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“Right,” Marlo says, drawing out the word. We walk out together, arm in arm, and she stops me before we walk through the doorway. “Take it from someone who knows all too well what it feels like to wait for someone to wake the fuck up. The day will come when he gives up on you, Celia. You will lose him.”

Her goal may be to spur me into action. She wants me to feel the urgency of her words and race to Cain’s side. Knowing that’s exactly what I want to do, but can’t, makes me nauseous and weak. The thought of seeing Cain with someone else is unimaginable, but I’m in no position to stop it from happening. I give her a nod and a tight smile, hoping she’ll accept my response as the end of the conversation.

“I have to say, I don’t see you as the type to wait for anyone. I take you for a leave ‘em in the dust kind of girl,” I say with a shoulder bump.

After tonight, it’s become clear to me I don’t know Marlo as well as I thought I did. I should know better; things are never as they seem.

We emerge from the hospital as the sun is slowly rising. The backs of my eyes throb from lack of sleep and the change in light. I wince and groan as I fumble for my sunglasses.

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t always that girl,” Marlo says somberly. She looks away and bites her lip. “Listen, what you heard in there? No one knows anything about—”

“And they never will. I would never break your trust,” I interrupt. She gives me a tiny smile in return. “I’m sorry, but I have to ask. Since you didn’t press charges, are you worried that—”

“No. I don’t give him a second of my thoughts.” Marlo lifts her head defiantly as we walk across the parking lot. I sense her words are less than truthful, but it’s what she needs to believe. “I left town within a week of the attack and never set foot back there again. I’ve had no contact with anyone from my past since then. Those memories and that place don’t own me anymore.”

I unlock the door to my car and throw my bag in the back seat. I meet Marlo by the trunk and tip my head toward the hospital. “Do you think she’ll press charges?”

She shrugs. “It’s hard to say. She’s got both of our numbers, and I hope she’ll use them, and that she can pull through this. She’s got a tough road ahead,” she says as she tugs her keys out of her purse. “You’re coming to The Courtyard next Friday night, right? Adam’s performing for open mic night.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Seriously, why do I surround myself with lovesick fools?” Marlo asks with a playful smile.

“Whatever. You’d be lost without us.”

She narrows her eyes at me, and I giggle.

We wave goodbye, and my door is nearly closed when I hear Marlo shout my name. I peer out of the car.


“Remember what I said, girl. He’s not gonna wait forever, and regret is a bitch with six-inch heels digging into your lady parts.”

She tosses her big curls over her shoulder with a wink and struts across the parking lot like she owns the place. Honestly, Marlo owns whatever room she walks into, and this parking lot is no different.

After she leaves, the air around me seems vacant and lonely. The loss of her snarky mouth and larger than life personality are tangible, and I’m left feeling empty and … regretful. Her warning settles in my bones, travels through my veins, and circles around my heart.

I sit in my car, stock-still, ignition off. My hands grip the steering wheel as sweat beads on my upper lip, and unshed tears burn the back of my nose. There is one thing Marlo and I agree on—I will lose him.

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“Best of You” by Foo Fighters

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Present Day

“CAN WE USE these chairs since you aren’t using them.” The random girl in the red tube top is dragging two chairs away before we even have a chance to answer her.

Sara slams a hand down on each seat and glares at her. “These seats are saved,” she says with the intensity of a middle school brat.

Tube Top rolls her eyes and huffs, but leaves the chairs behind. Sara pulls them back under the table and drapes her arms and legs over as many chairs as she physically can.

“They better hurry their asses up … the vultures are circling,” she mutters.

It’s open mic at The Courtyard, and Adam’s performing. Sara and I managed to snag the front and center table for our crew, but we’re gonna get bulldozed by the masses if they don’t get moving.

“Thanks for coming early and helping me out, Cain. I wouldn’t stand a chance by myself.” She smiles at me, but her expression turns to a growl as more chair stealers approach.

“Don’t mention it, Cujo. I’m starting to think I’m protecting the crowds from you, not the other way around.”

She throws her hand up in the air. “I mean, seriously, are their boyfriends performing tonight. I highly doubt it.”

Her eyes shift to the stage, and a love sick smile plays on her lips. She’s got it bad, and good thing for her, so does Adam. If you’re gonna be a fool for someone, it pays to be sure they are equally as much a fool for you. That’s where I missed the fucking boat.

“Who are we expecting at this shindig?”

“Hmmm, why do you ask? Are you avoiding someone in particular?”

“I’m about to be avoiding you, if you keep up the Nancy Drew bit.” I take a pull off my beer and give her a warning glare. “Curiosity killed the cat, ya know?”


I can’t help but laugh. I also can’t help throwing balled up napkins at her nosy little head, but she takes it in stride, using them to dab her makeup and stuff her bra. I have to hand it to him; Adam snagged one of the good ones.

“Look, all I know is two of my favorite people seem to be avoiding each other, and it’s harshing my mellow, man.”

“Far be it from me to harsh your mellow,” I deadpan.

“And newsflash,” she quips with a pointed finger and raised eyebrows. “You and Celia as a team? Y’all are fucking awesome. You all by your lonesome? Only slightly awesome. It’s like cookies with no milk … peas without the carrots … a massage with no happy ending. Think about it.”

Her head bobs up and down, and I smile despite myself.

“Ya know what I think? You and loverboy with Lily and Gage? Life of the party. Just the two of ya?” I shrug and roll my eyes. “Snoozeville.”

She gasps and clutches her chest. “How dare you?”

“Oh, I dare. I always do. Now, guest list, if you please.”

She lets out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. Marlo, Alex, and Celia are meeting us. Happy?”

“As a clam,” I reply with crossed arms and a smile.

And I am happy, because while I’ll have to sit across from Celia and act as if I don’t miss the hell out of her, at least I won’t have Audrey to contend with. I haven’t given her a piece of my mind yet, but it’s coming—that’s a fact. Honestly, I’m still too fucking pissed to look at her, much less talk to her. Yeah, distance from Audrey is necessary at this point.

Sara squeals and bounces in her seat, waving. I turn around and see Alex, Marlo, and Celia standing in the entryway. Celia is wearing a baby blue sundress that shows off her delicate curves and way too much leg—in my opinion. Whether she agrees or not, those legs are for my eyes only. My eyes travel up her hot little body, and, when I reach her face, I see the daisy behind her ear. The sight makes seeing her hurt a little more. She’s a mirage to a man who’s dying of thirst.

She fidgets with her purse straps and gives Sara a nervous wave. Her eyes settle on me, and she winces. She fucking winces, as if the sight of me causes her physical pain. I know the feeling.