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He helps me safely into the car and climbs in the other side. I shiver against the cool leather seats, missing the warmth of the restaurant and red wine.

“Come here,” he instructs, holding out his arm.

Without hesitation, I scoot over to him, letting his arm fall over my shoulders. He tucks me against his body. Blame it on the alcohol or whatever, but it feels nice. “I’d offer you my jacket, but I like this better.”

“Me too.”

It’s completely dark outside, but the Christmas and city lights give it a layer of romance. I hate myself for even thinking this way, but this is one of the most perfect moments I’ve ever experienced. The company. The setting. The peacefulness.

“We’re here.” Pierce nudges me. If I thought tonight couldn’t get any better, it just did. “You said you wanted chocolate.”

We’re parked right outside of Serendipity. Thoughtful, definitely thoughtful. “I can’t believe you did this.”

He shrugs like it’s nothing, but it means everything to me. Our eyes lock under the faint streetlight. I can’t remember the last time anyone did this for me—taking a simple comment and using it to surprise me. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met, in the best possible way.

An invisible string pulls me to him until my lips brush against his. Light as a feather. Tender. I pull back, but he grips my chin between his fingers, holding me close to him. He covers my mouth with his, working his fingers back into my hair. My body has the warmth it didn’t have a few minutes ago, but it isn’t the fireworks I felt with Blake. It’s a slow simmer . . . it’s just different.

He puts a period at the end of the kiss by pressing his lips to mine three times over. As he pulls back, he smiles, running his thumb over my swollen lower lip. “Ready for some frozen hot chocolate?”

“Yes,” I answer. That little voice that keeps whispering doubts in my ear is back, but I quiet it. I’m living every woman’s dream in New York City; there’s nothing to be confused about.

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I MOAN FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME, scooping every last bit from the bottom of my crystal dish. The hot chocolate is as delectable as I thought it would be.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman moan quite like that, and certainly not over chocolate,” Pierce teases, swiping his thumb along the corner of my mouth. “You had some whipped cream there.”

“You should try some. It’s by far the most delicious thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”

A wicked grin spreads across his face. “That’s unfortunate.”

We’ve been playing the flirtation game since we sat down. I bait. He catches. I really took off when I found out he doesn’t like chocolate. Who doesn’t like chocolate?

Licking the whipped cream from my upper lip, I find his attention on my mouth. The movement wasn’t intentional, but the look in his eyes tells me he believes it was. “Do we need to stop somewhere to get you dessert?” I ask.

He leans in closer. “I had my dessert . . . in the car.”

My cheeks heat, probably turning as red as the maraschino cherry on my frozen hot chocolate. “It’s a good thing you’re such a cheap date,” I shoot back.

“The best things in life don’t cost a thing.”

There’s been a weird buzz between us since the kiss in the car. I’m waiting for him to bring it up, but the only reminder I get is in his eyes—the constant glimmer. There’s a new look of adoration within them, more intimate.

And while the frozen treat gives me a reprieve from conversing, I let my crazy mind roam free again. Since I moved to Chicago, actually since things ended with Derek, I don’t have a clear picture of who I am anymore. Maybe I really did leave the old me behind and come into a new life completely. I had only given away a few kisses before meeting the guy I spent the last seven years with. The guy I gave my heart, soul, and remaining firsts to. Now, I feel like I’m just handing my affections away, or maybe I’m just tasting a little bit of everything while I decide what it is I really want.

The waitress sets the check on the table, shaking me from my thoughts. I reach for it, but Pierce grabs it before I get a chance, his warm fingers brushing mine. “My treat.”

“You didn’t even eat.”

He winks. “But I did.”

He pays, and we make our way to the door. This time, as we exit the building, he wraps his jacket around my shoulders, running his hands over the wool sleeves. “You have goose bumps.”

“December isn’t the best month to be indulging in frozen hot chocolate.”

“You have a point there.”

Our car pulls up to the curb, and Pierce quickly opens the door for me to climb in. He follows close behind, forcing me to scoot to the other side. “Four Seasons,” he instructs the driver.

The second the car starts down the road, I know this trip will be different than the others. No endless daydreaming. No peaceful quietness. Pierce’s hand comes up, gently caressing my cheeks, eyes searing into mine under the streetlights that flood through the window.

“It’s been a long time since I felt this comfortable around a woman,” he remarks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I have a hard time believing that. You make being with you so easy.” It’s true. Since the initial butterflies wore off tonight, I’ve had a good time. He takes my mind off things it shouldn’t be dwelling on.

He closes the remaining space between us. “Can I kiss you again?”

If he’d asked me the first time, I would’ve had to think about it more. Now, the pendulum swings but only for a second. The line has been crossed—any anti-fraternization policy that Stanley Development defied.

“You don’t have to ask,” I answer, staring at his lips. He kisses me—one long, lingering kiss that would make the most ordinary of places feel romantic. His lips are warm against mine. The more he takes, the more I want to give . . . the more I want to want him.

As he pulls away, he looks down at me with hooded eyes. I crave more . . . so much more. I want to take what he offers, forget about all of my other missteps. Nuzzling the crook of his neck, I inhale the sexy scent that’s tormented me all night. I could get lost in it, sleeping for hours just like this.

He wraps one arm around my shoulders, pulling me tightly against his body. His other hand grips my knee, and ever so subtly slips between my thighs. My muscles go rigid at first, but then I relax into him.

His hand slides higher, and on instinct, I look into the rearview mirror. The driver is only feet away. He probably sees everything. Hears every sound we make.

“He can’t see this,” Pierce whispers above my ear.

I tense, trying to find it within myself to let him in, to let adrenaline control me for once. His long fingers curl between my thighs, keeping them from traveling any higher. “Do you want me to stop?”

Every decision has a consequence, big or small. Kissing him earlier was one thing, but this is different.

The answer becomes clear when I look up, catching the lust in his eyes. Desire must be contagious because I hunger for him, for his lips, his hands.

“Don’t stop,” I answer. I close my eyes as his hand slips up higher, his fingers a light brush against my skin.

And as he kisses me, he works his way up to the edge of my panties. His lips are more urgent, pressing harder, almost punishing. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?”

I moan into his mouth, tugging his hair between my fingers.

He runs his fingers against the tingling spot between my legs. I gasp, ready for whatever he wants to give. “You’re going to undo me if you keep making sounds like that.”

I part my lips to apologize, but he uses the opportunity to press his tongue into my mouth. His chest touches mine, caging me against the seat. I’m completely under his spell, captivated by every stroke of my skin. He lowers my defenses. And, he makes me forget . . . that’s the best part. When I’m with him, I’m just . . . with him.