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I try to hide my surprise at Lucia’s immediate defense of me. Warning her of my high profile and the press’s interest in me is one thing—the way she is willingly going in to bat for me is something else entirely. A wide smile grows on my face as I watch Carmen’s body language shut down, her shock at the reception she’s receiving evident. But she rallies, and she does it swiftly and effectively.

“Callum became popular with his first award win.” She looks at me, her eyes full of something I do not want to contemplate, which just makes me angry. I turn cold, my body tense, and the distaste I feel for this woman and anyone in general who reads and fuels this kind of journalism. “He’s an enigma. He designs inspiring buildings, he’s the man behind the new national museum, which is set to become another high-profile tourist attraction for the city, and he’s handsome, not hurting for money, and never takes the same woman out twice—unless, you count his sister and sister-in-law, which by the way, Cal, was a brilliant move until I worked it out.”

Lucia’s fingers flex against my thigh, which I take as a hint that she’s reached her limit.

“Carmen, it has been a pleasant surprise to meet you, and such a coincidence that you appeared while I was on a date with my boyfriend,” she says sarcastically. “Now, I tried to be courteous and friendly, but I can see that your fixation with Callum and his life is not going to be easily ignored. So I’m kindly asking that you continue on with your day and leave Cal and I to enjoy our tea.” She leans closer into me, resting her shoulder against mine and making it clear to all watching who and what she is to me. “But I will tell you this. Callum and I, together or not together, are human beings. We have a right to a private life, just like anyone else.”

Carmen stands up and leans in toward Lucia, her combative stance emphasized by the placing of her hands on her hips. “You’ll learn that it does not pay to cross me.”

“Your veiled threats mean nothing to me. Now, we’d like to enjoy the rest of our date before heading home. Take from that what you will, Ms. Dallas.” Lucia then turns to me, leaning forward and putting her hand to my jaw until I’m facing her, then kissing my lips gently.

Looking up at the reporter, I have to choke back a laugh at the disbelief on the woman’s face at being so blatantly dismissed. Lucia rests her head on my shoulder, and I fight every instinct I have to take her then and there. It would have to be the hottest most gratifying display I’d been party to in a long time.

Still, it doesn’t stop the uneasy feeling in my gut, which will only be alleviated once Wednesday’s edition of the Tribune is released.

“God, I want you naked right now,” I growl into Luce’s ear once Carmen has stomped off.

“My place or yours?”

“Jesus, you’re amazing. That was amazing. You didn’t have to do that for me.”

“Cal, you’re a man, just like any other man. You have the same rights as anybody else. You may have won awards and may have been thrust into the spotlight unwillingly, but that doesn’t give her the right to try and intimidate you or me, let alone ruin what was an enjoyable afternoon. So I may be amazing but I think you are incredible, and no one—”

I had to stop her so I crashed my lips against hers, snaking my arm around her shoulders and holding her close as I pilfered her mouth, not giving a toss who saw us.

“Whoa,” she said after pulling away from the kiss, her breathy voice speaking straight to my cock.

“I’ll get the check.”

“Best idea you’ve had all day, Mr. Alexander,” she retorts with a sexy smirk.

I pay the bill and tip the waitress generously before leading Lucia by the hand out into the Tea Garden. The hot summer sun beams down on our backs as we make our way through the park and back to my car.

“My place or yours?” I ask, as I open the passenger door to let her in.

“Such a gentleman. I wonder what it would take to make you let go?” she asks with a grin.

“I’ve proven that in certain circumstances, I’m not always so dignified.”

She leans toward me and gives me a sly, sexy smile. “Maybe I want to see how far I can push you, Cal.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking for, Luce,” I caution.

My warning goes unheeded. “Maybe I do. Maybe you haven’t realized that I can take whatever you’ve got to give.”

Distracted by erotic images flashing before my eyes, I nod and shut her door, willing my body to calm down as I round the back of the car. It’s then I see an envelope tucked into the side of my door, my name typed on the front. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle at the thought of someone knowing which car was mine on a busy public street. Not wanting to ruin our date, I pocket it, making a mental note to read it later, then get into the car before starting the engine and pulling out into traffic.

I’m preoccupied during the short drive to her apartment. It’s not until I pull into her parking garage and park in her designated spot that she calls me on it.

“Cal, have I upset you? Was it that scene back at the tea house?”

I look over and find her body turned toward me, her back leaning against the door. I let out a big breath and lean forward, gripping the steering wheel tightly in my hands and resting my forehead on the cool leather. “I never wanted you to be in that position.”

Turning my head to look at her, I’m met with a crinkled brow and her deep, soulful, far-too-knowing eyes. “If you’re talking about defending you and your right to privacy from piranha-like reporters like that woman, then I did that to myself, and I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.”

“I don’t want you to have to face any pressure from anything or anyone because you’ve chosen to be with me. I shield my family from it and I should be doing the same for you.”

“Cal, I never—”

I lean over and put my hand on her leg, my fingers inching just below her skirt to caress the smooth skin underneath. “I know that, and I know you never would. I’m starting to believe you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to our first date. You’re the first woman who I’ve wanted to accept every part of me.”

Her hand covers mine, slowly easing my hand higher on her leg. “I already do, Cal. You’re the one who needs to accept that.”

“I’m beginning to see that.” My eyes study her face, watching her parted lips and the pink of her blush creep over her cheeks as my fingers drag against the soft, supple skin of her inner thigh. “There are just some parts I need time to show you.”

She watches me intently before her gaze drops to my now circling finger, the heat of her core threatening to pull me under as much as the desire that’s written all over her face.

Our hands inch higher until my fingertips brush against the thin, damp satin of her underwear. “I want all of you at whatever pace you want to give it to me,” her whispered voice is full of need as it wraps around me. “But right now, I need a particular part of you, and I need it now.”

“Now?” I quirk a brow, maneuvering my hand so that the tip of my thumb presses the smooth material of her panties inside of her, testing the limits of its elasticity. Her answering moan reverberates inside the car, making my cock throb in reply. I need to get her inside of her apartment before both of us lose the ability to think responsibly. I’m a touch away from not caring about the where and focusing solely on the what and why.

I slip my finger underneath the fabric, and slowly inch it deep inside of her, dragging my thumb over her clit in a whisper-soft, teasing motion. Her hips rock against my hand, taking my finger deeper with every upward thrust as she moans unabashedly. Her hand grips my hand tightly, grinding herself against me harder, longer, faster. I reach over and crowd her against the car door, bracing my spare hand against the glass and resting my lips against the rapid pulse on her throat. “You’re so ready for me, Luce.”