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“On your knees,” he instructs, tugging my hair back. The mix of sensations is all I need before the first orgasm ricochets through my body. He grunts as I pulse around him, but he’s not done yet … not even close.

There’s no time to come off the high. His thumb moves over the bumps on my spine until there are no more. “Turn around, baby.”

I do, laid out naked in front of him, drenched in sex. Desire is wanting a man after only three hours of sleep. I give up sleep for sex … just for him.

He crawls up my body, lapping his tongue around my nipples then up the line of my throat. “How do you want me?”

“I just want you,” I answer back with no hesitation. Our relationship is give and take, but mostly, I take what he’ll give me.

Without another word, he sinks back into me, burying his head in the crook of my neck. “I love you,” he whispers.

“I love you, too,” I answer back, struggling to catch my breath.

His pace picks up then slows.

My heart beats rapidly.

He pulls all the way out then thrusts in.

My body is wound. So much tension I can barely stand it, yet it’s the moment I love the most. I want to hold on to it, but he knows how to break the euphoric spell.

Two more thrusts, and I’m done. I’m his.

He groans, biting into my collarbone to mask his screams.

“I’ll never tire of you,” he mumbles, barely able to breathe. His chin rests on my chest, his eyes staring into mine. The sun comes up, shining through our thin white curtains giving me a glimpse of everything I love about this man—his deep blue eyes, sandy blonde hair and that dimple … I freaking love that dimple.

“You better not.”

“Every day, I fall more in love with you, so I don’t see how it would be possible.”

I brush my fingers through his hair. “I like hearing that.”

He scoots up, kissing my lips. “I like saying it.”




There’s nothing better for our relationship than being alone like this.

Then, just like clockwork, Belle starts to cry. I’m reminded how much our life has changed. We used to hold each other for hours after sex, talking or sleeping. Now, a new kind of bliss is just in the next room.

“I’ll get her.” He smiles down at me. “Mallory will be here in a couple hours. Why don’t you shower, and I’ll drive into Omaha to get her.”

“Awe, I get to shower today?” I tease. It was a little rough in the beginning but things are falling into place. It’s also easier since we both work from home.

“You better. You smell like sex.”

“It’s become my favorite perfume since I get to wear it less often and all.”

He climbs from the bed, throwing on his T-shirt and shorts. “I take that as a challenge, Mrs. Stone. I hope you’re not a big fan of sleep because between baby duty and perfume trials, you won’t be getting much.” His last words trail off as he heads into the bathroom to wash his hands.

“I don’t think you have the sales skills to talk me into participating in your trial,” I say as he walks back through the bedroom to get Belle from her crib.

I hear him laugh. I am so in trouble; he’s not going to let me sleep for a week.

With Blake in the driver’s seat, I shower and actually take the time to blow dry my hair. Mallory hasn’t been here since right after Belle was born. Most of the weight I gained is gone, but my hair has been in a permanent messy bun, and I couldn’t tell you where my make-up bag is.

“Babe, are you about done? I have to leave in ten minutes!” Blake yells from downstairs.

“Coming!” I yell, pulling on a simple blue maxi dress and matching flip-flops.

“Not now, but you will be later!” he hollers back. I’m definitely going to pay for the perfume comment.

When I come down the stairs, he’s sitting on the couch, knees raised, with Belle perched on his legs. I could honestly watch the two of them together forever and never get bored.

And when Belle sees me, her whole face lights up. No one rocks a toothless smile like our little Isabelle.

I take her from his lap, wrapping her in my arms. “How’s Mommy’s little girl?”

She coos.

My heart melts.

Blake stands, kissing Belle’s cheek then mine. “I better get going.”

“Can you pick up Starbucks while you’re in town?”

“You don’t even have to ask,” he says before walking out the door.

If I’ve learned anything since we’ve moved here, it’s that love has a rhythm. Or, to be more specific, two people in love should live in the same rhythm. You don’t have to be alike; I’m a clarinet, he’s a drum, but we’re playing the same song.

I want a happy marriage—one that others look at from the outside and envy. He grants that dream every day without even trying.

I want Belle to have the best of everything yet still realize that life isn’t perfect. He supports that.

He wants to continue his career, which requires traveling from time to time. I want that for him because it’s what makes him happy.

He needs to kiss me, or touch me in some way at least ten times a day to make sure I’m still here. I’m more than okay with that, too.

Even now, it’s only been a few minutes, and I miss him. When you find something so perfect, you never want to let it go.

I prepare a bottle for Belle and rock her while staring out the living room window. A few vehicles go by, but other than that it’s miles of peaceful farmland. Moving here was the best thing we ever did.

My sweet girl falls asleep on my shoulder after her stomach is full. I’m content staying like this, switching between looking out the window and reading the latest news on my phone.

Before long, Frank pulls in the driveway, and it takes everything I have not to jump up from the chair. Even though Mallory and I talk every day, I miss her.

The second the front door creaks open, Belle is awake. I don’t get how she does that so quickly.

“How is my girl?” Mallory says, dropping her bag and going right for Belle. That’s the other thing about babies—once you have them, you’re always in second place.

Blake is beside her making sure she’s holding Belle just right. The amount of love he has for our little girl makes my heart explode. “You don’t have hold her head like that anymore,” he remarks.

Mallory rolls her eyes. “It’s not going to hurt her, Blake.”

“And she just ate, so she’s probably going to poop. Don’t know how well that white cashmere sweater of yours is going to hold up,” he teases.

“She’s worth it,” Mallory shoots back.

“Did you happen to get coffee?” I ask Blake, noticing his hands are empty.

“Shit! I knew I was forgetting something.”

“Blake Stone, watch your mouth. It won’t be long, and this little one will be talking,” Mallory says, taking the words right out of my mouth.

“It’s not a big deal. I can make some.”

Blake cringes. “I used the last of the grounds yesterday. Why don’t I run to Starbucks and get you both a latte, and I’ll pick up more grounds while I’m at it.”

“Yes, please,” Mallory says before I get a chance to respond. “Do you know how early I had to get on that plane this morning?”

I want to make a smart comment about how I spent my morning, but I don’t. It’s a weird line to cross when you’re married to your best friend’s brother.

He grabs his keys, kissing me yet again. “Be back in a few.”

“Love you,” I whisper.

“Love you more,” he says back, kissing my forehead. I can’t help but watch him walk away. He is all kinds of perfect for me.

Mallory doesn’t waste a second after the door shuts behind him. “Have you talked to Reece this week?”

I nod. She calls me almost every other day on her lunch break … the time we used to spend together. Not long after Blake and I moved here, Reece became Mallory’s new roommate. They’re opposites, but it seems to be working out okay.

“Big Bang is practically living with us now. I swear, and they’re so freaking cute together. A hundred bucks says they’re married by this time next Christmas.”