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Table of Contents

Title Page

Book Description

Blindfold Release Schedule

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

All series from M. S. Parker

FREE BONUS: Casual Encounter Book 2


About The Authors

Blindfold Vol. II

By Cassie Wild and M.S. Parker

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 Belmonte Publishing LLC

Published by Belmonte Publishing LLC.

Book Description

I knew it wasn't my fault that my boss, Isadora Lang, had gone missing. I was just her assistant, not her bodyguard. Why, then, did I feel so guilty? Right, because I'd been fooling around with her older brother, Ash, when she'd been taken. Worst mistake of my life.

When heiress Isadora Lang disappears from her house, her brother Ashford is convinced that she's been kidnapped. The police, however, do not believe him. They think she just left on her own. As more time passes, it becomes clear that something isn't right.

Be sure to check out the second sizzling installment from M.S. Parker and Cassie Wild's Blindfold series.

Blindfold Release Schedule

Blindfold Vol. 1 – Already released. CLICK HERE to download Vol. 1

Blindfold Vol. 2 – This book.

Blindfold Vol. 3 – October 2nd

Blindfold Vol. 4 – October 9th

Blindfold Vol. 5 – October 16th.

Chapter 1


“Sir. I understand that you're upset.” The officer spoke in a voice that managed to be soothing and calm without being condescending.

It was a nice voice and I had to admit, if he had been talking to me, it might have done something to penetrate whatever emotions were trying to drown me. As it was, it helped to ease the near-panic I was feeling. A little bit.

It had absolutely no effect on the man standing next to me.

Maybe it shouldn't have.

We had no idea what happened to his sister.

She was just…gone.

Twenty year-old Isadora Lang, wealthy and beautiful heiress – and my boss – was nowhere to be found.

Slowly, he turned away from the window and approached the officer.

I had to give the cop some credit. Even though thirty-two year-old Ashford Lang stood a good eight inches taller, and was probably a good fifty pounds heavier, the boy in blue didn't back down or even blink. As someone who knew what it felt like to go toe-to-toe with the wealthy CEO of Phenicie-Lang, I could appreciate the courage that took.

Ash stared down at him, green eyes blazing. “You understand?” he echoed, his voice cutting. “My sister is missing. But you understand? Do you think upset even comes close to what I'm feeling?”

I'd seen how he behaved when he'd believed I was a man his sister had hired as an assistant, and calling that upset would've been a stretch. No. I was pretty sure upset didn’t even come close to how he was feeling at the moment.


A new voice rang out, cutting through the rapidly growing tension. Reluctantly, Ash pulled his eyes from the cop. He and I both turned. The cop didn’t. From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw him take a deep breath and I wondered if he truly understood how close he'd been to having his ass handed to him.

The newcomer turned out to be a woman, dressed in a sharp suit, her hair cut in a neat, pixie-like cut that framed a face that could have been twenty-five or fifty. I pegged her at somewhere in between, but only because of the age I saw in her eyes. Those eyes were an incisive shade of brown and she looked like she’d seen it all, done it all, and probably invented a few things while she was at it.

Her smile was polite and professional.

The badge she displayed wasn't needed. I could spot a cop a mile away, and her entire demeanor practically screamed it.

“Officer Raleigh, why don't you join the other officers?” She glanced past us to look at the cop. “I'll take over here.”

The uniformed cop gave her a nod, then tipped his head in our direction before leaving the room. I had to give him credit for the polite exit. I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd simply left without a glance.

Once we were alone with her, she focused on Ash.

“Mr. Lang, I'm Lieutenant Green.” She held out a hand and Ash shook it, his expression still dark and angry. She continued, “My superiors thought it might be better if I came down here.” She paused, gave me an acknowledging glance, and then added, “I've worked with abduction cases in the past.”

Next to me, Ash tensed and it was all I could do not to put a hand on his arm to try to comfort him, soothe him. No matter what had happened between us in the moments before we'd learned of Isadora's disappearance, he and I didn't have that kind of relationship. I was here because I was Isadora's assistant and I'd been in the house when she'd disappeared. Nothing more.

Nerves and anger pulsed under his voice. “Abduction. Is there a ransom demand I don't know about? I'll pay whatever's asked.”

“No.” Green shook her head. “It's far too early to be making assumptions. And in all honesty, your sister has probably gone out to a club or to visit some friends. Maybe she decided to take a few days to herself.” She glanced at the furniture and arched one dark eyebrow. “Perhaps we could sit?”

Ash looked like he was going to explode.

Quickly, I moved forward and touched his arm, acting before I could think better of it. “This will probably take some time, Ash.”

It was probably my use of his nickname more than anything that got through to him. Brilliant green eyes glinted almost feverishly as he studied me. After a moment, he gave a short, terse nod. I was slightly surprised when he took my elbow and led me to a couch, gesturing to the lieutenant to have a seat as well. Fortunately, it wasn't the couch we'd been on earlier. That could've been…awkward.

Green sat down and smoothed her skirt, folding her hands in her lap, taking an almost deliberate amount of time to do it. If she was waiting for hors d’ oeuvres, she was wasting her time. Finally, she spoke, her attention still focused on Ash. “It’s my understanding that you employ several bodyguards for your sister?”

Lieutenant Green studied Ash the same way I would have looked at bacteria under a microscope in one of my biology classes.

I didn't like it.

Ash gave her a cool look that said he didn't like it either. “Yes, though they're used for when Isadora goes out. I rely on my home security staff to keep her safe while she's at home. You should know that each security member who was on duty today will be fired, so you might want to get their contact information in case you need to see them again.”

“That seems a bit harsh.”

“Harsh?” His body stiffened. “My sister was taken on their watch.”

“That is still undetermined.”

“Really?” Ash’s sarcasm was so thick, I was surprised nothing viscous dropped from the air to stain the thick, expensive carpet. “Oh, maybe I missed her while I was going over the security footage, or when I was tearing the house up, bellowing her name.”