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“Hey, Chel.”

I looked up to find Slider standing next to Ham, both grinning at me as I spread my legs and reached down to grab my toes. I slowly released the stretch, careful not to do so too quickly.

“Hey Slide, we good?”

He nodded. “Op’s in a meeting with some of the guys, but as far as I know you’re not confined to the compound—just need an escort.”

“Cool! Is it sweet if I steal Ham for a little bit?”

Slider shrugged. “Go for it.” He walked past but didn’t miss an opportunity to land a resounding smack on my ass as he did. I yelped and turned to glare at him. He just walked away laughing. The boys didn’t get away with doing that kind of thing while Optimus was around, while I wasn’t technically his, they all knew how possessive he was of me. Slider was one who made the most of his absence.

Ham followed me into town, his bike rumbling behind me the whole time. When I pushed through the gym doors the excitement, I felt the entire drive there soon deflated.

How did I not think of this?

Deacon, the guy from mine and Rose’s attempted night out, was standing off to the side of the gym talking to two men in dark suits. Their expressions all looked far-reaching. Deacon nodded, but a deep scowl was painted on his face. Before I could turn and walk back out, his gaze caught with mine. His eyes widened and he hurried to excuse himself from the serious, stern looking men. I was right when I’d guessed that he was packing some serious muscle under the dress shirt that he had on the night we’d met. His naked upper body glistened with sweat which seemed to accentuate the definition in his abs.

“Hey,” he said softly, coming to a stop a few feet in front of me.

“I’m sorry,” I said wringing my workout towel in my hands. I pointed over my shoulder. “I’ll just go.”

He grabbed for my arm as I began to turn my body away. “Hey, no, it’s fine.” He gestured to the front desk which required you to swipe your gym membership to gain entry. I had always kept my membership updated, just in case things like this happened, but I hadn’t actually been to the gym for months. Instead, enjoying running in the crisp cold air was just too inviting.

“I’m sorry about the other night,” he said as he walked next to me. I scanned my card and we both passed through the small entrance into the gym area.

“You shouldn’t be the one apologizing, that should be on me.” I placed my towel and keys on a bench next to an empty treadmill. “Optimus can be—”

“Arrogant, controlling, overbearing?” he offered, scoffing.

I couldn’t help but smile. “All of the above. But I meant he can be very protective and possessive.”

“I guess all boyfriends can be like that. I probably would be too if you were mine.” He folded his arms across his chest and smiled.

I laughed as I flexed my ankles, preparing them for my run. “Op, is not my boyfriend.”

The smile quickly changed to a frown. “Why was he spouting all that crap about you being his then?”

I sighed, explaining what I was to the club sometimes was a lot for people. Some took it well, like Rose, who didn’t judge me for my choices. But the majority of people liked to make me feel like trash. I rolled the tension in my shoulders.

“I belong to the club,” I said simply with a shrug. “I’m a club girl. They provide for me, I provide for them.”

“You’re a club whore?” he growled, the noise so deep and so filled with anger that I almost took a step back.

I frowned at him. “Yes, I am.” I wouldn’t act like I was ashamed of my choices because he didn’t approve.


I held up my hand. “You don’t know me. You don’t know what my life was or is like. And you have no idea what goes on at the club. They look after me and treat me well, that’s all you need to know.”

He dragged his fingers through his short hair, frustration etched on his face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to judge. Jesus, I’m fucking this up.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Look Deacon. I’m sorry about Optimus. He doesn’t really care what people think of him, but he didn’t have to talk to you the way he did. But whatever grudge you have against the club, I’d suggest you drop it.”

He frowned for a moment but quickly held his hands up in surrender. “My bad. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I know.”

He smiled softly, obviously relieved to have the tension gone. “I was actually kind of glad you came in. I’ve just had a trainer give in their resignation and I’m looking for someone to do some part-time work around here.”

I was surprised. “Really?”

His smile grew. “Yeah. It’s not much, but with your background I know you’d know what you’re doing. And it would save me advertising and going through job interviews.”

Part of me wanted to be excited. It was a small but excellent opportunity, a step in the direction of what I wanted to do. But unfortunately while I was still with the club, it was an impossibility.

“I really wish I could. For now, I’m still tied to the club. Outside jobs are not really an option right now.” Even I heard the disappointment in my voice.

I saw his jaw tighten, but he managed to keep a kind smile on his face. “Well, the offer is there. I’ve got another week before I need to find someone permanent. Keep it in mind?”

I knew it wouldn’t happen, but I nodded and smiled anyway. “Sure.”

“I better go, I’ll let you get to your workout.” He gave a small wave. “Hope to see you around soon.”

I watched as he made his way toward the punching bags and shook hands with a man before helping him strap his hands.

Deacon was a mystery to me. There was something about him that I just couldn’t place. His anger toward the club was surprising for someone who had just moved into town. I knew news about the brothers moved fast, but for someone to have that much venom and disgust toward them in such a short time was strange.

I began to stretch once again, needing to release some of the tension that had found its way back into my body before I started my run.

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“Chelsea!” I heard a bright voice call as I climbed out of my car. I saw Harlyn standing in the doorway waving. Neil stood just behind her, watching her carefully.

I couldn’t help but smile and wave back as I walked toward them. “Hi, Harlyn.”

“Will you come play with me? Momma went out and Daddy’s busy,” she asked excitedly. “You said when you got back we could play.”

I wondered where Sugar could have gone that she wouldn’t have taken Harlyn with her.

I crouched down in front of the stunning little girl. She was practically bouncing. “I did say that didn’t I? Let’s go!”

I held out my hand to her and she excitedly took it, skipping with me toward the kid’s playground. Neil trailed along behind us like a good prospect. The playground and barbecue area was well hidden from the road by a large fence, so I knew we’d be pretty safe. I noticed Sammy and Caity, club girls, lounging on some deck chairs, cigarettes hanging from their fingers. They barely even acknowledged us as we passed by, Harlyn chatting my ear off about what she’d been doing that morning. There were a few members scattered around the area, some talking, others tinkering with their bikes.

“I like the swings the best, what part do you like?” Harlyn asked as we stepped into the soft padded area. The playground was reasonably new, maybe a couple of years old. There wasn’t any particular reason other than the Brothers by Blood was very much supportive of family. It was what they stood and lived for. Whether that was their blood family or their brothers. They stood as one and that included having the support of Old Ladies, children, and even club girls.