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Before she enters her building, Thessaly checks to see if Lucas is still in the alcove. Maybe she seeks his advice, or maybe she needs to know the answer to love. But to her surprise, he’s not there. The sleeping bag and the cardboard sign rest against the wall, but his other belongings, as well as her Thermos and basket, are not to be seen.

Maybe he’s on a bathroom break, she thinks.


Thessaly turns toward the familiar voice to find her baby brother, Shelby. Crossing the street with a black duffel bag and a Papaya Dog hot dog, he embraces his sister in an open hug and smiles.

“I see you found a healthy snack,” Thessaly jokes.

Taking a bite, Shelby mutters, “I had to wait in line for twenty minutes, but yeah, this shit is good.”

The two siblings take the elevator up to Thessaly’s apartment while Thessaly apologizes. “I’m meeting Mason for drinks – you’re welcome to come, but I think he’d prefer if you didn’t.”

“No thanks, I’ll find something to do.”

Unlocking the apartment door and giving Shelby the key, Thessaly suggests, “There’s usually an outdoor concert on Friday nights, or I could have Meg and Seth meet up with you for dinner.”

“Yeah, I don’t know them. Do they live in your building?”

Thessaly slaps his arm and yells, “Meg and Seth. From the shop!”

“Whoa, I completely forgot about them.” Tossing his bag on the floor next to the couch and combing the refrigerator for a beer, Shelby whines, “Cider all you got?”

“Vodka’s in the cabinet.”

Shutting the refrigerator door and crossing his arms, Shelby laughs. “Do I look like Aunt Jenny watching soap operas?”

Thessaly snorts and shrugs her shoulders. “Plenty of men enjoy vodka. And I love vodka.”

Kicking off his sneakers, Shelby shakes his head and says, “I’m taking a shower.”

“Hurry up!” she demands.

Shelby closes the bathroom door behind him while Thessaly rummages through her closet. She removes a sleeveless navy dress that barely hits her knees, but Mason will enjoy the classic color with a flash of skin.

As she places her phone in the charger, it vibrates with a text from Levi.

Levi: Lobster. Corn. Blueberry pie.

Tess: I might be late. Don’t wait for me.

Levi: Pie, Tess. We have pie.

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Chapter Nine

The dinner scene on a Friday night in the Financial District is similar to a college reunion. Even in a city with eight-million people, it’s easy to run into a dozen familiar faces before the night is over. Thessaly waves to a few ladies she knows from her former tennis club, and then joins Mason and two men nursing whiskey sours.

This is the second time this week a date has been foiled by other guests.

“Tess,” Mason says, standing from his chair to greet her. Mason places his hands on the waist of her little blue dress and kisses her quickly on the mouth. Taking her hand and turning back around to the table of men, he adds, “Gentlemen, we’ll need our table now.”

Gathering their drinks, the men stand from the table and stare at Thessaly with approval. “Good choice, Andrews,” says the man with the plaid bowtie. “See you out east tomorrow?”

“I’m not sure, Clyde,” Mason replies, pulling out a seat for Thessaly. “Have a splendid weekend, gentlemen,” he adds, joining Thessaly’s side.

As the two men finally stagger away, Mason turns to Thessaly and apologizes. “I had to invite them over for a few minutes – the tall guy gave me a promotion.”

“It’s fine, really. I don’t expect you to ever be some place and not know at least ten people. You’re the homecoming king of Wall Street,” she teases.

“All I care about is my queen – you look absolutely stunning, Tess.” Mason strokes Thessaly’s wrist with his index finger and smiles. “Can I order you a drink?”

“Please, and I’d love something to eat.”

“I thought you said you had dinner plans?”

“I’m not sure now – do you have time for dinner?”

“Absolutely.” Snapping at the waitress, Mason says, “But we’ll need champagne.”

Placing a napkin in her lap, Thessaly asks, “What’s the occasion?”

“Let’s just say, I have a very tempting proposal in mind.”

Arriving at the table, the waitress fills a water glass for Thessaly and turns to Mason. “Can I get you something else to drink?”

“We would like a bottle of Moët, please,” he orders.

“Of course,” she replies.

Waiting for the waitress to leave, Thessaly teases, “You’re being uncharacteristically sappy, Mason. What’s going on?”

Taking her hand and shifting his body to look directly in her eyes, Mason reveals, “I’m moving to London. And I want you to go with me.”


“It’s only a temporary move, but we could live in a flat and drink tea and go to Chelsea games.”

“But I live here now, Mason.”

Dismissing her comment, he says, “You’re only renting, Tess.”

“But my business!” she bursts.

“Tess, you’ll love London – it’s like New York but cleaner.”

“Mason, I’m shocked. You know I love you, but I can’t just pack up my shop and move to London.”

Thessaly’s phone buzzes with a text, followed by a phone call.

“Tess, please don’t answer the phone,” Mason pleads.

When her phone buzzes with a series of texts, Thessaly drops her head to read the screen. “Hang on,” she apologizes.

Meg: Urgent!!

Meg: Christina overdosed!!

Levi: Do I need to carry you to Brooklyn?

Meg: Meet us at Presbyterian

Meg: 14th Street

Meg: Hurry!

“Mason, I’m sorry, but I have to go. It’s an emergency.” Thessaly places her napkin on the table and stands.

Huffing, Mason rises and tosses his napkin on the table. “I’ll come with you,” he offers.

“No, please. Can I call you tomorrow?” Thessaly asks, grabbing her clutch and heading toward the front of the restaurant.

“But I need an answer,” Mason insists as he walks behind her.

“I need time to think, Mason,” she says over her shoulder.

“Tess, this should be easy.”

Thessaly stops, turns to face Mason, and smirks. She places her hand on the sleeve of his expensive shirt and laughs. “It’s actually too easy, Mason.”

“Then you’ll come to London?” He smiles hopefully.

“We’ll talk tomorrow – I have to go.” Thessaly whips back around as Mason grabs her arm. She shakes him off and darts out the door to the restaurant.

Hailing a cab, Thessaly crawls into the backseat, calms her shaking hands, and then returns a text to Meg.

Tess: I’m on my way. Any updates?

Meg: The doctor mentioned a coma. Lois is freaking the fuck out.

Tess: Shit. Keep her calm.

“Fourteenth, please. New York Presbyterian Emergency Room,” Thessaly instructs the cab driver. “And hurry,” she adds.

Thessaly rereads the last text from Levi. She wants to reply, but the distractions and current stressful situation are preventing her from forming an appropriate reply. So instead, she opens the photo of them taken on the yacht and begins to sob.

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“Being a mother is the greatest joy in a woman’s life. I have a few friends that can’t have children, and I pity them. Almost as much as they pity me.”

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Chapter Ten

As a courteous reminder, New York Presbyterian Hospital forbids use of all cellular devices.