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I step back a few paces to allow Kitty her goodbye.

Aiden tenses as she moves into his personal space and he swallows. “Thank you for your … help. You’ve been very … generous.”

“You’re welcome.”

An intense pause fills out, their eyes locked. Aiden balls his fists into the pockets of his sweatshirt and drops his gaze. “I hope you won’t be in too much trouble.”

“It was worth it.”

His frown buckles tight.

“Take care, Wolfman.” She gives his arm a lingering squeeze. As she walks away he looks on, stunned. She doesn’t meet my eye, her cheeks and the tip of her nose glowing bright pink.


The shop lights fizz overhead. I shuffle down the sticky aisle of the 7-Eleven, like my head’s in a fishbowl, tiredness distorting my vision at the edges even though the Fretizine has mostly worn off. For the first time in days I feel like I might be able to keep some food down, though the only reason I agreed to stop was to fill the car with gas. Now Kitty’s making me nervous, taking her time in the rest room. I wonder if she’s in there rehearsing a speech for her parents or praying God will keep them from killing her, killing me, grounding her for life. Beyond the grimy windows the horizon grows pale before the sun and I scan the road for signs of a black van.

My stomach aches, the lining rubbing together, I’m sure. I take two breakfast burritos to the doorless microwave and lay napkins on the turntable. The remains of exploded burritos cake the inner walls.

Sense or superstition makes me stand away from the oven as it chugs on high and I wait, gingerly pressing the tender skin at the base of my skull. Perhaps that’s superstition too. Fine hairs rise at my nape, goosebumps rippling up my forearms. Even my pins and needles increase and I shake myself, like I can shake it off.

The sliding doors open behind me, the security sensor buzzing for an early morning customer. Chilly air sweeps in through the gap and I hunch away from it by reflex, counting down with the red blinking timer on the microwave. A strange clenching in my chest, I’m impatient for the five beeps to end it so I can take my breakfast and get out, get Kitty, get back on the road, get Aiden’s blood to Doctor Sullivan. A dark form rising in my periphery makes me turn my head.

Benjamin stands by the Coke fridge, black pants, black hoodie with a silver zip cutting a straight path up his body, the head of it gleaming like a pendant beneath his chin. His hands rest in his pockets, his shoulders relaxed. Light gleams on the high ridges of his dark cheekbones and his almond eyes arrest me.

My shock arrives late, so does my sick swooping terror.

“Where’s your friend?” He nods at the twin burritos.

“She’s not – I’m just hungry.” It comes out hoarse, moisture evaporating from my mouth. Please God, don’t let her walk out. Let her stay in the rest room. “I left Kitty in Roxborough. She should be home by now.”

“Strange, she left her phone at the motel.” He pulls it from his left pocket, mine from his right. He runs his thumb over the screen, bringing Jamie and me to life. “You’ve got a lot of messages.”

My scalp prickles all over. I don’t say anything. All I can think about is my pack sitting on the back seat of Kitty’s car and the plastic baggie carrying all our hope.

“I’ll need your keys.”

“They’re in the ignition.” Please let them be in the ignition. “How did you find me?”

“Jamie supplied us with a description of his sister’s car. We found you on CCTV.”


“Where’s your brother?”

Brother. Hearing him say it freezes me inside. “I don’t know.”

Benjamin’s eyebrows notch upwards. “It will save you pain and us time if you tell me now.”

“I’m not–” My voice catches. “I’m not lying. I don’t know.”

“Then that’s unfortunate for us both.”

My stomach growls, a loud, ludicrous gurgle, drawing Benjamin’s gaze from my face to my midsection.

“You want to eat before we put you under?”


I look behind me. Davis stands by the black van out in the parking lot, a humourless smirk on his face, his head cocked. He holds my pack in one hand and the keys to Kitty’s car in the other.

“I’ll pass.”

A flash of honey-blonde hair catches my attention at the back of the store by the rest room. I force myself not to look as Benjamin turns me towards the exit. Run, Kit – hide.

Out in the lot, Davis slides the van door open. He holds it while I clamber in, his expression etched in disgust. “Tesla’s pissed. Hope it was worth it because you are royally screwed.”

“Put her out,” Benjamin says. “I’ll look for Jamie’s sister.”

“I told you Kitty’s not here.”

Their eyes turn to me, blue and brown and full of judgement. “Shut the hell up and lie down, I’ll deal with you in a minute,” Davis says, his lips curled back, sliding the door closed with a vicious clang. His voice carries through the wall of the van. He swears and spits the word “Stray”, calls me “sick” and “bitch” and hopes I “get what’s coming” to me.

I scoot to the end of the van and press my nose to the tinted window. There at the back corner of the building, out of sight from Benjamin and Davis, a girl running. Honey-blonde bob, blue puffer jacket, pounding feet. She reaches a gate in a corrugated iron fence bordering the property and squeezes through the gap, disappearing from view. I press my sweating fingers to the glass and whisper, “Run.”


A tremendous weight presses into my back, a repetitive pressing in the middle of my spine, so hard it forces air from me in gusts. The room isn’t cold but the hard metal surface I’m lying on chills like a freezer panel, my breath condensing around my face.

Grit makes it painful to open my eyes and at a glimpse there’s too much white. White light and the bright silver table beneath me. Blinding. The weight comes again, this time a sickly piercing at the centre of it that makes me cry out and though the weight eases the terrible pain remains, like I’ve been skewered. Shuddering and senseless, I jerk upwards but something constrains the motion. I’m strapped down. There’s no filter for my instinctual panic. A quicksilver rush of it makes me thrash against the restraints. An animalistic scream fills the air.

It’s me.


Muffled yells and hands bearing down on me. It only makes me thrash harder. Finding purchase on the sides of the table, I press up in a wild arch, tearing the restraints over my shoulders. The yelling amplifies. Hands grab for me. Voices. Feminine voices, barking instructions, calling for help.

It’s a medical room. There’s bewildering equipment, the women wear white scrubs and white masks cover their mouths. I continue to flail, unable to break away from the restraints over the back of my hips and legs. I reach for the top of the table and haul myself forwards, slipping out from under the bindings, creating a dazing peak of pain in my back. Somehow I manage to get my knees under me and, whipping upright, I knock back several of the people trying to hold me in place. I see my reflection in a tinted window. I’m naked except for some kind of white tape wrapped around my chests and hips, my skin so pale I seem to glow in the blinding light. Around me everything moves in slow motion. Arms wave at the window, hands cover masked mouths, eyes roll round and wild. A metal tube with a long rectangular head protrudes from my back, three prongs buried in my spine, a cord hanging from it – like I’m plugged in.

But the thing that strikes me in the midst of all this is my head. Staring, I sit back on my heels and reach up, feeling the blunt edges where my hair’s been hacked away so that it sticks out in ragged clumps. “Son of a bitch!”

The metal slider in the concrete wall opens and a familiar signal fills the bandwidth. Ethan Tesla strides in, dark eyes flashing. No scrubs, no mask. He glances at the trolley of equipment and knocks instruments to the floor, snatching up a small silver disc. He points it at me and white pain explodes in the back of my skull. Starlight spangles my vision and my limbs go limp.