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A feeling of peace like I’ve never experienced growing up and living in London steals into my body. I take large breaths of fresh air. We hardly speak because words are not necessary, and I think I’m too stunned by how much my life has changed. How much fuller and richer it is. How much I love him. There, I’ve said it. I love Dominic Eden.

I know he has promised me nothing, but oh, how I do love this man.

How could I not? He came into my life like a tornado. Inconvenient. Unwanted. Destructive. He overturns everything I thought I believed in and fills me with the kind of passion I never knew existed. So yes, I do love this complicated, damaged, rich, strange, kind, beautiful man.

I stop and he stops too, and looks down at me. In the last rays that filter through the trees and catch his face, he is beautiful beyond any prince I could have dreamed of as a child. I entwine my arms around his powerful neck, he dips his head and we kiss. The kiss is different. It is different because of me, because of where we are, and because of him, too. When he raises his head, his eyes are dark and enquiring.

I just smile mysteriously and carry on walking.

When we arrive back at the house, we eat in that country dining room with the black and white curtains. Mrs. B has lit candles. In their yellow glow Dom looks impossibly mysterious and romantic. When he smiles, my heart actually lurches. I truly cannot believe my luck. Here I am jobless, but so incredibly, unbelievably happy.

We have coffee out on the long terrace overlooking lush green lawns.

‘Until you find another job, I want to take care of you,’ he says suddenly.

‘Thank you,’ I say softly. ‘But I’ll be OK. I have a little bit put away for a rainy day.’

He touches my hand. ‘Ella, it’s not a rainy day while I’m around.’

Something in his statement jars, but I don’t dwell on it. I’m living for the moment. The future is far off and could even be beautiful.

‘I didn’t mean to say rainy day. Honestly, I have savings I can dig into,’ I say with a smile. I don’t tell him that it is a pitifully small amount.

He looks at me intently. ‘But I want to help, Ella. It will give me great pleasure.’

‘How about I’ll ask if I need help?’

He looks at me with a flash of irritation and I just laugh. He’s cute even when he’s annoyed.

Eventually, Mrs. B comes to say goodnight. We watch her toddle off down the path and disappear from sight when she turns at the side of the house. I lean back and breathe in the night-scented air.

‘How quiet it is here,’ I say.

‘Mmmm’ He turns his head to look at me. ‘It won’t be so quiet when I get a hold of you.’

I laugh, the sound rolling into the dark night.

He crooks a finger at me.

I point to my chest and widen my eyes as if to say, me?

He smiles slowly. ‘Yeah, you with the gorgeous ass.’

I make a big production of sensuously uncrossing my legs and stretching my body out. I slink out of the recliner and glance at him from under my lashes. While keeping an eye on me, he is taking an ice cube out of his glass. Gosh. He really is one super-tasty dish. I actually can’t wait to get to his skin. Can’t wait for him to touch me, kiss me, take me. It’s never been like this for me. Ever since I met him it as if I am in a dream world where only he and I exist.

I take my shoes off and the grass is springy and cool under my feet. When in an animal sanctuary…  So I leave my independent, strong self in my handbag and getting on my hands and knees on the sweet-smelling grass, I slowly, and I mean slowly, ccccccccraaaaaawl to him. Yup, that’s right. I will meet him animal to animal. Tonight is going to be a wild ride or my name is not Ella Savage.

I reach him purring like a tiger and angling my mouth I suck at the ice cube. Melted ice runs down my chin.

He puts his hand on my head and smiles. ‘I don’t like your pussy lower than my mouth.’


‘Fuck no.’

He grabs my hand and pulls me up. We run into the darkness of the garden.

‘Where are we going?’

‘Do you trust me?’

‘Of course.’

‘Good. Because it’s time to face the truth.’

‘What truth?’ I ask breathlessly.

‘There’s a heated swimming pool at the bottom of the garden.’

I laugh. ‘You’re mad.’


And I see it. A frosted glass structure. From the outside I can see many lights flickering in it. He opens the door and we are in. Lit purely by candles, hundreds of them, it is incredibly beautiful, with the wavy light reflecting on the water. It is also very warm. Like being in a tropical country. The candles are scented and the perfume is unfamiliar to me, but exotic, the way I imagine some jungle flower in the tropics to smell like.

‘Wow! It’s really hot in here,’ I say.

He doesn’t answer. He gets on with stripping me down to my bikini. I squeal when he picks me up and throws me into the deliciously warm water. I float on my back and watch him get naked before he plunges in.

He swims to me, wraps his arms around my body, and kisses me passionately. I have never kissed anybody while I am in water. It is a sensual, sinuous experience. When he lifts his head I am no longer in the middle of the pool, but have been brought close to an edge.

‘Feel me,’ he says.

My hands curl around his cock. ‘Done,’ I say.

And then I am slowly, with water sluicing down my body, rising out of the pool. Fuck! He’s strong. I feel the hardness of the tiles by the side of the pool under my buttocks and thighs.

‘I want to kiss your clit now…’

I spread my legs out eagerly. I’ve never known a man who is so crazy about eating my pussy as he is.

His lips move forward and kiss the front of my bikini bottom. Looking up at my face, he pulls on my hips to bring me even closer.

‘Move the fucking material.’

Now that is what is called a fucking command. I pull the triangular piece of cloth slowly across to one side and expose my pussy to his eyes and lips.  I put my hand on his shoulders to steady myself and press my naked pussy against his face.

‘Lie back,’ he orders.

With my legs still in the warm water I lie down on my back. I feel the cool tiles on my back and his cheeks brush against my thighs as he moves between them. My legs move up and across his shoulders. And so he licks. Long languorous, thorough licks. The same dedication with which way a dog would groom itself clean. Earnestly.

There’s a job to be done here.

With each lick he goes deeper and deeper inside. One finger touches my hard clit.

‘Oh!’ I grab his head and spread my legs wider still. His tongue slips inside my pussy. Just a bit. Wow! It is enough to carry me home. I moan when he uses his finger to gently spread open my swollen lips.

‘So pink. So sweet,’ he murmurs.

One finger slides inside as his tongue continues to lick. I push against the finger. It slides farther inside. My eyes close and my body arches. His finger moves in and out of my wet, wet pussy. He covers my clit with his mouth and sucks.

My hand is clenched on the tiny material that I am holding back. My body tenses and I begin to moan. He begins to rub his whole face in my pussy. The action is so dirty I explode right there and then. Gushing onto his chin and listening to him slurp my juices greedily.

I come up on my elbows. Breathing heavily and craving cock! ‘I think I’m going to need a very big cock deep inside me.’

He grabs the sides of my bikini and yanks them down my legs. ‘I agree.’ He presses his palms on the edge of the pool and pulls himself out. Then he lays a towel beside me and I quickly get on my hands and knees, push my bottom up and wait.

His huge erection slides in slowly. The fit is tight and the sensation of being stretched and filled is wonderful. Then he holds still and my pussy calls him. I move against him, rocking my body, calling his sperm. This is the first time we are doing it bareback. Nothing between us, flesh to flesh. He reaches forward and starts massaging my clit. Little slow circles as I impale myself repeatedly on him. His stiff cock goes in and out of me like a piston.