“They were not the eyes of someone staring at their killer. No hatred, jealousy, hostility, curses, none of it. It was such a beautiful smile! The chief always faced reality directly and acted. And we… we acted on our ideals and hostility. Maybe the one who was in the right was the tribe chief! That’s what I always think about! Because the chief died— the one who was regarded as the root of all evil, our tribe was able to unite as one once more. And what’s even worse, since our numbers were smaller, we even got the gift of no more food problems!”

This was her limit.

As the tribe acting chief, as the one who shouldered the sin, desperately enduring it all, the force of her collapse was as great as her struggle. The overflowing muddy stream swallowed everything. The thoughts that had been torn to shreds, it was difficult to change them with words alone.

With a faint noise, although her tears did not fall, mentally, she was crying.

It was a small body.

It was agreed that in nature, weakness was a sin. Of course, children were to be protected, but regardless, both male and female lizardmen emphasize strength as a virtue. On that point, the female in front of him could only be seen as an object of ridicule. One who gathers a tribe, how could she show such weakness in front of a stranger, one from a different tribe nonetheless?

However, what Zaryusu felt in his heart was a completely different emotion.

It could have been because she was a beautiful female. But as much as he thought so, he believed that the one before him was a warrior. Wounded, groaning, in torment, but still she tries to walk forward. His thought was that a warrior of such caliber only briefly showed a moment of weakness.

One who tries to stand and walk forward, that person was not weak.

Zaryusu approached her and hugged Crusch around her shoulders.

“—We are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. We can only choose our course in the moment. I may have acted similarly had I been in the same position. But I don’t wish to console you. Just where would one find an answer that is wholly correct this world. We merely walk forward, the soles of our feet bearing countless wounds from our regrets and suffering. You as well, your only option is to move forward. This is what I believe.”

As their body temperatures transferred to one another, though slight, they could feel the beating of their heart through their bodies. They were caught in the illusion of the two beating hearts matching their rhythm and slowly becoming one.

It was a mysterious sensation.

Zaryusu felt a warmth that he had never before experienced since the day he was born. It wasn’t because he was hugging a lizardman.

Is it because I’m holding this female, Crusch Lulu?

After a while, Crusch separated herself from Zaryusu’s body.

The heat leaving him was regrettable, but he could not mention it out of embarrassment.

“I’ve shown you something shameful… do you scorn me?”

“Just which part of it was shameful? And do you see me as the type of foolish male to scorn someone getting up and walking forward through the pain and suffering? You are beautiful.”


A white tail repeatedly slammed against the floor.

“What should I do.”

Without even being able to ask the muttering Crusch what she meant, Zaryusu asked a different question.

“Anyway, does the Red Eye tribe cultivate fish?”


“Right, it’s raising the fish that will become food.”

“We do not. Fish are nature’s blessing, after all.

The cultivation that Zaryusu was talking of was a technique that was not known to any of the lizardmen tribes. The idea that they could raise their prey with their own hands was an idea that fundamentally different from their way of thinking.

“That seems to be the druid way of thinking. Would you not care to compromise? Raise the fish with the sole purpose of eating them. The druids of my own tribe agreed.”

Crusch nodded her head.

“Then I will teach you how to cultivate fish. The important part is what you feed them. You can give them the fruits created from the druids’ magic. That’ll greatly enhance their growth.”

“Is it really okay for you to share that?”

“Of course. There’s no use keeping it hidden. It’s more important that many tribes survive using this method.

Crusch deeply bowed her head and raised her tail high.

“Thank you.”

“Your gratitude… there is no need. In return, I wish to ask you again.”

The gratitude disappeared from Crusch’s face. Seeing her behaviour, Zaryusu calmed his heart.

The question that absolutely could not be avoided. Both Zaryusu and Crusch inhaled at the same time.

And he asks.

“What will be the Red Eye tribe’s course of action regarding the upcoming war?”

“...From the consensus of yesterday’s meeting, we will be fleeing.”

“Then I will ask Crusch Lulu, the tribe acting chief. And today, is the decision unchanged?”

Crusch did not answer.

Her answer here will determine the fate of the Red Eye tribe. It was obvious that she would hesitate.

However, there was nothing for Zaryusu to do here. All he could do was smile awkwardly.

“... It’s your decision. The reason that the previous tribe chief smiled at you was probably because he was leaving the future of the tribe in your hands. Then now is the time for you carry out your mission. I have said everything there is to say. All that is left is for you to choose.”

Crusch’s eyes darted searchingly around the interior of the hut. She was neither looking for an escape, nor seeking help. But simply to draw out the correct answer from within herself.

Whatever she decides, Zaryusu would accept it.

“I will ask as the tribe acting chief. How many refugees are you planning to evacuate?”

“For each tribe’s refugees I’m considering ten warriors, twenty hunters, three druids, seventy males, a hundred females, and a few children.”

“...And the rest?”

“—Depending on the situation, they will die.”

Crusch wordlessly stared up into space, then suddenly muttered.

“—I see.”