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‘I don’t think so.’

‘Really? Why?’

‘He snuck into the apartment while I was there, and we had a little chat. Why don’t you tell me the rest of what you have first.’

‘Just a bunch of odds and ends. First thing this morning I ran a ViCAP check to see if I could find any other cases where a female victim had been raped and pithed. Found a couple.’

‘Possible connection?’

‘Only as a copycat. One of the bad guys is dead. The other, who killed at least six women that way, is currently doing life without parole at a supermax in Youngstown, Ohio. I also e-mailed other departments in Maine and New Hampshire plus the RCMP. So far nobody’s reporting anything similar.’

‘Cleary hear back from Verizon?’

‘Yeah. They sent him a rundown on calls to and from Goff’s mobile for the past three months. He’s going over the list now, culling out people we might want to talk to.’

‘Any calls on the twenty-third?’

‘Nothing. If she called anybody that day, she must have used her office phone. Last outgoing was to the Chinese restaurant Brian mentioned on St John Street. That was at 8:37 P.M., Thursday the twenty-second.’

‘Let me guess. She ordered chicken with pea pods.’

Maggie nodded. ‘Three incoming messages after that. Two from the Bacuba Resort wanting to know what the story was on her not showing up. And one from a friend named Janie in New York, who said, quote, “What we talked about is cool. If you get this message on Aruba, give me a call. If not, no big deal. I’ll see you when you get home.” That was it.’

‘What we talked about is cool?’


McCabe tried Archer’s cell. There was no answer. Just her voice asking him to leave a message. ‘Ms. Archer. This is Detective McCabe again. Would you please give me a call as soon as possible? Thank you.’ He clicked his phone off. ‘Goff have a landline?’

‘Didn’t see one in her apartment.’

He hadn’t either. ‘E-mails?’

Maggie shrugged. ‘There was no computer in the apartment, but someone like Lainie must have had a laptop. Could have been with her when she got nabbed. Or it could be sitting in her office downtown.’

‘Or Ogden could have found it and tossed it into Casco Bay. Anything else?’

‘Yeah. I checked with my pal at Vessel Services.’ Maggie opened her notebook and leafed through the pages till she found the right one. ‘Only one boat came in for service Wednesday night. The Good and Plenty. It stayed overnight and pulled out at four on Thursday morning. I was able to chat with the captain by satphone. He said he noticed the car sitting there but didn’t see it come in or who was driving it. Nobody on the crew saw anything either.’

McCabe put the celery stick he’d been gnawing on back in his drink. ‘Cleary still working on the ferry crew rosters?’

‘He’s down at the terminal talking to deckhands now. Said he’d have everyone covered by –’ She looked at her watch. ‘Pretty soon now. Also I stopped by at Winter Haven Hospital this morning, and, after forty-five minutes of bullshit over privacy issues, I finally got them to give me the name and contact number for Abby Quinn’s shrink.’

‘Dr Richard Wolfe?’

‘Yeah, how’d you know?’

‘Kelly told me.’

In spite of his deadpan, McCabe’s expression must have given something away. ‘What is it?’ she said. ‘Do you know him or something?’

‘Yes. I know him,’ said McCabe. ‘Wolfe’s a good guy.’

Maggie eyed him suspiciously. Her radar was just too good. ‘Okay, he’s a good guy. Is there something else you’re not telling me?’

‘Like what?’ he asked.

‘I don’t know. Maybe like are you seeing a shrink or something? Maybe like Dr Richard Wolfe, for example?’

Mandy arrived with their burgers. McCabe handed her his empty Virgin Mary glass. Asked for a cold Shipyard Export.

‘No. I’m not seeing a shrink,’ he said after the waitress was gone. He picked up his burger and took a bite.

Were you seeing a psychiatrist?’

He didn’t respond.

‘Please don’t give me that Clint Eastwood squint, McCabe. I’m your friend. Remember?’

He still didn’t answer.

‘Oh, never mind.’ She sighed. ‘The only other thing going on is Scott Ginsberg at METCO sent over the surveillance videos from Ten Monument Square for both the twenty-second and twenty-third. Also sent his regards. Eddie spent a chunk of this morning going over the videos with Starbucks.

‘They’re still looking, but so far they haven’t seen anything suspicious,’ she said. ‘Videos are from two cameras. One covers the security desk and elevators. The other’s focused on the main entrance. Nobody came into the building after 6:00 P.M. either day except for the cleaning crew, who arrived all together in a crowd at 6:05 on Thursday and again at 6:08 on Friday. On Friday, Goff left, wearing no coat, at 8:04 and comes back five minutes later holding something in her right hand. Goff leaves again at 9:03, again doesn’t sign out, walks right past the security guard – and he’s right, she did look pissed. She gives him the finger and exits frame. A gray-haired male leaves at 9:12 –’

‘Henry Ogden.’

‘He doesn’t look so happy either, but he shakes the security guard’s hand and hands him a white envelope.’

‘A hundred bucks. It was his Christmas present.’

‘He also doesn’t bother signing out. That’s it for both nights except for the cleaning crew, which left, again together’ – Maggie looked down at her notes – ‘Thursday, or more accurately Friday morning, at exactly 1:00 A.M. and Saturday morning at 1:04.’ She looked up. ‘They’re going over the videos one more time.’

McCabe had finished what he wanted of both his burger and salad, which was about half of each. He sipped at his Shipyard. ‘How about the GO?’ The GO was the unit’s nickname for Chief Shockley, a.k.a. the Great One.

‘Quiet as a mouse. I haven’t heard boo from him.’

McCabe looked doubtful. ‘That’s out of character.’

‘Yeah. It won’t last. Aside from anything else, his bimbo will need something new for her viewers. That pretty much covers it except for our eight-hundred-pound schizophrenic.’

‘What did you tell the boys about her?’

‘Pretty much everything.’

‘You gave them Quinn’s name?’

‘Yeah. I told them not to give it out unless they had to, and not to tell anyone why we’re looking for her.’

‘Okay,’ said McCabe. ‘My turn, I guess.’ He signaled Mandy and ordered coffee for both of them. He spent the next twenty minutes filling Maggie in on his conversations with Janie Archer last night and Henry Ogden and John Kelly this morning.

‘You think Kelly’s the guy?’

‘I don’t know. Possibly. There are a lot of reasons to think so. His familiarity with Old Testament prophets. His house on Harts. A volatile personality. Plus, he’s got weak alibis for both key nights. One from a pair of unreliable and possibly unfindable street punks. The other from a committed longtime partner. Motive is what bothers me. Tough to see why Kelly would want to kill her.’


‘Kelly told me he was gay. In a committed relationship.’

‘He could swing both ways,’ said Maggie.

‘Maybe, but I don’t think so.’

‘There’s money. A hundred and eighty K isn’t exactly chicken feed.’

‘I’m not sure he knew about that. Plus, I think he really cared for Lainie, and he couldn’t have cared less about us searching his house on Harts.’

‘Sure. Because he killed her at Markham’s house. Which means we won’t find a thing at his. Anyway, I’ll call Jacobi and get it organized.’

‘Ask Tommy to cover it with him. Tell them to look carefully. If there is something out there, let’s find it.’

Maggie shrugged, nodded, and made the calls. ‘Okay, all set. So you went to Goff’s apartment last night?’


‘How’d you like the pictures?’

McCabe smiled. ‘What can I say? Such a sweet young thing, modest to a fault.’