While keeping Succulent who started to prepare his magic in his line of sight, he sensed the presence of the one behind him begin to move and sent out a warning.

“Stay still, Climb. You’re not fully recovered yet, right?”

Twitch. The movement stopped.

Brain wore a smile and spoke, despite feeling the same surprise that he felt a moment ago at this side of himself.

“Let me take care of the rest.”

“—I leave it to you.”

Rather than reply, Brain laughed and sheathed his katana as he lowered his stance. At the same time, he flipped the katana, sheath and all, so that its top and bottom side were switched.

“Be careful. Succulent uses illusions. Just because you can see it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s real.”

“Oh, so that’s it… That seems like an annoying opponent but… it won’t be a problem.”

Brain silently watched Succulent without moving. He must have finished casting his spells, for the number of his afterimages had increased to five. Not only that, he was wearing a mantle that looked as if it was made of shadows. He could not even begin to guess as to what sort of spells he cast on it.

“Thanks for giving me time to prepare. A magic caster with enough time becomes stronger than even a warrior. You defeat is certain, Unglaus!”

“Right, don’t worry about it. It’s the same for me. After talking with my friend here... I don’t think I could ever lose.”

Crunch. He heard the sound of Climb, who had been lying prone on the floor, moving.

He was regretting the fact that because of him, they had allowed the enemy to cast buffs. That was why Brain made his announcement so that Climb could clearly hear it.

“—One hit.”


“I said that I’ll end this in one hit, Succulent.”

“Try it if you can!”

Succulent ran towards him with his afterimages.

As he entered the range of his katana, Brain turned his body so that his calm and defenseless back was exposed to the charging Succulent. And— his god speed slash flew towards empty space, right next to Climb.


That sound rang out and the walls shook.

Both Cocco Doll and Climb looked in the direction of where that sound had come from.

There, Succulent’s body was collapsed on the floor and did not budge. A sword was rolling on the ground near him.

Brain’s draw slash had blown back Succulent’s body and it had crashed into the wall at unbelievable speed. If he had not used the back of his blade, even with the orichalcum chain shirt, Succulent’s body would have been in two pieces. That’s how much power was behind that attack.

“… My ‘Field’ can detect your presence even if I can’t see you with my eyes. To think that you would use an auditory illusion to try and focus my attention to the front so you can attack from behind… It was a great trick, but too bad your opponent was me. And going for Climb was also foolish. You were probably planning to kill him and babble about how I couldn’t protect him and what not, but you focused too much of your attention on trying to attack Climb who was on the floor. Did you forget who you’re facing?”

Brain sheathed his katana and smiled at Climb.

“See, one hit, right?”

“That was splendid!”

His voice was overlapped by another voice that also said “That was incredible.” The two were shocked. The voice they heard belonged to Sebas, but that by itself was nothing to be surprised about. What shocked them was the direction that the voice came from.

The two turned their eyes in Cocco Doll’s direction.

There, they saw Sebas. Cocco Doll was collapsed next to him.

“When did you arrive?”

Sebas calmly replied to Brain’s question.

“I just arrived. It seems everyone’s attention was focused on Succulent and did not notice me.”

“I-I see.”

Even as he answered, Brain didn’t think that was possible.

But I had my ‘Field’ up. Its range is narrow but it should still catch anyone who ran in a straight line. And I still couldn’t sense him…? The only one who’s capable of moving like that until now was that monster, Shalltear Bloodfallen. I’ve thought this when I got hit with his bloodlust, but is he on the same level as that monster? Just who is he?

“Regardless, I have rescued everyone who was taken captive. And I must apologize to Climb-kun, several of the guards fought back so fiercely that I had no choice but to kill them. Please forgive me… or so I’d like to say. It seems that before I apologize, it would better for me to treat your wounds.”

Sebas walked up next to Climb and touched his stomach with his hand. He very briefly held his hand lightly against his stomach and immediately retracted it. But the effect was dramatic. Climb’s face that had been pale even after he drank the potion had immediately regained its healthy complexion.

“My stomach’s healed…! You were a priest?”

“No, I did not use the power of God, but rather poured in my Ki to treat you.”

“So you were a monk! No wonder, I finally understand.”

Brain nodded his head, now he understood why he didn’t have any weapons or armor. Sebas showed a smile of affirmation.

“Then what will the two of you do from now on?”

“First, I plan to run to the guard office to explain what happened here and bring some soldiers back. Meanwhile, I would like to ask Sebas-sama and Brain-sama to keep watch here. However, Eight Fingers might send reinforcements.”

“… I’m already on board this ship. I’ll ride it out til the end.”

“I do not mind either. However, could you keep me and my matters a secret? I only came to this country for business and do not wish to involve myself any further with the darkness of a foreign land.”

“I don’t care either way, Climb. Well, know that my guarantor is Stronoff for now so I’ll leave it to you.”

“I see. I understand. Then to you both, I apologize but please give me some time.”


Part 3

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), Day 3, 19:05

As night began to fall on the Kingdom, Climb finally returned to the palace.