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“Catch me.”

“Keira?” I call when I hear her high-pitched laugh echoing through the field.

“Daddy, you came,” she replies, laughing off into the distance.

“Come back.” I reach out, but I can’t see her, only hear her.

“Catch me,” she whispers again, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t find her.

“Look at that sunset, Daddy,” she laughs again, the breeze carrying the sweet sound farther and farther away from me.

“Keira,” I yell out again, desperate to find her, to touch her, to see her.

“Bye, Daddy,” she murmurs, only this time, I see her. She stands silhouetted against all the colors of the universe as the afternoon sun sets.

“Wait, Keira!”

My pleading pulls me from my sleep. Fuck, not again.

Reaching over to my nightstand, I pull a photograph of Keira, out of my wallet. One of the only ones I allow myself to have. Her small head, bald from treatment, shines under the brightness of the hospital lights. Fuck, I miss her.

Reaching back over, I take out the second photo of a time when I was happy. Katie and Keira both stare back at me, laughing at something I had said. Life back then was worlds different to the one I live now.

Placing my most prized possessions back safely in their place, I climb out of bed and make my way up to the clubhouse. No point in trying to go back to sleep now, especially after that nightmare.

“Yo Sy, you’re up early,” Jesse calls from the sofa as I walk into the main room.

“Come join me,” he smacks the ass of the blonde next to him, to wake her. “Time to go, baby. Get your shit and split,” he says, smiling down at her. She obeys, taking her half-naked ass down the hall.

“What’s happening?” I question, ignoring the woman and making my way into the kitchen in search of some breakfast.

“Ahh, you know, same fuck, different hole.” He follows, laughing at his own joke.

“You’re a sick man, Jesse,” Beau replies, looking up from his breakfast when we walk into the room.

“Aww, come on, you know it was a good one.” I don’t reply, not getting into it with either of them. This is what it’s like living in the clubhouse.

“What have you got going on this week, Sy?” Beau asks, giving up his argument with Jesse.

“I’m busy with the shop all week. Why?”

“Just had a call from Tiny. We have a girl coming in this week, need some help setting her up,” he explains while making coffee.

“Well, if I’m free, then I’ll be there,” I tell him, drinking from the juice carton.

“Eww, Sy. Use a damn glass,” Kadence scolds, walking in behind me.

“You stayed here last night?” I ignore her glass comment, turning to see her in her pajamas.

“Yeah, Nix had to work late and Z is at my parents. Didn’t want to sleep alone,” she admits, looking down. It makes me realize she must also still be dealing with the shit Zane and fucking Gunner put them through that night. I wonder if Holly has problems sleeping.

“Hey, baby. I’ve told you not to leave the bed, before I wake.” Nix comes up behind her, groping her in places that make her bitch him out in front of us.

“So fucking whipped,” Beau says under his breath but for all of us to hear.

“Whatever, asshole, you’re just jealous,” Nix calls him out, but I don’t stand around waiting for his reply. Leaving them, I head back to my room to get ready to meet Holly.

I wasn’t expecting to run into her yesterday. I did know she had started at the gym a couple of weeks ago. Kadence mentioned it one night that she was working out, but I didn’t know it was at my gym. After waking up from a fucked-up sleep yesterday, I needed to release some pent up frustration. Normally, I work out at night when it’s less busy, but when I pulled up and saw her getting out of her car, I knew it was meant to be. At first, I was pissed at the outfit she had on. Before she even walked through the door, some beef-head fuckers were checking her out. The skin tight yoga pants and tight-as-fuck top that pushed her tits together were any mans fucking picture of sexy. She has no idea how gorgeous she is. It’s not even an attempted sex appeal; it’s a natural sexuality that she exudes even when she doesn’t realize she’s doing it. That’s why I had to pull her into the private boxing room, before I started pissing around her to mark my territory. She might not be mine just yet, but she will be and I’ll be fucked if I have to watch some juiced-up fucker undress her with his eyes.

Picking up my gym bag, I throw in a change of clothes, hoping to convince her into going for one of the fucking disgusting drinks she says she gets after every workout.

“I’m out,” I call to the boys as I walk past them having breakfast.

“You heading to the gym?” Jesse asks around a mouthful of food.

“Yeah, I’ve got to get an early workout in,” I mention, hoping he doesn’t invite himself along.

“If you give me twenty, I’ll come with,” he says. Fuck.

“Don’t have time to wait around today, Jesse.” I knock him back. If there is anyone I don’t like working out with, it’s Jesse. The man is as bad as the fake bitches who check themselves out in the mirror. No, he’s worse.

“Your loss then,” he shrugs, going back to his breakfast.

“What gym do you go to again?” Kadence eyes me wearing a sneaky smile.

“Just down on main,” I answer, not liking her assessing me.

“Huh, that’s where Holly works out.” She smiles again, but I don’t react. Never react.

“Never seen her there,” I say, turning and walking out the door. If she thinks she will have me slipping up, she has no idea who she’s dealing with.

“Have fun,” she laughs, and I wonder just how much she knows. Has Holly told her, or is she as observant as me?

I don’t reply as I leave the room.


I pull up at the front of X-Sports Gym and see her instantly. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. She has on a tiny pair of fucking shorts and a skin tight top. She may as well be wearing her fucking bra and panties. She smiles over at me, and it's one of the real ones. Not the fake shit she likes to put on show for everyone. It takes everything in me not to pick her up, throw her over my fucking shoulder and take her away.

“Hey,” she greets me, looking up in my direction. I know she knows I’m pissed. I can see it play out over her face. So instead of giving her the reaction she’s hoping for, I act like it doesn’t affect me.

“Hey,” I say, nodding down at her. “You ready to do this?” I ask, walking past her to swipe my access card. She doesn’t reply as she follows.

“I’m gonna go change,” I tell her, walking into the locker rooms and leaving her behind. I have to adjust myself in my gym gear and try to control my anger over the little stunt she just pulled. Giving it a few moments, I walk out not knowing how I’m going to be able to get through the morning being so close to her with her dressed the way she is.

“You good to go?” I ask, walking up to her. She’s talking to Andy, the fucker douche-bag trainer who has a big mouth and bigger eyes that don’t know how to stay above the chin.

“Yeah,” she answers, saying goodbye to Andy and following me. I don’t know what is happening right now, but this is not how I expected our morning to end up. I look over at her and see her looking unsure as she follows me into the room.

“Wanna tell me what the fuck that was about?” I finally ask when we let ourselves into the private room.

“What are you talking about?” she challenges, walking past me to the storage room, retrieving the gloves and pads.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“No, really I don’t,” she protests, passing me the pads.

“What the fuck are you wearing?” I finally cave and ask.