Their Stepsister 18+

Страниц: 14
Символов: 82501
Прочитали: 8
ID: 268086
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 21 октября 2015 15:44
Опубликована 22 октября 2015 01:42


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Sweet, innocent, virginal Sarah had never once stopped thinking about her stepbrothers since she left for college. Identical in looks but opposites in personality, the twins were everything Sarah wanted in a lover.

Now that sexy little Sarah was home for good, twins Luke and Logan could no longer fight the pull and keep away from her. She'd grown into a beautiful young woman. She had curves that made their mouths water and a body made for two men. Evidently years in the Marines and away from Sarah hadn't curbed their lust or obsession.

It was time for Luke and Logan to make a move. It was time for Sarah to learn who she belonged to. She was theirs - heart, body and soul.

katyaa_reader1 Fv Katya
22 октября 2016 07:22
Оценка: 8
жанр: мыльное порно
29 октября 2015 05:57
боже, какой бредI roll!вначале вроде были нормальные мужики))) потом превратились в каких-то подростоков, которые пересмотрели порнухи)))