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Another round of giggles swept over her, and his boyish grin told her that he was not serious. But that was just fine. “Then come back to bed, stud.” She patted the mattress next to her. She was having such a wonderful time that she wasn’t even considering being nervous anymore. Her skates were big and bulky on her feet, but she didn’t care. She felt sexy and desirable.

He got down on his hands and knees and prowled toward her on the mattress, then leaned in and gave her another deep, seeking kiss that made her breathless. Her hand automatically stole between her legs, and she was surprised to find herself utterly soaked with arousal. Sebastian lifted his head and glanced down, where her fingers were stroking through her folds. “I’d give anything to be those fingers right now.”

“Yeah?” Her breath was an excited little whisper, and she spread her thighs a bit wider so he could watch her touch herself.

“God, yes. I want to bury my face there and not come up for air, ever.”

His words were turning her on. “What about my breasts?” They ached under her top, her nipples scraping against the fabric as she shifted on the bed.

“Oh, I’d definitely give them some attention, too. Take those sweet nipples in my mouth and just lick them for hours.”

She whimpered, because that sounded so good. Her fingers stroked her clit, and she sucked in a breath at how aroused she was.

He brushed another kiss over her mouth. “Where do you want to be touched, Chelsea?”

She responded by hitching her top up, revealing her breasts.

“Mmm, such pretty breasts.” He began to kiss her again, and one hand cupped one exposed breast. The feel of his warm hand against her skin was shocking, and she gasped against his mouth. His thumb grazed her nipple, and then she whimpered against him, licking at his tongue. “You want my mouth on yours or you want it on your breasts, baby?”

She had to choose? She wanted his mouth everywhere. It didn’t seem fair to have to decide. “You pick,” she panted.

He shook his head slowly, lips grazing over hers. “You’re in charge, Chelsea. My body may be over yours, but you’re calling the shots.”

His acknowledgment of that sent another little thrill through her body. Her fingers slid even more quickly around her clit, circling it and dragging wetness around the small bud. “My breasts,” she murmured. “Put your mouth on them.”

Sebastian began to kiss lower, moving down her throat and to her collarbones, then where her uniform was bunched up over her breasts. He pushed the material a little higher up and then began to kiss the soft slopes of her breasts. Her nipples ached with need and she moaned, arching up against his mouth. “Please.”

“Please what, baby?” His tongue dipped out, tracing a line on her skin. “Please taste your skin? Because I am. You’re sweet and soft and like honey in my mouth. I can’t wait until you tell me I can go lower.” His voice was husky and confident, and his talk was making her squirm as much as his mouth was.

And he felt good, but he wasn’t quite where she wanted him to be. It was like he was deliberately avoiding the twin spots of pleasure that were her nipples. “Please lick my nipples, Sebastian.”

“Stud, remember?”

She giggled again. “Please lick my nipples, stud.” Her laughter hissed out of her throat when he bent low and flicked the tip of his tongue over one. It sent a bolt of desire right through her body, and she moaned, her fingers fluttering over her clit. “Oh, god, do that again.”

Sebastian’s tongue circled around one areola, and then he took the tip of her breast into his mouth and gently nipped it with his teeth. The sensation almost made her come off the bed. Her fingers moved away from her clit, her body too sensitive to take both sensations at once. And she wanted him to keep going. No, she needed it. She craved his touch, now that her body was awake and paying attention. “Oh, Sebastian,” she breathed. “You feel amazing.”

His lips teased her nipple, and then he licked it. A moment later, he blew cool air gently over the sensitive peak. “You’re so beautiful, Chelsea. You have no idea how long I’ve been dreaming of doing this to you. Of what I’ve imagined every night when you curled up against me in bed.”

She moaned, her mind full of the images he drew with his words. He licked and nibbled at her breasts over and over, until she was whimpering and rocking her hips with every tongue-flick he sent in her direction. Her skates dragged against the bed as she writhed against him.

“Are you still touching yourself?” he asked between flicks of his tongue. “Still playing with that pretty pussy under that flirty little skirt of yours?”

She shook her head, breathless.

“Why not? Too much?” His fingers traced lightly down her stomach. “Or do you want me to do it?”

She whimpered and nodded. Her thighs parted, welcoming him.

“Tell me to touch you, baby.”

“Sebastian, please.” She wriggled against the blankets, pushing her impossibly short skirt up. “I need you to touch my pussy.”

“Yeah? Let me feel how wet you are, baby.” His fingers stroked over her slick folds, and he made a sound of pleasure in his throat. “Look at that. So damn wet. Is all that for me?”

She nodded, clinging to his shoulders.

He slid up against her and moved to take her mouth with his, kissing her once more. As he did, his fingers began to slowly explore her folds. One thick finger dragged up and down her slickness, from core to clit, over and over again, until she was rocking up against his touch, desperate for more.

“You liked it earlier when I touched you, didn’t you?” His dirty words were whispered between light, dipping kisses. “When you sat on my lap and rode my hand, even though everyone was outside waiting for the locker room? You knew they were waiting and you didn’t care. You just wanted to come.”

Dazed, Chelsea held on to him as his slick fingers circled her clit. Her legs were spread wide, her breathing shallow pants. It felt so good. So good, and yet she needed more. She was lost in his touch, in his words, in the world he was creating for her where there was nothing but Sebastian and his fingers, his mouth, his hot skin.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. “And so damn wet. You’re coating my hand with your juices.” His fingers slid up and down her folds, and then he lifted it for her to see, his skin gleaming with her arousal. To her surprise, he traced one wet finger over her mouth. “You’re perfection, Chelsea. Utter perfection.”

And then he leaned in and licked the taste of her off of her mouth.

She moaned again and then his hand went back to her pussy, and he sank a finger deep inside her. She sucked in a breath at the penetration, her body tensing momentarily. But then his thumb went to her clit and he began to rub, and pleasure exploded through her again. She kissed him, making soft little moans of pleasure in her throat as he fingered her.

Telling her soft, dirty things about what he wanted to do to her, Sebastian began to pump his finger in and out of her, his thumb continually rubbing over her clit. She arched against his hand, which only made him work his fingers faster. She was so close. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she threw her head back, eyes closed, teeth sunk into her lip as he worked her. It was taking too long, wasn’t it? She should have already had a tiny orgasm by now, shouldn’t she? Maybe she was still—

And then her legs jerked, and she cried out, and the orgasm crested, blasting through her.

“That’s my girl,” he murmured. “God, you look so fucking beautiful it hurts. I love to watch you come.”

Chelsea clung to Sebastian as she came down, utterly awestruck by the ripples of pleasure flooding through her. Oh, man, she felt good. And it didn’t matter that she had her skates and her uniform on. She’d just had an earth-shattering orgasm with her sexy husband. A contented sigh slipped from her throat.