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As he flexed in the cuffs, she admired him a bit more. The urge to put her cheek down on his chest and just cuddle instead was a tempting one, but she needed to get past these hang-ups.

Or else his mother would have been right after all—she wasn’t good enough for him. And for some reason, the thought of that hurt her.

If she wasn’t so messed up, she’d be falling for him. Hard.

“You okay?” he asked.

She looked over and saw his handsome face was full of concern. “Yeah, I’m good.”

“You look worried.”

Chelsea licked her lips. “It’s just been a while, you know?”

He tugged at the handcuffs. “Then let me up. We don’t have to do this.”

“No, I want to try,” she told him, and her hands went to his belt.


She picked up a pillow and covered his face, then giggled because he jerked at the chains again. “I’m calling the shots here. All right?”

“Can you take the pillow away at least?” he said, voice muffled under it.

“All right, but behave.”

“I will,” he said, and she pushed the pillow aside, revealing his sultry green eyes again. His gaze went to her breasts and he licked his lips. “This way I get to look at you. And fuck, I am really enjoying looking.”

“Even if you can’t touch?”

“Even then. I could stare at your beautiful body all day and all night.”

Chelsea preened a little under that, running her hands over her breasts and down her stomach. He groaned, his eyes turning to hooded slits of green. Oh, she rather liked that. She liked being in charge. This was getting to be fun. So she cupped her breasts and slid her thumbs over her nipples, enjoying his newest groan of need.

But now she wanted to play with him. Now she was starting to come alive. So she leaned in and pressed her mouth against his hot, bronzed skin. Her lips grazed over a rib and he groaned once more, his hips straining upward. Let him strain all he wanted—she was in charge. Chelsea continued to kiss and nibble at his exposed skin, pushing fabric aside so she could tease and toy with the parts of him that she wanted to. His pectorals were lightly sprinkled with dark chest hair, and she dragged her fingers through the crinkles of hair before leaning in to kiss a nipple.

He jerked against the chains. “Ah, fuck. That almost made me come in my pants.”

“Almost?” she teased, feeling a quiver of excitement inside her. “I must be doing it wrong, then. I should practice.” And she leaned in and licked his nipple again, swirling her tongue around the flat before nipping the tip.

“Fuck,” he panted. “I don’t know if I want you to keep doing that or if I want you to stop.”

“You don’t get to say.” She nibbled on his nipple again. “I’m calling the shots.” And oh, shit, was that wetness between her legs? She slid a hand into her panties. It was. Not a ton, but it was arousal nevertheless. Feeling encouraged, she licked his nipple again and then began to kiss down the trail of chest hair toward his belly button.

He lifted his head, gazing down at her. “Are you touching yourself?”

Her hand was still in her panties. She froze. “Maybe?”

“God, will you take your panties off so I can watch? You’re so fucking sexy.”

“Maybe,” she teased again, and moved her hand, stroking her clit. “Maybe if you’re good.”

“Torturer,” he rasped, but he didn’t stop staring. And really, it was kind of arousing that he was so utterly fascinated. She leaned in and flicked her tongue against his belly button, then began to kiss toward the opposite side, scraping the tips of her breasts over his abdomen.

Sebastian made another agonized noise in his throat, and his hips lifted again, his belt jingling.

It reminded her that she hadn’t finished undressing him. Really, all she’d done was flirt and tease his chest. Time to remedy the situation. Her hand left her panties and she went back to his belt. She noticed that the front of his khaki pants had a small wet spot from pre-cum. His cock was already so wet he was leaking through the fabric.

That was . . . kinda sexy.

One hand slid away from his belt and she rubbed the bulge of his erection through the fabric of his pants. “You thinking about The Notebook yet?”

“Christ, no. God, your hands. I love that.” His eyes closed again and his body arched. “I may never think about it again. That movie that cannot be named.”

“Because you don’t want me to stop?”

“Because if you stop, I swear you’ll see a grown man cry.” He bucked his hips again, rubbing himself against her hand.

“I’d hate to see you cry.” Her voice was husky with her own excitement, and she clenched her thighs together as she slid his zipper down slowly. This was exquisite torture. Exquisite . . . and she was having fun. Handcuffs were her new best friend. She pushed aside his slacks, now undone, and revealed the straining bulge of his cock that pushed against his boxer briefs. The soft cotton fabric outlined every detail, right down to the heavy knob of his cock head. She stroked her hand down it again. “Should we do skin or should we do stuff over the clothes?”

“You’re in charge,” he said in a tight voice.

And that was the best answer ever. “I am, aren’t I?” Chelsea considered him for a moment, then moved her fingers to his waistband. “Lift your hips and I’ll slide these down.”

He did, and she tugged the fabric down until his cock sprung free.

And oh, she’d forgotten how big he was, the prominent head mushrooming from the thick girth of him. Curious, she clasped him in her hand and her fingers couldn’t quite meet on the other side. “You’re big.”

“And you’re still torturing me.” His eyes were closed again, as if her touch was too much for him to bear with his eyes open.

Maybe she was. She had to admit, she kind of liked torturing him. Driving him crazy with her touch. Being a tease. She didn’t plan on stopping, though. Not when her own desire was pulsing between her legs for the first time in what felt like a hundred years.

“You should unlock me so I can touch those sweet breasts of yours.”

“Nope,” she said, and leaned in, gripping him, and swiped her tongue over the head of his cock. “You’re mine to play with.”

His breath hissed out from between his teeth as she licked him. “Oh, sweet Jesus, Chelsea.”

“What’s that? Do it again?” She leaned in and gave him another flick of her tongue.

Ah. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Just like that.”

Her thighs clenched together again at his excitement. The sharp taste of his pre-cum was on her tongue, and she lapped at him over and over again, trying to keep up with the drops that beaded on the head of his cock. “Should I take you in my mouth, I wonder?” Her voice was a sultry purr.

“If I say yes, does that mean you won’t?” His voice was hoarse.

When she looked up, she noticed that his arms were straining against the handcuffs, the metal digging into his wrists. His eyes were those sexy green slits, though, and she gave him another long, lascivious lick as he watched. His nostrils flared in response, and she watched the muscles in his jaw clench.

“You know what? I’m not even going to ask,” she said lightly. “I’m just going to do what I want.” And she leaned in, her hair spilling over her shoulders, and took the head of him against her lips, then drew him into her mouth.

Sebastian’s long, delicious groan was music to her ears. She pulled him deeper into her mouth, sucking and licking, rubbing her tongue against the underside of his cock. His hips lifted and bucked as she wrapped a hand around the base of his cock and began to pump him in time with the movements of her mouth.

“Fuck, you’re good at that,” he muttered as she worked him. “Can’t wait to get you under me, Chelsea. I’d lick your pussy for hours just as a thank-you for the way you’re working my cock.”

Her hand slid back to her panties again. His words were filthy, but he couldn’t do a thing but talk. She continued to tease and torture him with her mouth, licking and sucking. She loved the feel of his cock. He was so hard his skin was like silk over an iron bar, and the duality between the two was fascinating. She sucked him deep and then dragged him back out of her mouth again.