mary, and what she said to me this morning.” Answered Howard.

“And what was that?” Kate was interested to know.

“She said that I was a creep. A slimy little creep.” Lied Howard. “Mary told me that no woman would ever be interested in me.” He continued, laying on the bull-shit. Kate Williams squeezed Howard’s hand.

“That’s not true, Howard. You’re a very attractive young man.” Kate assured him. Howard gazed up, into Kate’s eyes, and there was something in the way that he looked at her that gave the middle-aged woman a sudden, tingling feeling down below, between her legs. Kate wriggled discretely on the wooden chair that she was sitting on, a warm dampness spreading inside her knickers.

Kate Williams suddenly felt incredibly flustered, but there was something else welling up inside her, too; lust. Lust for the young eighteen year old man that sat opposite her, his heart broken. I can’t go down this road again, thought Kate, not again. She recalled another young man’s face, this one a little older than Howard, nineteen. He had been slim, like Howard, but slightly taller. Kate remembered what they'd done together, his young, eager cock, swollen, stiff, frantically pushing backwards, forwards, deep inside her. Fuck, that felt good, so good. I was the first real woman that he’d ever had, and that young man… John… he loved every single minute of it, couldn't get enough of me, the randy little fucker… Kate squeezed Howard’s hand again.

“Howard, I think that we should discuss this further. Are you going straight home once you’ve finished your lessons?” Kate asked. Howard nodded.

“Yep.” He replied.

“Well, would you like to come back to my house so that we can carry on with this chat? I could make you dinner or something.” Suggested Kate.

“That’d be really nice, Miss Williams. I’d appreciate that a lot.” Smiled Howard Trenton. Kate took a deep breath. I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it again. I can’t help myself. I don’t WANT to help myself.

Good. Then meet me back here at four.” Instructed Kate. “Oh, and obviously, Howard… if you could be discrete…”

“Absolutely, Miss Williams, absolutely.” Replied Howard. He stood up. “I’ll see you at four then.”

“Have a good day, Howard.” Smiled Kate.

“Oh, I think that I will, Miss Williams.” Beamed Howard Trenton. “I think that I definitely will.”

Chapter Eleven

Howard lay behind Kate Williams on the bed. They were both naked. Howard rested the side of his head on Kate’s shoulder. His one arm was wrapped around her front, and he stroked his fingertips backwards and forwards over Kate’s large, hardened nipple. Howard’s other hand was further down, resting on the top of her thigh. Kate breathed deeply, rhythmically.

“Are you asleep, Miss Williams?” Whispered Howard. Kate didn't reply. Howard pulled his head back from off Kate’s shoulder. He looked down, towards his cock, that was gently pressed up against Kate’s backside. It had gone soft, and felt numb. Howard stared down at his dick in fascination. It’s still glistening, thought Howard, it’s still glistening with her juices, from where we made love. “Are you asleep, Miss Williams?” Howard repeated his question. Once again, Kate didn’t answer him. Howard Trenton took his hand from off Kate’s leg. He moved it towards his cock. Howard clutched at himself, easing his foreskin back, completely exposing the small pink dome underneath, which was sticky with semen. Howard wrapped his whole hand around the length of his dick, and began working the foreskin backwards and forwards, slowly. He felt his shaft begin to stiffen. Howard’s other hand squeezed at Kate’s breast. He closed his eyes, drifting back in time, to just under an hour ago, remembering what it was like to have Kate Williams fuck with him. Then Howard’s mind slipped much further back, recalling another occasion that was similar to the one he was sharing with Kate now. Sort of.

The woman couldn’t move. She tried, but the strange young man who lay behind her had his arms and legs wrapped around her body like tentacles. She felt him breath into her ear.

“Cold.” He whispered.

“Please don’t hurt me.” Sobbed the woman.

“Cold.” Repeated Howard Trenton, ignoring her plea.

“I don’t… I don’t understand…”

“Cold.” Said Howard. He tightened his grip on the woman, bony, but powerful arms squeezing across her chest. The woman began to struggle to breath.

