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The elevator seemed to move even slower than usual, although in all likelihood it was just her impatience that made the five-floor ride seem like it took an eternity. The pulleys yanked to a stop twice as she descended the nearly hundred-year-old building, the doors jerking open slowly with each ping, though she scarcely heard them over the sound of her own blood rushing in her ears. What could have prompted such a summons? And so early in the morning. Dozens of scenarios raced through her mind as she made her way down the hallway of the twenty-fifth floor, checking the engraved plaques until she found the one with the number she sought. But as she opened the door, all thoughts left her but one.


He stood with his back to her, his phone pressed to his ear as he stared out across the river to the lake, barely visible through the gray January fog. His tall, muscular frame filled the window of the small office, dominating the space just as he did the world below them. Nearly all of Chicago seemed his for the taking, and yet he’d made it clear that the only thing he wanted was her. And the attraction was more than just physical. It was an inexplicable pull they’d both felt from the very start, a yearning so strong it not only defied the odds, but logic and reason as well. With everything that hung in the balance, the two of them needed to keep their distance. Yet no matter what new development had brought him there, and what risk he was taking, there was no denying the thrill that shot through her just from being in the same room with him.

He turned, his gaze darkening at the sight of her, and all at once she realized the purpose of the visit. He wanted her, needed to be with her as badly as she needed him. Leaving him in the limo the night before had felt like leaving a piece of her heart behind. She craved him, needed him desperately, especially after everything she’d been through that last day in Paris. Julian’s threats and the revelation that he’d orchestrated her parents’ murder had left her reeling. Now more than ever she needed the strength she drew from their connection. When they were together, all was right in her world. She’d been a fool to ever think otherwise.

“I’ll be in my office in an hour. Meet me there.” He was speaking into the phone, but his focus was solely on her. She could feel the heat of his stare as though it were his hands exploring her fevered skin. She returned his hungry gaze with one of her own, drinking in the sight of him. The way the hard planes of his body moved beneath his designer suit, the way his dark, unruly hair framed his beautiful face, the way his blue eyes raked her from head to toe. Everything about him had her body trembling with a desire only he could satisfy.

Hudson ended the call and slid his phone onto the empty desk.

“Whose office is this?” she asked. Under normal circumstances she wouldn’t have been comfortable having a tryst in a random office. And yet she couldn’t deny the desire she felt coursing through her veins. She wanted him too. Wanted his arms around her, his warm skin against hers, renewing their connection and bringing the soothing reassurance only he could provide. If it had been up to her they would have spent a leisurely jet-lagged morning together, making love as the sun came up over Chicago. But since neither time nor location were on their side, she’d take what she could get. And if that meant a fast fuck in a random office, then so be it. The thought alone had her pressing her thighs together in an effort to find relief.

“Mine.” He smirked. “When I need one.”

Allie glanced around the nearly bare office. A desk, a phone, a couch. Nothing to indicate one of the world’s most powerful businessmen used the room as a satellite command center. “Doesn’t look like you use it very often.”

“I don’t.” He moved toward her with a slow, predatory stride. “When I’m here it’s usually for meetings in the boardroom.” His tongue darted out to lick his lips. “Nothing requiring . . . privacy.”

“And now?” she asked. Her voice was breathy and needy.

“Now . . .” He stretched his arm out and her heart pounded in anticipation. But instead of touching her, he merely reached behind her. She heard a lock engage with a faint click. “Now I need this.” In a heartbeat he took her mouth in a bruising kiss, his fingers threading into her hair as he pushed her up against the door. She moaned when she felt the urgent press of his erection straining against her core, and her lips parted, allowing his tongue to slide fast and hot over hers.

Groaning, Hudson pulled away just long enough to speak. “It fucking killed me to be without you last night.” His lips moved with hers again and his hands slid down the column of her throat, across her shoulders, and to her breasts, pausing to brush his thumbs across her taut nipples before smoothing over her waist and the curve of her hips. “I can’t keep my hands off you. I need to feel you.” He flexed against her and a warm rush of desire flooded her core. “I need to be inside you.”

A whimper escaped her lips. “Yes,” she said, breathing hard and trembling with need. “Please . . .”

With that he bent low and lifted her, hooking her legs around his waist. He carried her to the couch, where he laid her out lengthwise along the cushions, then lowered himself so his body loomed over hers. Allie wasted no time reaching for his fly, her eager fingers jerking his belt loose before yanking his zipper down to free his throbbing erection.

Hudson reared back, pulling her panties down and over her stilettos. “Definitely leaving these on.” Curling his fingers around one ankle, he spread her open, placing her foot on his shoulder. His eyes darkened as his gaze dropped to where she was wet and aching for him. With one finger he traced her quivering entrance. “You’re soaked for me, baby. So swollen and slick.”

The pad of his thumb stroked over the top of her sex as his middle finger slipped inside her. Allie’s back arched off the coach as he eased out, then back in with a second finger, preparing her for what would no doubt be a fast and furious ride.

“Don’t make me wait, Hudson,” she panted. “I’m ready.”

He claimed her mouth again, his tongue filling her with a deep, searing stroke as he pushed into her on a single thrust. The dual assault was overwhelming. She moaned and her hips lifted, trying to get more of him inside her.

“That’s it, take me. Take all of me.” Hudson’s neck chorded with strain as he pulled back and thrust again, forcing his way deeper as her body clenched around him.

Instinct took over and she began to move with him, her hands clawing at his hair and down his back.

“Christ, Allie, you feel so good.” His voice was rough, carnal, and as desperate as the moment between them. “It’s like you were made to fuck me.”

“You. Only you.” And it was true. No one had ever affected her the way Hudson did. Her reaction to him was more than physical; it was raw and primal and as essential as the air she breathed. He was what she needed, what she craved.

The couch thumped against the wall as Hudson powered into her with slick, relentless drives. Over and over he took her—harder, faster, deeper—fucking her like a man possessed until her core began to spasm.

“Come for me,” he growled. “Give me what’s mine.”

“I love you,” she gasped as the sweet release of her orgasm rolled through her.

Hudson’s head dropped on a groan and his body jerked, driving to the hilt one last time as he came deep inside her. “I love you, too,” he said, his breath gusting harsh against her ear. His broad palm smoothed down her thigh and carefully lowered her leg.

Allie wrapped her arms around him and her eyes drifted shut. They lay like that for long moments, their hearts beating in time as their collective breathing slowed and reality seeped back into their consciousness. When Hudson finally lifted his head, he did his best to offer a reassuring smile, but the haunted look in his eyes was like a knife to Allie’s soul. He lowered his head to rest it on her chest and her arms around him tightened, too afraid to let go.