Without wasting any time, Dr. Wilcox answered, “No, Dieter. I’m afraid that’s out of the question. As much as I would like to help out, I’m simply not able to leave my practice for an extended period like that on such short notice. I expressed that sentiment to Dyson when he came to my office. I suppose the message didn’t get passed along.”

Dieter shook his head.

He either wasn’t concerned Dyson hadn’t mentioned it or didn’t care. Dieter remained silent for a moment. I took a sip of my martini and studied him as he considered Dr. Wilcox’s response. Before I even had a chance to swallow, Dr. Wilcox swiveled his head in my direction and pointed at me.

“Ava?” he began. “What about you?”

I snapped my gaze towards him.

“Me?” I muttered. “What are you talking about?”

“Yes,” Dieter interjected. “What do you mean?”

Dr. Wilcox reached towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a gentle squeeze. He proceeded to rattle off my qualifications and assured Dieter even though I wasn’t a doctor, there was no one else he’d be more comfortable filling in for him.

“I have absolutely no doubt Ava can handle the job for you, Dieter.”

Dieter nodded and offered a polite smile.

“I’m quite certain that’s the case, good doctor.” Dieter looked at me. “No disrespect to you Ava, but Dr. Wilcox was Dr. Luca’s hand-picked substitute.”

And then, behaving in a way I wasn’t used to seeing from him, Dr. Wilcox straightened his spine, making himself taller and appearing aggressive.

For him, that is.

“Sir, if you have any doubt in my ability to make a recommendation like this, I suggest you contact Dr. Luca yourself and ask him. I can assure you that Ava is more than qualified for this job.”

Dieter looked at him and nodded his head. For a moment or two, I suspected he might phone Dr. Luca and take Dr. Wilcox up on his challenge. Rather, he turned his attention towards me.

“I don’t suppose I can argue with passion like that. Does this interest you, Ava? This position?”

Speechless, I stood there looking at the two men with my mouth open. “I, um…”

“Oh, I should mention the compensation,” Dieter said, straightening his index finger. “The position will pay fifteen thousand dollars per race.”

Holy shit!

Before I could say a word, Dr. Wilcox smiled and looked at me.

“By the way Ava, you don’t need to worry. Once you’re finished with the team, you’re more than welcome to come back to the office.”

Dieter placed his empty rocks glass down on a nearby table and clapped his hands together. “Wonderful! It’s settled then.”

Simon, Simon, Simon!

“No wait,” I said, interrupting his celebratory mood. “I’ve got a young child to care for at home. I’m not able to just leave for weeks on end. As much as I appreciate your incredibly generous offer, I’m afraid I just can’t do it.”

Dieter looked at me. After a few seconds his features softened into a kind face.

“Ava, I understand this dilemma. I have seven children of my own, and as I built my business over the years, leaving them was always the most difficult decision I faced.”

I smiled in appreciation. “Thank you for understanding.”

He raised his finger once more. “Don’t say ‘no’ right away. Take until tomorrow evening to decide. If, after that, you still think you won’t be able to do it, no hard feelings. I completely understand.”

Part of me wanted to tell him I wouldn’t be changing my mind, but as I listened to him speak, I realized what this could mean for Simon’s education. This might be the only chance I had to keep him in private school.

After a couple of races, I’d have enough to pay for a full year outright.

However, I’d need Jillian’s help to make it happen. I didn’t think she’d refuse, but until I could talk to her face-to-face, it would be wrong of me to take the offer.

“Okay, Dieter,” I began, after taking one final sip of my cocktail. “I promise you’ll hear from me one way or the other. Thank you. Thank you very much.”

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As it happened, Dyson finished in second place, just behind his main rival, Gunter Kass.

Not long after my conversation with Dieter and Dr. Wilcox ended, everyone in the luxury suite made their way down to the pits. In the immediate aftermath of the race, the entire area filled with people. Soon however, the celebration shifted towards the winner’s circle, and we met up with the team in the garage.

“Ava,” Dr. Wilcox began, leaning in towards me while we walked together. “I think this is a tremendous opportunity for you, and I believe you can do it.”

I turned and looked at him. “Thank you for recommending me and believing in me.”

Dr. Wilcox smiled and opened his arms. I leaned in towards him and we embraced.

“Ava,” he said, hugging me tight. “Why wouldn’t I believe in you?”

I smiled. How could I not enjoy receiving praise from someone I respected so much? We remained that way for another moment or so until a familiar voice interrupted my train of thought.

“Hey, can I get some of that?”

Separating my head from Dr. Wilcox’s chest, I glanced in the direction of the sound to see Dyson approaching.

Before I could say a word, Dr. Wilcox spoke, “Great race! You almost had him this time.”

Dyson nodded, waving him off. “Don’t get me started.”

Dr. Wilcox glanced at me, unsure of what to make of Dyson’s comment. Within seconds, Dyson stood near us. He winked at Dr. Wilcox. “Forget about that piece of shit, Kass, Doc. He’ll get what he’s got coming to him sooner or later.”

The parade of people coming and going from every direction left me feeling a bit disoriented. I’d never been in a situation like this before.

“Is it always like this?” I asked, looking at Dyson while gesturing to the sea of bodies around me.

Dyson smiled. “Only on race day.”

He slid his hands into the pockets of his fire suit and looked at Dr. Wilcox. “Can I steal her for a second, Doc?”

Dr. Wilcox nodded. “She’s all yours.”

With that, Dr. Wilcox headed in the direction of the team garage. Dyson turned towards me.

“Second place?” I said, crossing my arms at my chest. “I could’ve watched you finish second sitting at home. I didn’t have to come all the way down here.”

Dyson chuckled at my protest. “It’s always better in person. And don’t worry, second place is only temporary.”

“I should hope so.”

He nodded at me, flicking his chin in my direction. “Let’s take a walk.”

I won’t pretend it was easy. The throng of people literally crushed us as we tried to get out of the post-race melee.

However, early on, Dyson insisted I hold his hand.

The entire way, the mass of bodies spread apart with ease as he moved through them like an icebreaker. Well-wishers patted him on the back the entire way, encouraging him to keep driving, stay aggressive, and do what it takes.

As we walked, I kept my eyes down, clinging to him as we moved. After what seemed like forever, but was probably no more than five minutes, we emerged from the crowd into an area of relative peace and quiet.

“So, what did you think?” Dyson said, turning and stopping to face me. “Your very first Formula One race? Maybe your boyfriend will win next time.”

I shifted my jaw, glaring at his smart ass comment. “Who’s to say my boyfriend didn’t win this time?”

Dyson leaned back, roaring with laughter and clapping his hands together. “You had fun though, right?”

I smiled, amused at his amusement. “Yes.”

“And you’re going to take the position aren’t you?”

Suddenly, everything slowed. I stopped, looking at him. As soon as he asked me the question, his smile faded. In its place, a look of focus and concern.

“You are taking it, right?”