“I can feel it now. I can feel the cold. It’s coming from you.” Said Howard. The woman winced in sudden pain; it felt like a large block of ice was being slowly dragged across the entire length of her naked body, working its way upwards. “It feels so good.” Howard continued. “This is how it should be. This is how it needs to be.” The woman’s body began to shiver. Her skin began to burn from the intense cold that was seemingly all around her.

“Please… you’re killing me.” The woman managed to utter, before drifting into the sanctuary of unconsciousness.’’

“I’m not killing you… this isn’t about death… it’s about life.” Said Howard. He put his head against the woman’s back, and listened to her take a long, deep breath, which suddenly turned into a stuttering rattle. Oh shit, thought Howard, and he pulled right away from the woman, alarmed.

Howard Trenton watched in horror as the woman who lay next to him began to convulse.

‘No! You’re not supposed to do that!” Said Howard. The woman’s whole body jerked violently. Howard rolled the woman onto her back. Her eyes were open, glazing over, and the woman’s mouth was agape, a thin line of spittle, mixed with blood, trickling from the corner of it. “No! You can’t die! This isn’t about dying, you silly fucking bitch!” Cursed Howard, panicking. He slapped the woman up the face, trying to bring her out of her unconsciousness. “Do you hear me?” Howard said, slapping the woman again. “You don’t die when we do this! People don’t die when they do this! It’s a good thing, it’s not bad!” He shouted. Howard grabbed the woman by her shoulders, and began to shake her. He felt tears welling in his eyes, and before he knew it, they were coursing down his sallow, bony cheeks. “Wake up!” Howard commanded. “Wake up! You mustn’t die!” He continued. The woman let out one, final, gurgled breath, and then the convulsing stopped. Howard realised straight away that she was dead. “No. NO!” Screamed Howard. He got to his feet, whilst all of the time staring back down at the middle-aged woman who he had just managed to kill. “What did I say? This isn’t about death! It’s about life! You’re not supposed to do this!” Cried Howard. He stumbled backwards, away from the woman, his bare feet sinking into the muddy soil of Wildbridge Hill. “You’re not supposed to do this…” Howard whispered, as he remembered the words of his late mother.

Whatever it was… and I’m telling you now, Howard, that thing wasn’t human… it gripped me from behind, wrapped it’s arms and legs… those thin, leathery arms and legs, right around my body, so that I couldn't move. I tried to call out, to someone, anyone, for help, but it felt like the creature was crushing my chest, and I could barely breath, let alone speak. I could feel the creature’s hot, stinking breath on the back of my neck. Then the creature ran its tongue across my shoulder; it felt rough, like sandpaper… just like how a cat’s tongue feels, except much larger. It was one of the most disgusting sensations I’ve ever experienced. I tried to scream, but no sound would come out. That’s when it happened. That’s when the creature… invaded me, impregnated me, but it didn’t happen in the, you know, ‘conventional sense’, Howard. This was on a completely different level altogether, and it’s still really difficult to explain… but I’ll try.


I suddenly felt cold, well, not just cold, but freezing. It was as if I had been submerged into a sea of ice. I could feel every single one of my nerve endings begin to burn with that terrible, icy cold. The creature… it was still behind me. It tightened its grip around my body, and then… it was as if its skin, that horrid, lumpy, leathered skin, was beginning to freeze, mesh, with mine, because of the intense cold. I wasn't capable of doing anything other than just lie there, on that hillside, completely trapped, with some fucking creature welded to my back. There was no… penetration. Oh, you know what I mean, Howard, you’re old enough to understand about these things… the creature didn't bury his dick in me, nothing like that happened. All I can remember is a sudden, sharp jolt, not down there, between my legs, you understand, but much further up, deep inside my womb. As I said though, the creature didn’t, you know, put anything up me. I might have been numb with the icy cold, but I wasn't that bloody numb. Then, after that jolt inside, which was almost like an electrical shock, I felt the creatures arms and legs loosen from around me, and it was as if I was then pulled from out of that sea of ice… my whole body warmed up, just a little, almost instantly. I rolled onto my back, gasping for air. Once I’d filled my lungs, I looked around, behind me, to see what had happened to the creature, and that’s when I saw it, properly, for the first time.