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“Come up to my office before you leave today. I have something for you.”

My mind immediately wanders off to what it could be. Instructions for tomorrow? A new assignment? Then it dawns on me that I’m not rattled because of that little question; it’s the thought of going up to his office. The way he looks at me. The tension hangs in the air like a thick fog. It’s hard to concentrate, hard to form words or even think. Tomorrow night is going to be very interesting.

“Okay,” I say nervously, “I’ll be up in a little bit.”

“I look forward to it.” He’s still got the smile . . . I hear it.

As I put the phone back on the receiver, the only smiling face I see is Blake’s. Why should I feel guilty about this when he doesn’t let me in? I know so little about him; he’s too complicated to figure out.

Noticing that it’s already half past three, I tuck my color board underneath my desk and head to see Pierce.

The elevator is empty, and the ride up to his floor lasts only seconds. I smooth my red pencil skirt and straighten the tuck on my black blouse before stepping out.

“Good afternoon, Lila. Go right back to Mr. Stanley’s office. He’s been waiting for you,” Jane greets, smiling behind her well-appointed desk.

“Thank you.” I smile back, and quickly make my way down the hall before I change my mind. My heels click against the marble, alluding to anyone around that I’m here. Click. Click. My heart pounds right along with it.

His door is open just enough that I hear his voice. Peeking inside, I see he’s on the phone. I step back to give him privacy, but he waves me in.

I bite my lip in an attempt to extinguish my racing nerves. They speed even more so when he motions for me to close the door. When I turn back around, he’s watching me with such interest—like a rare, classic car or an even rarer piece of art. I don’t know what to make of it, but then, I don’t know what to make of him.

I sink into one of the leather chairs in front of his desk and focus my attention out the window toward the cityscape. It’s hard to see anything from where I am, but I pretend it’s the most enthralling thing in the whole world. Anything to keep my eyes off him.

“Yes, we should have the deal done by next week,” he says with such confident authority. Just because I’m not looking at him doesn’t mean I’m not listening. His voice commands it.

“I’ll be making a trip to New York next week to wrap it up,” he adds, tapping his fingers on his mahogany desk. His eyes are still on me. I feel them.

“You too. We’ll touch base next week.” The phone clicks, my signal to look to him.

He leans back in his chair, loosening his tie just enough to undo the button on his collar. “You kept me waiting, Lila.”

“I was working on something,” I answer. His green eyes have a gray tint to them, accented by his suit.

“Maybe I have to rework the apprenticeship program to free up your time.”

I cross and uncross my legs, not quite able to get comfortable under his stare. “I like being busy. It makes the day go faster.”

“That it does,” he quips. He pulls his desk drawer open and holds up a white envelope with my name scrolled at the top. “Since the benefit is a work function, I have a couple things for you.”

He slides it across his desk, his eyes never leaving me. I hope he doesn’t notice how my fingers tremble when I pick it up. The silence indicates that he expects me to open it right here in front of him. Maybe it’s just a ticket or a copy of the invitation, I think as I slip my fingers inside. What I come out with leaves me gasping.

“It’s a black tie affair,” he says simply as I slide the black American Express between my fingertips.

“I can’t—”

“You will. I invited you. I don’t want to be presumptuous, but I’m assuming you weren’t quite prepared for this kind of event.” He raises an eyebrow as he surveys me.

“No,” I whisper. I suddenly feel out of place and extremely uncomfortable. I hadn’t thought that far into it—what I will wear, how I’m going to do my hair. I might have to call in Dana for this one.

“So we’re set. I’ll pick you up at seven.” There’s a twinkle in his eye.

“I’m not going to use this.” I toss it on his desk, but he slides it back toward me.

“I insist.”


“Lila.” He grins, rising from his chair and coming around the front of his desk. The woodsy cologne he wears overtakes my senses, practically making me forget what I was fighting for.

“We’re all set,” he says again, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

I nod, swallowing down the other questions that threaten to escape my lips. Why are you taking me? Who’s going to be there? Can you please not wear that cologne?

“Good.” He holds his hand out to me. I just stare at it for a few seconds, uncertain, and then place my hand in his. His skin is warm and soft against mine as he helps me from the chair and leads me to the door.

“I hate to cut this short, but I have a dinner I need to attend.” He uses his free hand to open the door, and I don’t miss how the thumb on his other hand brushes over my knuckles. It feels uncomfortably sensual, yet I can’t pull away.

Before letting me go, he stands in front of me, brushing a strand of loose hair from my eyes. “Black looks nice on you, but I’d like to see you in green. See you tomorrow night, Lila.”

My mouth hangs open as he releases me. He guides me out the door by placing his hand on my lower back. The whole walk back to the elevator is a blur. This whole city and the men in it are throwing me for a loop.

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MY WHOLE LIFE IS A SERIES of complicated predicaments lately. I find myself questioning it more than I’m actually living it. Given the way things ended with Derek, I promised myself I wouldn’t get in that position again. Not that I have that much control over it. Love is the greatest risk, but yet, it’s the greatest euphoria one will ever feel. That’s what makes it so hard to stay away from. I want to feel that way—like nothing else matters but that one person. Riches, beauty, prosperity . . . it all pales in comparison.

I’m not in love at the moment, but my choices are putting me at risk to fall back into it. Blake’s not going to reciprocate, so why do I keep doing this to myself?

“Okay, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Dana asks, standing next to me at the end of the bar. It’s almost closing time and the crowd has thinned out.

“You’d think I was crazy if I told you.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re as normal and boring as they come. Spill.”

I focus on the old bar top, tracing my fingers along the grain of the wood. It’s mundane, but I need something not so exciting in my life. “You know how I asked for tomorrow night off?”

I glance over at her, waiting for her to nod. She does.

“I kind of have a date, or at least, that’s what it feels like.” Her eyes narrow in on me. I see unasked questions there. I try to silence her by guessing them. “He says it’s not a date, but his actions tell me something completely different. Anyway, I don’t know what I should tell Blake or if I need to tell him anything at all.”

She’s quiet for a little bit, marinating on my words. Then she says, “This is perfect.”

“What?” I ask, surprised.

“He’s going to be jealous. If he really wants you, you’ll know it after this.” She waves for Charlie to come over, which he does quickly since there’s no one to serve. “Lila needs a shot. Actually make that two.”

“Wait,” I say, putting my hand up. Charlie pauses, thinking I’m talking to him, but I wave him off. “That’s not why I’m doing this. The guy’s the CEO of the company, and he says it’s just a work thing, but the way he acts around me—”

“Stop! Will you quit thinking so much?” She shakes her head, grabbing the shot glass Charlie sets on the bar.