From the Wreckage
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From the Wreckage


From the Wreckage

Страниц: 67
Символов: 416248
В избранное добавлена 1 раз
ID: 268070
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 21 октября 2015 15:13
Опубликована 22 октября 2015 01:40


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First, he saved me. I lived because he was a hero. And then he was gone. Uprooted by the fire that destroyed our home, my family moved away and I never saw David Andrews again. Then, he found me. Eighteen years later, he rescued me again - in much simpler terms, of course. By loving me, by giving me the fairy tale I’d always hoped for, he provided me with the perfect life. Now, he needs to be saved. It’s my turn to be strong, to be brave, to be valiant. When flames threaten to turn us to ashes, it’s up to me to pull us From the Wreckage.

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