Pushing the Limits
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Pushing the Limits 18+


Pushing the Limits

Страниц: 74
Символов: 459256
Прочитал: 1
Читает сейчас: 1
ID: 267669
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 17 октября 2015 17:35
Опубликована 18 октября 2015 10:27


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He’s my art professor. I’m his student. With an electric connection and undeniable chemistry, I know it won’t be long until one of us cracks.

When the opportunity arises to pose naked for the entire art class, I can’t help the thrill of knowing he’ll be watching me. While they all look past me with their eyes narrowed and concentrated, drawing only the lines and angles of my body, he sees right through me down to my vulnerability. He sees more than just the physical aspects—he sees me. That’s when I see the struggle in his features as he tries to stay in control.

How do we keep our distance when everything seems to be pulling us together? What feels so right can only go wrong if we keep pushing the limits.

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