Jacob dropped his head and shook it. “I wish you had not told her that. Life will be dick to pay now, without doubt.” With that, I burst out laughing through my tears.


We all stood in the foyer, weapons well hidden, as Cates came down with Alex in chains. Martin followed with Jacob at his back and all looked at us with eyes filled with uncertainty. Alex’s eyes, of course, were glazed with the fear of his impending death as well. Martin showed no other emotion, it was as if he understood that he was being locked up for his own safety. Tanda knew she was going into the lower levels also, not only watch over Martin and to make sure Alex stayed put but to keep herself out of harm’s way if others came into our domain.

“Do not bother looking for this man you seek who makes the dead walk, all who ran from those you have already touched would not seek sanctuary in this country. The things you have crossed have been here for a very long time. If you wish to find him you have come to the wrong place.” Martin never looked at me; he only spoke as he turned to go down the hall.

“Is that why you think we…I came all this way, Martin?” He stopped. “I only mentioned those notes we found in that place because I was hoping you might know something that would help my brother. But that has nothing to do with why I came to London.” I saw his lead lower. “I thought my maker would be proud of what I was doing, proud that I came looking for him. I guess I was wrong.” That’s when I turned my back and started walking toward the rest my people.


“What?” I stopped but didn’t turn around to see if he was now looking at me.

“May I please have a moment with you? I cannot bear the thought of this being our last words if you do not come back.”

I let out a harsh breath, knowing that I had everyone’s attention in the house. I nodded once and without turning, walked into the study and waited for Martin to join me. I stayed where I was until I heard the double doors close, then I walked over and stood in front of the fireplace. A few seconds later I felt Martin’s hands grip my shoulders lightly. “My Love, what am I to do with you?”

“I don’t even know what to do with me, Martin. I just know what I have to do.”

“Yes, and I, too, know what you must do. Even why you feel the need to lock me in my own dungeon.”

“I can’t have them taking you again, or Tanda, if this is a trap. I know you can get out, it’s your place after all.”

“It is and I can,” he chuckled. “But, I must admit I was very glad when Master Jacob told me he had no intention of chaining me.”

“Oh he did, did he,” I turned and smiled.

“It is good to see you smile. I am sorry that I tried to fool you with my blood. Your little ones love you very much and follow your mission fully. I did not think that they would give you notice to what I had done so freely. My hope was that they would have gone with what I was doing to keep you safe. One would never have guessed that those who were not marked would do so much for another out of free will alone.”

“Well, they’re marked now, thanks to you.”

“And for that I am even more sorry.”

“Why’s that?” I pulled away walked over and leaned on the desk, pushing the hoop down on the dress before Martin could see it flipping up.

“Because, it gave you more power over your people and it made you less weak to my call.”

“So the real truth comes out. What you’re saying is, now either my love is the real deal or there’s no love at all, right?”

“Correct,” he snorted. “Without my bond being so strong, you may or may not love me as you once did. And yes, my fear is huge.” He looked over at me and my heart sank. Nothing had changed inside of me, it may have grown, but I couldn’t tell him that.

“I do feel different, but there’s no time to talk about it right now. I’m not sorry that you helped me become closer to my family, Martin. I wish I had done it sooner. So, thank you,” I swallowed, walking up to him. I reached up and touched his cheek. “May I have a kiss for good luck?”

“Will you promise to come back to me?”

“I can say the words but I can’t control what will happen.”

“That will be good enough I suppose.” He didn’t say another word. He just wrapped his arms around my body and picked me up, locking his mouth to mine. He pressed his lips so hard to mine that I could taste mingled blood. I opened to him and our tongues danced until a light tap sounded on the door. I pulled back with a certain blush on my face, licking my lips just as Martin was. “You will be the death of me, Renee.”

“I hope not.”

“Forgiven then?”

“There was never anything to forgive. I’m just an old cow who gets pissed at the drop of a hat. Blame that on the ancient,” I smiled.

“I think I remember you being very stubborn well before…”

“Don’t finish that statement if you know what’s good for you.” I walked to the door with him, getting one more kiss before we opened it. ***

Tanda and Martin were made comfortable in the first room off of the area by the larger room with the desk in it in Martin’s secret hidden dungeon. He knew where all of the switches were so there was no prying to find a way in or out. He assured us that we had killed all of the remaining spiders; something else we would one day have to talk about. Alex, however, was chained to one of the beds by the giant, dead spiders and told if he made any sounds what-so-ever that the remaining spiders would make him their next meal. His whispering pleas could be heard as the last of my boys exited the tunnel to his entrapment.

“Watch Inara, it is well known by those who she has pulled into her web that she is, in some ways, stronger in power than her sister. Bernard has been taking from Angelica and Inara, in turn, takes from him. In time, a breeder can gain power if that breeder takes in enough for a long enough time. Angelica has no idea or she would never allow another’s servant to share. Inara’s power may hold stronger in the mind than blood, but either way, she is not to be trusted.”

“Then why does she? I mean Angelica, let Bernard go back. If she allows him to take a sip, wouldn’t she think her sister would?” Derek asked.

“Her power has gone to her head many years ago, my young one, and her cravings far outweighed her thoughts before she allowed her power to rule. Either way, do not put so much trust in her twin.”

“Why do you think Renee put you down here?” Sydney added.

“Sydney? That’s not like you to speak up for me.” I think my heart was smiling as big as my mouth.

“Wow, that was weird, wasn’t it?” he smiled back, then looked over at Garvin who didn’t smile back. “All I was meaning was, you were taking a stand in your own power.”

“What?” I looked around the room to see most looking back at Garvin, then glancing away.

“Our young Sydney no longer belongs to our young Garvin the way that he once did,” Cates explained.

“Oh Garvin, I’m so sorry,” I said and rushed to where he was kicking at a stone.

“It felt good to have a son, for a while.”

“Why didn’t you say something? I didn’t have to mark Sydney.”

“Yes, you did,” Garvin finally looked at me. “There was nothing more important than that. We must be a whole, Renee, not broken because of my love for my child. My one and only creation.”

“Well, don’t say it like that. You’re just breaking my heart. Can’t you just remark him or something?”

“If only it were that easy,” Jacob interjected. “Garvin can take from him as you did your maker, but you have a power that overrides most in this room. One more ancient and you will override all in this room. Garvin is but a fledgling to you, Renee.”

“Even Martin?”

“See, her first ancient craves more power even with Renee at the helm.” Martin’s words were shocking.

“If we had more time, we would talk about that remark, Martin. But, we don’t.” I looked at my fancy dressed little ones. “Don’t we have a shindig to get to?”