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“You want to,” he accuses. “You want nothin’ more than for me to take you to Vegas right now and claim you as my wife.” I can’t help but agree. I do, but I also want the whole thing, the dress, my mom and dad. I want what I deserve, what we both deserve.

“I do, Nix, but as much as the madness of all that thrills me, I want my mom and dad there, and Z. I need Z there. I want to do it right.” I watch as understanding falls over him, accepting my need for my family to be there.

“I am crazy for you. Do you feel that?” His hand engulfs mine, moving it over his heart.

“Yeah, I feel it,” I say, laughing. “I felt it when you asked me to marry you just because I told you that I loved you,” I joke, knowing just how crazy he is.

“I’ve had that ring in my pocket for the last nine weeks, the day you came home from the hospital."

“You lie.”


“Why? Why would you do that?” I ask confused.

“‘Cause, Kadence, the moment I realized I couldn’t live without you, I also realized I never wanted anyone to have that feelin’, knowin’ how much Kadence Turner made their lives pure. I bought the ring, so the moment you finally realized you loved me, I could make you mine, on the spot. You have been the one for me since the moment you opened that mouth and gave me attitude, and I’m not ever lettin’ that go.”

“I love you too, Nix. I love you more than I thought I could love somebody.” The words fall easily off my tongue.

“Kadence, nobody will ever love you the way I do.”

He’s right. No one has and no one will. I believe it with all my heart, and all my soul.

“Come, let's go see our parents. I'm sure your dad might feel the need to have a few words with me.” He pulls me back to our family and friends

“Did you ask for permission?” I ask, hoping that he did. I know my dad would have like that.


“Don’t babe me.”

“Babe,” he repeats.

“What kind of babe is that anyway? Like ‘Babe, I’m Nix Knight. I don’t have to ask for anybody’s permission, or ‘Babe, of course I did,’” I ask, more annoyed that any babe works.

“Neither, it was a ‘Babe, give me your sexy, smartass lips, kiss your fiancé and let our parents congratulate us.’”

I don’t argue. It won't get me anywhere, so I do as I’m told, like a good girl; ‘cause there is a time and place to be a bad girl, and the day you get engaged is not one of those days.


“Hold on to the headboard and don’t let go.”

“Nix,” I begin before his hand comes down on my ass again.

“Don’t argue either, or this ends now.” I crawl up the bed and hold onto the headboard.

“I’ve been waitin’ nine weeks to sink myself back in here,” he purrs as he runs his finger through my wetness. “I’m not gonna be gentle,” he promises, and the thought alone has me shaking.

It’s a few hours after my party. After Nix proposed to me, we stayed late celebrating with our family and friends. My mom and dad couldn’t be happier. The boys were excited that they get a bachelor party, and Z, he can’t wait to officially call himself my stepson. Holly was happy but I could tell she was uncomfortable being in back at the clubhouse with Sy not letting her out of his sight.

“Kadence, are you listenin’ to me?” Nix growls from behind me. I know his face is between my legs as I can feel his hot, breath on my most sensitive flesh.

“Yes, Nix, I’m listening.”

“What did I say then?”

“That it’s not going to be gentle.”

“After that?” he continues to hum directly into my pussy.


“So you weren’t listenin’?” he pushes, still teasing me.

“Well, it’s hard to concentrate when I’m on all fours and your face is only inches from my pussy.” My ass gets another slap in response, this time harder.

“Pay attention,” he scolds while rubbing my ass to soothe the sting. I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips as his fingers glide through my wetness. His hand comes down again, harder, more forceful. My grip on the headboard tightens. I feel like I could explode just knowing his cock is so close.

“Tonight, I’m gonna redden this ass until it’s glowin’ and you are not to let go, not for anything. Do you understand me?” I nod, my breath caught as his tongue swipes at my center.

“Words,” he growls, his lips now touching. “Give me words, Kadence.”

“Goddamn it, Nix. Just spank me, fuck me, or lick me out. I don’t care. Just do something,” I snap, my patience wearing thin.

“What’s the matter, Kadence? It’s all fun and games when you tease me, but not when I do the same?” His palm comes down fast this time. I yell, the sound vibrating around the room. Nix’s tongue comes out lashing hard at my clit. I sink back against his face, trying to get more friction. The struggle is real, the buildup so amazing. My hips move in time as his tongue brings me to the crest.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Nix!” I scream out as the orgasm takes me, my insides explode.

“Nothin’ better than making you scream with my mouth. You taste delicious.” He kisses my ass, the wetness of his lips left behind after each peck.

“Can I let go of the headboard?” I ask, not even attempting to release it. The asshole will punish me more.

“No. I’m nowhere near done with you.” I roll my eyes. If he thinks this is punishment, I’ll make sure I tease him more often.

“Now that you’re gonna be my wife, Kadence, we have a few things we need to sort out.”


“Like if you ever put my cock in your mouth, you better hope you finish what you start. Do you understand me?

“Yes, Dad.”

“Kadence,” he warns again.

“What are you going to do, Nix? Spank me?” I smile. Fuck I love teasing this man. Strong fingers come to my hips digging in as he enters me in one forceful movement.

“Fuck,’ I scream as the intrusion I wasn’t prepared for fills me.

“Jesus,” he grasps as he draws out and slowly enters me again, this time slowly. “Tell me again,” Nix demands as he leans forward, his front close to my back.

“I love your cock, Nix.” I hold back the laugh as he growls behind me.

“No.” He thrusts forward.

“I love you spanking me?” I try again, holding in the moan.

“Kadence.” His fingers come to my hair, fisting and pulling it back.

“I love you,” I pant and his movements become frenzied.


“I love you, you bossy annoying asshole. Now shut up and fuck me hard,” I demand, over talking about it. I need Nix and his cock.

“I swear, woman, I love you enough to know I‘m not spanking you hard enough.” He swats my ass again as he continues pounding into me.

And he’s right. It wasn’t hard enough; another spanking wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?


“Addison is leaving town,” he says as we lay in bed recovering from our first time of being together in nine weeks.

“What. Why?” I ask, instantly on alert.

“Don’t know why. Didn’t ask. But know by the end of the month, she’s out.”

“Shit,” I sigh, knowing that Z will be heartbroken.

“It’s okay. He doesn’t need her,” he assures me, reading my thoughts.

“He does, Nix. He needs his mother,” I argue, even if their relationship is strained.

“He has you and that’s all he needs.” He gathers me further into him, knowing I’m about to turn to face him. He keeps me tucked in, nowhere to move.

“Don’t even bother arguing. He loves you. You are all he needs.” His breath is at my ear.

“I don’t know how to be a mom, Nix.”

“Well, start knowin’ it. We are havin’ kids as soon as I can get you knocked up.”

“Ummm, no, Nix.”

“Umm, yes, Kadence.”

“Oh, my gosh, you are a pain in my ass,” I huff out, annoyed that I can’t argue with him.

“No, Kadence, the pain is from my hand comin’ down on it earlier.” He laughs at his stupid joke.

“Agh,” I continue to pout. The damn man makes me crazy.

His hand comes to my stomach, his fingers lightly grazing the skin. “Can’t wait to see this belly, so beautiful, so big.” He rolls me back on to my back. “Nothing would make me happier to know that we created a child together, Kadence. I want that. I want that for Z. Don’t deny that for us,” he whispers, and this time I cave. Why does he have to be so sweet?