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I didn’t need to be told twice. I moved my hips up and down, back and forth until I found the motion that would give me the most pleasure. I couldn’t help but moan as I rode his hand. My fingernails scratched softly at his scalp as I felt myself climbing higher and higher, searching for the edge so I could fall off into orgasmic oblivion.

His hand suddenly slipped away, so did the possibility of finding that end, and I couldn’t help but whimper. He chuckled softly and I looked down, finding his eyes staring right back at me. “You think I was just going to let you get there without having my own fun too?”

“Please.” I whispered softly, my throat was dry and I was desperate to get some sort of relief.


I released his head from my grip and ran my fingers down his gorgeously toned chest as I sunk to my knees before him. He pulled at his belt and unbuttoned his jeans as I sat quietly and watched—eager and excited. I wanted to please this man, I wanted to make him happy.

Optimus was the first man to make me feel this way. I’d had boyfriends growing up. Usually, boys that were living the same life as I did and liked to rebel just like me. The difference was that none of them demanded my submission or ever pushed for control. The majority of the time I was the one taking the lead.

I’d always enjoyed sex. It was a natural part of who we are as people. We have sex because we like it, we love that feeling it gives us. But it wasn’t until I met Optimus that I realized all the boys I’d screwed before were just that—boys.

Optimus was a natural born leader. Commanded attention, he talked and you fucking listened. He was what I never knew I’d been missing.

My attention snapped back as soon as his cock sprung from his pants. Optimus was gifted with something amazing in that region. It was big, it was hard, and the tip shone in the light, just begging for my tongue to taste it.

“I love seeing that look in your eyes. Just knowing that you’re dying to get your lips around my dick.” He stood up from the bed, his pants dropped to the floor and I shuffled back as he stepped out of them. He gripped his hardness in his hand and pulled at it a few times. I wiggled my hips, trying to find some sort of pressure or friction on my clit as I watched him play with himself just inches from my face. My nipples ached, needing some kind of attention. My hands instantly rose and I palmed my breasts, squeezing and pinching.

“You want it, baby?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

He hummed in appreciation as he watched me pull at my hardened buds, each tug sending a jolt straight through my body to my slick pussy.

“Thought I wanted my cock in that mouth, it obviously needs to be taught a lesson in respect from the way you spoke to me tonight,” he said deeply, trying to hold his composure but I could tell from his voice he was just as much in need as I was. “But I need to fuck you hard, and your mouth won’t be able to take the punishment I’m about to lay on you.”

My heart began to race and I had to physically stop myself from launching myself at him in a desperate need to have his body.

“Stand up and bend over the dresser,” he ordered with a short flick of his head.

I climbed back onto my feet and turned to the dresser where I’d just placed my jewelry after taking it off. I placed my hands on the top and bent slightly, knowing he was getting a perfect view of exactly how he was affecting me. I could feel that my pussy was completely drenched. I needed him inside me soon before I decided to take things into my own hands.

His body soon warmed me, his length pressed up snug between my cheeks. His hand ran up my back, starting at the base of my spine until his fingers laced into my hair. Moving his hips away, and just as I was about to protest at the loss, his cock thrust into me and he pulled at my hair simultaneously. The contrast of pain and pleasure causing me to scream out his name. He pounded into me, then drew out slowly before doing the same thing again. His other hand reached around to grasp one breast, kneading, and tweaking. My body was overcome with sensations.

“Fuck!” he growled loudly as he slammed into me again.

“Yes!” I cried as he began to speed up, but with just as much power behind his trusts. “Yes, Optimus!”

“Touch that pussy,” he ground out through his teeth. “I’m gonna make you come so hard it’s gonna feel like a vice around my dick.”

I managed to steady myself with one shaky hand as the other reached between my legs and rubbed at my swollen clit. My fingers grazed against him as he slipped in and out, punishing my slick hole just like he said he would. But it felt so fucking good. One of the attractions of the club was its men. I wanted a man to be strong and powerful. I’d spent so much time watching out for myself, looking after myself, to be with someone who didn’t know how to stand up, take the lead and be a fucking man.

My body began to ache, but it felt amazing. It was like I was running, sprinting toward the finish line. Every part of me cried out as I saw the end coming, knowing how good it would feel when I reached it.

“Oh my God,” I moaned deeply as my whole body began to shudder. The wave of ecstasy hit me hard.

Optimus lifted me and pressed my back against his chest, releasing my hair and wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me up as my legs threatened to give way. I threw my arms back and linked them behind the back of his neck, my eyes falling closed as he continued to slide in and out of, allowing me to ride the wave even longer.

He nipped at my neck, his teeth sinking into my shoulder as he gave one last thrust and shot his release deep inside of me. I flinched at the pain, digging my fingernails into the back of his neck. He groaned, deep and animalistic before lapping at his bite mark and soothing the sting. I clung to him, relishing in having his body so close after not being with him for so long. He soon slipped out of me, the feeling causing my body to shudder. He laughed softly, his face still tucked into the crook of my neck.

“Shower,” he grumbled.

I smiled. “Give me a minute because we both know round two is gonna start as soon as we’re in that shower, and I’m just not sure if I can have another orgasm when I’m pretty sure this one hasn’t finished yet.” I squealed as I found myself being lifted off the floor and cradled in his arms.

“I’m willing to test that theory.”

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As cliché as it sounds, it felt good to be in his arms. I’d missed the feel of his body over the last week. How he felt stretched out over me, how his calloused fingers and hands felt against my smooth skin. I giggled as his bristled chin found its way to my naked shoulder.

“Good morning.” His voice was gruff and filled with sleep.


“Why am I sushing?”

“I have this theory that your boys can hear the sound of your voice from miles away. Sort of like a dog whistle.” His body shook with laughter and I couldn’t help but smile as warmness filled me. I know it wasn’t very often people got to see this Optimus. “I just know one of them is going to hear you and hunt you down, needing you to help with something that they could have done themselves.”

“President’s job is never done.” His lips pressed to my skin and moved slowly from my shoulder to the center of my back. I shivered and my eyes fell closed.

“Well, Mister President,” I breathed.

“Mmm …” Optimus rolled me onto my stomach and straddled my back. His hands massaged at my muscles and I let out a light moan in delight. It was this Optimus that I cherished, the one who treated me like a queen. The one who wasn’t afraid to laugh and smile for fear of letting his guard down. This was the man I was falling for. Not the arrogant caveman that tried to control my every move. “Fuck, I could worship this body forever. It’s fucking perfect.”