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Nix’s eyes rake down my body, smiling when he notices the shirt I’m wearing. Standing from his seat at the head of the table and ignoring Brooks, he walks straight to me, pulling me into him. The heat from his body warms me before he pulls back. Angling his head down, he presses his lips to mine. It’s a quick kiss, not demanding, but I still feel a light blush rise to my cheeks.

“Sorry, babe,” he says close to my ear. “Club business, I couldn’t leave.”

“It’s okay, Nix, but honestly, I can go,” I say, worried that having me here can complicate things with not just us, but his club. I don’t know what’s happening between us, but being in his club, around his friends, is a little daunting.

“You’re stayin'. Let me show you to my room,” he orders, leaving no room to argue. Moving past me, he grasps my hand, leading me away from the guys. Their conversation obviously over, he walks me down the hall to the left, stopping at a closed door. Reaching down, he turns the handle and pushes it open, dragging me in and slamming the door shut.

My shoulders crash into the wall when he spins me around and backs me up, pressing himself into me.

“Gotta say darlin’, seein’ you in my shirt, in my club, is a major turn on.” He tugs on his T-shirt and I smile up at him, glad he isn’t angry. Going up onto my toes, I reach around his neck pulling him down so I can kiss him softly.

“I missed you in bed,” I say, feeling bold. I can’t help it. He brings it out in me and makes me feel comfortable. I'm weak when it comes to him, and I’m done fighting it.

“Did you touch yourself?” he asks, pushing further into me. I shake my head no and reach down, rubbing my hand along his bulging crotch.

“Don’t be a tease, baby. I gotta go back,” he groans, resting his forehead to mine, clearly as frustrated as I am.

“You wanna come and look around, or you feel more comfortable in here?”

“I’m pretty beat.” I’m not sure if I want to leave his room wearing what I am. He nods, and then kisses my nose.

“Okay, I got shit to deal with. Take your panties off before climbing in my bed, and I’ll meet you there later when I’m done.”

His request floods me with want, and he catches my flush.

“She likes it when I boss her,” he mumbles more to himself than me. I smack his chest and he grabs my hand. He’s right. I love it, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Can’t wait to have my tongue in your sweet pussy,” he teases, and I feel my stomach tighten in response. “Been dreamin’ about it every night for the last ten nights.”

My stomach does a flip on that announcement; the throb I’ve been fighting since he walked into the ink shop now beats erratically. I want him, badly. Leaning in, his lips come to mine one more time. His tongue swipes along my bottom lip, teasing me with his taste.

“Be back,” he says, stepping away. “Don’t you dare touch yourself.” I hold his gaze before nodding my agreement. Then he’s gone, leaving me alone in his personal space.

Making my way to his bed, I consider disobeying his request, before thinking better of it. Images of waking up to his head between my legs leave me feeling ready and wanting. Stepping out of my panties and pulling his top over my head, I climb under his sheets. His smell blankets me. Burrowing further under them, I breathe them in. Breathe him in. Closing my eyes, I force myself to sleep before my sexy biker comes back to wake me.

Chapter Fourteen


“Tell me how the fuck they got in?” I ask my Sergeant-at-Arms.

“They went in through the back door and worked smart,” Jesse answers, still filling me in on the fucked-up bullshit the Kings have got us into.

“And the ink shop?” I ask as I feel the start of a headache coming on.

“Just the front.”




The fuckers not only hit us at the tattoo shop right after we left, they got into one of the bars downtown, injuring one of my workers in the process. It was a warning; we just don’t know why.

Knights Rebels territory is protected, and those fuckers are just begging to create a war.

“You get a hold of T?” I ask Beau, trying to calm myself down so I can think straight.

“I put a call out, but still waiting for him to get back to me. Word is there was a shipment that got held up; some assholes intercepted it, and he was cleaned out.”

“You think they’re thinkin’ we’re responsible?”

“Don’t know why they would,” he responds. “Those fuckers have been in our town, know the way we run things. We don’t want their drugs.” I nod ‘cause I know he’s right, but why the fuck would they make a move against us?

“We secure the shop?” I look over at Sy, his usual pissed-off self more volatile than normal. He nods his head; no spoken communication needed. We're used to it.

“Get some eyes on Z, just to be safe,” I tell Beau. It’s not my weekend, but if there’s a shit storm brewing, I want him safe.

“Yeah, prospect is heading there now. I’ll head over after here.” I nod, hoping like hell Addison doesn’t cause shit. Last thing I need is her being a bitch to my boys.

“Right well, you know what we gotta do, keep our eyes open, and until we hear from T, or Intel comes in, let’s play it safe,” I say, standing from my chair.

“So Kadence?” Beau drawls, ready to move on to more pressing matters. I give him a look, warning him not to go there. “Fuck, boss, you got it bad.” Jesse shakes his head and crosses his arms.

“Don’t even start,” I warn them, even though they all start laughing.

“Should have seen him earlier, so pussy whipped already.” Sy shakes his head like he’s disappointed.

“Fuck you, Sy. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your little act earlier.”

“What act?” Beau questions.

“Just laid claim, nearly come out of his skin at me touching her,” he tells them, laughing.

“You were pushin’ it brother, and you know it.”

“Couldn’t help it. That woman has a mouth on her. That night at the bar was nothing compared to what I’ve seen." He shakes his head, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“I’ll say, I think Nix has found his match, boys,” Brooks smirks, rising from his chair.

Jesse sits, watching me quietly; I can see the concern in his eyes, the unspoken words on his face. I know he has some connection with Kadence but he has nothing to worry about. I know how I feel about her, and after tonight, she’ll know I’ve laid claim.

“We got a problem, Jesse?” I come right out and ask.

“She told you about the burns? Everything she had to go through?”

“None of your fuckin’ business.” My temper rises a little; I don’t want to get into it with him but I will if I have to.

The guys stay quiet, the playful teasing a few minutes ago now tense. I’m not about to discuss Kadence and something that is private to her in front of them, and I’m getting pissed Jesse even brought it up. It pisses me off more that I don’t know what happened.

“Jesse, I know you’re lookin’ out for her. I get that, but I’m claimin’ her as my woman. She’s mine, therefore my responsibility. You can play the big brother act. I'll give you that, but don’t mistake it for anythin’ more. What Kadence and I discuss will only be between us.” He holds my stare, but I don’t back down. I stand by my word; it’s none of his damn business, and the last time I checked, we didn’t grow pussies and start braiding each other's hair wanting to talk about this shit.

“Your woman?” He smirks like I don’t have a chance. “Good luck with that one,” he laughs. Asshole.

“Fuck off.” I ignore him and walk out, leaving them all laughing with each other. Fuckers know that I’m a goner.

My woman? Yeah, I’m calling it. The moment she walked into my club, wearing one of my shirts with the club’s insignia on it, I knew she was the one for me. Now, I’ve just got to convince her. God, help me.