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‘I …’ But he didn’t bother to continue. He just shook his head and methodically began to wipe his fingers on his vest.

‘Don’t move!’ The voice was shrill as his hands moved down from the table. ‘Push the knife away!’ It was only a butter knife, but she was taking no chances.

He managed a smile. ‘Don’t worry. I’m not going to argue with a loaded shotgun.’

‘And who might you be? Some sort of foreigner by your accent.’ She stepped from the bottom stair into the kitchen, chin up, prominent nose moving ahead like a ship’s prow, waving the shotgun with menace. He raised his hands.

‘My name is Peter Hencke. And I am sorry for the mess. I meant no harm.’

‘We’ll let the police decide that.’ She took another step into the room but was reluctant to come any closer. Her eyes kept darting from Hencke’s face to the wall behind him where he knew was the telephone. She needed it, but could take her time, working her way step by step round the room, keeping the barrels fixed firmly on him, until she had reached the telephone. One call and he was done for. One sharp move and he was dead. He had to gamble, to rattle her, throw her off balance, and quickly. Who knew how long it would be before a husband, postman, friend or farmhand appeared? Time was not on his side.

‘It is a special day for you. I am German. An escaped prisoner of war. I think you will find the police very happy to receive your call. Perhaps there will even be a reward.’

He could see her eyes grow wild from the mixture of fear and excitement, and he could sense her finger tightening on the twin triggers.

‘I’m not a fool; I’ll cause no trouble.’ Hencke raised his hands still higher above his head and with great caution stood up from the table, stepping back out of her direct line to the telephone. ‘Your wretched English weather is enough to defeat anyone.’

The attempt at humour was lost on her. Instead she waggled the shotgun with new fervour. ‘Back! Step back! Right away from the telephone.’

Hencke took three deliberate steps backward, the shotgun waved and he took another. He was a clear five yards away from the phone and she began her advance across the room – but he was on his feet, not pinned against a solid oak table.

‘Keep staring at these barrels,’ she snapped. ‘So much as breathe heavily and I’ll use them, don’t think I won’t. An escaping Boche, dead or alive – I’ll maybe get a medal as well as a reward.’

Hencke remained silent and motionless until she had reached the telephone. She was there, had offered no chance of surprise, was reaching for the phone, now was dialling. Yet in order to use it she had to take one hand off the gun and both eyes off Hencke. Her solitary, ageing arm found the gun too heavy and, as the dial clattered round, the barrels began to droop towards the floor. It was the moment he had been waiting for. Hencke sprang.

Even so she had time to see him coming. ‘Why you …!’ She leaned backwards, trying to force up the gun barrels and pulling the trigger as she did so. No, she was not bluffing, but in her weak grip the shot went wild and Hencke was upon her. She screamed and they both fell to the floor, ripping the phone from the wall as they did so, with Hencke landing heavily on top of the old woman and the shotgun wedged between them. She was still fighting and spitting, scrabbling once more to find the trigger for the second barrel, when Hencke wrenched it out of her grasp. The solid wooden butt flew away from her scratching fingers and caught her on the temple just above the left eye. Her head fell back sharply against the flagstones, hitting them with a loud crack. She lay still, breathing heavily.

Unsteadily Hencke pushed himself away and gazed down upon the unconscious woman. Eyes shut, mouth open, gasping – snoring, just as he remembered his sleeping aunt. The adrenalin which had revived him had as quickly evaporated, leaving him weak and trembling once more. He slumped back into the chair, the shotgun on the table in front of him, leaning on it as he stared into the battered face of the old woman. He had hit his aunt, too, that last time. Not for what she had said, it had been no worse than any of the taunts she had hurled at him since puberty had snatched the child from her and turned him into yet another deceiving, unworthy man. He had remained at university one vacation, preferring to spend his time with books and fellow students, and she had pursued him there, making such a scene of sobbing accusation and hysteria in front of his few close friends that he had felt humiliated and forced to do what he had vowed not to, and return home with her. No sooner had they stepped inside the front door than the tears turned to taunts and recrimination. Accusations about his friends. His loyalties. His obligations to her. His right to be his own man. ‘I made you, and what you are. Never forget that!’ she had screamed.

And he had slapped her. Once. Full across the face. He wasn’t quite sure why. Not just hate, nor simply frustration. Perhaps because what she said was true, she had made him, uncertain and unsure, a man with no family and no experience of love, perhaps not a full man, perhaps incapable of love. If he were ever to find out, to discover what sort of man he truly was, or might become, it would have to be without her. And he had slapped her because that was the only way he knew to put an end to it. To go beyond the point of no return, to walk away, never to look back.

But as Hencke looked across the kitchen at the old woman he couldn’t stop himself looking back, reliving it all, losing himself in the mists of his haunted memories.

Why on earth had they been painted red? Some Bolshy bloody painter, he supposed. Maybe he should have them repainted blue, a good Tory colour, and ignore the bleatings he would get from the two Labour members of his War Cabinet. Still, it scarcely mattered any more. The war in Europe would be finished with soon, the bombardment of London by Hitler’s rockets finished with even sooner as their launch sites were over-run, and then he wouldn’t have to use this subterranean rathole any more. Oh, to be in fresh air once again … He leaned back in his chair and blew a cloud of smoke towards the low ceiling and its huge steel girders, painted as red as traffic lights, which had captured his attention. According to the engineers they were strong enough to bear the collapsed weight of the entire building underneath which the wartime Cabinet complex had been built. ‘Has anyone told Goering?’ he once enquired sceptically. He always felt uneasy under here. It was not that he was afraid to die, his contempt for his personal safety had been proven on battlegrounds throughout the British Empire during his younger years as a soldier, but that had been in the mountains of India’s North West Frontier, on the Sudanese plains or the open veldt in Southern Africa. Not cooped up in a sewer. He felt claustrophobic, uneasy, and the damp wormed its way into his bones. His bad shoulder was playing up again and he tried unsuccessfully to massage the ache from it. Not much longer, he sighed, as he watched the cigar smoke being caught in the draught of a wall fan and dispersed to the far corners of the small room amongst the fifteen other people attending Cabinet.

Churchill was distracted. The First Lord of the Admiralty was droning on about shipping figures, a matter which had ceased to interest Churchill since Admiral Doenitz’s U-boats had lost control of the Atlantic and stopped sinking merchantmen by the score. At that time it had been a matter of finding enough food to eat and oil to fuel the Spitfires and Hurricanes. Now it was all about tonnages of this and tonnages of that and how the fishermen were demanding the return of their boats requisitioned for war duty. Statistics. Bloody statistics. He had no mind for them any more. Some people wanted to fight the entire war with statistics, but war wasn’t about desiccated figures; it was about men, real-life flesh and blood men, and hopefully more of the other side’s flesh and blood than your own. He dragged his thoughts back down from between the bright red rafters as the First Lord came to a close.