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This all changed last year when I assisted him in arranging the demise of a HAMAS leader for the Israeli’s. Apparently, they been rumbled carrying out an assassination in Dubai and they could not afford any more bad publicity. Doug carried out the approved assignment and the Israeli’s refused to pay. I recall that Doug was livid and I began to think that he had changed. His home life was falling apart and he seemed to be having a breakdown. I was set against his proposed course of action and refused to be involved. As a result he employed a contact we have used before, whose name I do not know, and he assassinated the Foreign Minister of Israel. The operation was clean as far as Doug was concerned but the French and Israeli operatives turned it into a bloodbath. I had travelled to Paris to find Doug and to dissuade him from such precipitate action, as it could only lead to trouble. By the time I tracked him down it was too late. I saw the assassination unfold on the TV news and so I travelled back to the UK and did not tell him about my abortive trip.

Our bank account was credited with the money owed within 24 hours.

By Christmas I had effectively dissolved the partnership, due to Doug’s mood swings, which I put down to drugs and/or drink, and concentrated on my business, Celebrato Greeting Cards.

Then three weeks ago Doug asked me to assist him in the abduction of a ‘rabblerousing’ couple from central Africa, who he had been told were intending to ‘damage UK interests in Marat’ and ‘overthrow the legitimate government of Marat’ to the great detriment of the already poverty stricken citizens. I understood that the initial instructions had emanated from a Mr Jalou Makabate.

I now realise that either Doug had been misled by his contact at MI5 or he was deliberately lying to me. I suspect that it was the former because Doug played a recording for me that emanated from Thames House and it included Mr Barry Mitchinson voicing the agreed code phrase for; go ahead.

I participated in the abduction of the Hokobus, an act for which I am now deeply regretful but which at the time I understood was for the greater good. I deliberately planned the abduction so as to cause no harm. I carried no weapon nor did I, at any time, use violence. I subdued their bodyguard with a paralysing spray that causes less discomfort and less long lasting effects that CS spray or pepper spray. I convinced the Hokobus to return to their car, where I sprayed them too and left them, leaving the keys in the car for Doug McKeown, who was to drive them to an undisclosed location.

When I left them they were in temporary distress but not in any danger. I was stunned when I learned that they had been killed. By then Doug McKeown was uncontactable and I felt very vulnerable as I had lost a contact lens which may have given the authorities reason to believe that I was a murderer. I decided to leave the country as soon as possible and clear my name. My reason for leaving the country, and for making my statement in protective custody in the USA, is simply that my life may be in danger. In our former business termination often means more than simply being fired.

Imagine then my surprise when the next day I received a coded call from MI5 asking me to attend a secretive meeting with a junior operative. I met him in the abandoned Strand Tube Station, which had been used for anti terrorist training in the past.

He told me that his employers at MI5 did not know who the Chameleon was but that they were convinced it was Doug McKeown and that he had overstepped the mark killing the Israeli Foreign Minister and the Hokobus. They applied pressure on me to kill my old mentor and provide proof of death.

I had no alternative. I was frightened for my own life but in the end my efforts were not necessary. I tracked Doug down to a ‘lock up unit’ we had used in the past and I wanted to confront him. I must stress that I was unarmed and that I was in extreme danger because, his affection for me apart, Doug was a trained killer. I entered the lock up through an open door in the rear, only to discover mayhem inside. There had been an explosion and not much of my old mentor remained. I carefully gathered up his remains and set fire to the workshop.

I passed the gathered remains to my former employers at MI5, who confirmed the remains belonged to Doug by DNA testing. My own view is that someone, possibly the Israeli’s, found out who the Chameleon really was and terminated him.

Later I was asked to attend another meeting with the junior operative, a Mr Tim McKinnon, for debriefing. I was wary because of the fact that I was the only outsider who could now identify Doug McKeown as the killer of the Hokobus, and the only one who heard Mr Barry Mitchinson of MI5 give the go ahead.

I attended the meeting and as I had anticipated Tim produced a gun. Once again I was unarmed. Tim shot me three times in the torso and l fell into a lift shaft. Luckily I was wearing a ceramic body cover under my Kevlar body protector and I was able to break my fall by grabbing onto a rope. Tim shot a couple of rounds down the dark shaft for good measure and left me for dead. I managed to escape but not before I heard Tim screaming. I later learned that a man had been electrocuted by the third rail in the rarely used tunnel and knew it must be Tim.

Given that I was supposed to be dead, and soon would be if I stayed around, I ran for safety and planned to clear my name whilst remaining in a safe haven.

By the issue of this statement I freely acknowledge my guilt as to my participation in the temporary abduction of the Hokobus but stress that, as far as I knew, Doug McKeown was going to hold the couple for three days until the conference was over and then he was to deposit them at their embassy in London.

Obviously I regret my actions. I am deeply saddened by the death of a couple who I now know were more honest and well intentioned than the governments who ordered their demise. I would happily return to the UK to be tried for the lesser offence of assisting in an abduction but I am afraid that I would not live to defend myself as my defence would open MI5 to a scrutiny that they would not find acceptable.

Let me say that I trust the UK Government implicitly and that I trust the head of MI5 implicitly but I believe that rogue elements within MI5, namely Mr Barry Mitchinson and his Director, are operating outside of their remit and the law. I have now been told that the Director took his own life on hearing that I had escaped his jurisdiction.

Finally, attached to this affidavit are details of illicit bank accounts held in safe havens where blood money is concealed and used to pay assassins like the Chameleon, and to benefit the rogue agents named above.

I therefore formally request the protection of the United States of America, whose passport I hold, and in due course I will issue a prayer of pleading to request that any extradition procedures be rebuffed.

Signed: _________________________________Gillian Davis (Miles).

Date: _________________________

Witnesses Ordinary: 1: _______________________Senator Denton Miles III

Witnesses Ordinary 2: ________________________James Lorimer, USA, DoJ

Notary: ________________________________________

Chapter 6 2

Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Lynchburg, Virginia,

Thursday 9:50pm.

Everyone had finished reading the statement and had dismissed it as the fiction it clearly was, whilst all secretly harbouring the feeling that if they had been unaware of the reality, this fiction might just sway them. Steve Post was the first to summarise the situation.