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“Ah.” She nodded. “Right. Duncan said you’re very focused.”

He’d also had a girlfriend who’d been very focused on spending time together. But he didn’t say that.

“He calls you Captain Codger.” Lovey tipped her head. “What does that even mean?”

He sighed. “I have a reputation for being serious about my game. My career. The guys figure I’m an old man.”

“Oh.” She gave him a look, one corner of her mouth kicking up, one eyebrow lifted. “That sounds…admirable.”

“You mean boring.” He’d heard it before. From Marissa, among others.

“I didn’t say that.”

“You were totally thinking it.”

She grinned. “Captain Codger, you have a little complex, I think.”

Chapter 3

Marc frowned. “I do not have a complex.”

“No?” Lovey studied him. He totally did. Why was that? “So you’re not boring?”

“I like to have fun as much as the next guy.”

“Unless it’s playoff season.”

His eyebrows jerked together again but he caught her eye and seemed to realize she was teasing him. His face relaxed. “Yeah.”

“So you’d be up for some wild partying tonight? It’s my first night in Chicago. Let’s go crazy.”

“Uh…I have an early morning skate. And a game tomorrow night.”

She smiled and lifted her chin. “That’s a no, then?”

He sighed. “Okay, I am boring.”

“Oh come on.” She nudged his upper arm with her shoulder. “There are lots of ways to have fun. I was totally kidding about a wild party night tonight. Okay, maybe not totally.” She flashed him a smile. “But it’s understandable that you wouldn’t party all night the day before a game.”

“Some guys do,” he muttered.

“Those guys are not team captain. In fact, those guys are probably third or fourth line players who will never be Stanley Cup champions or all-stars or Olympians. Am I right?”

He drew back a little bit and regarded her with raised eyebrows. “Uh…yeah.”

“You’re a professional. One of the best players on the team. In the entire NHL.”

“How do you know that?”

She smiled at him. “I’m not an idiot. My brother plays for the Aces. I watch games.”


He seemed surprised by this.

“I grew up watching hockey.” Her fingers moved on the stem of her margarita glass. “I guess it kind of sinks in through osmosis.”

“Yeah. You coming to the game tomorrow night?”

“You going to get me tickets?” She met his eyes, smiling.


Lovey turned to look at Angel, who had just made a noise…an exhaled “guh” that sounded like exasperated disbelief. Angel rolled her eyes and turned away. Lovey blinked. When she looked back at Marc, he had his hand to his forehead, rubbing it, eyes closed. Then he shook his head and straightened. “Army’ll get you tickets.”

Lovey tilted her head and looked back and forth between Marc and Angel. When she’d walked in, she’d immediately seen the other woman’s interest in him, Angel hanging on his arm and fluttering her eyelashes at him. Lovey wasn’t sure why it had bugged her, since she’d barely met the guy and had no claim on him whatsoever.

She leaned in closer to Marc and whispered in his ear. “Sorry! Am I stepping on toes?” She moved her head in Angel’s direction. “Were you getting her tickets to the game?”

He shook his head. “No. And no.”

“Were you getting lucky with her?”

He choked on his beer. “Uh…”

“She’s interested in you. Want me to back off? I don’t want to cramp your style.”

He gave her a long look, and their faces were so close she could see the dark ring of blue around his lighter blue irises, his insanely long eyelashes, the faint white scar above his upper lip. She wanted to touch that scar…trace it with her fingertips. Kiss it.

“Fuck,” he muttered. “Don’t look at me like that.”

She swallowed and widened her eyes. “Like what?”

He shook his head. “Never mind. You’re not cramping my style, but your big brother is giving us looks that indicate extreme displeasure.”

Lovey swiveled her head to look at Duncan. Yeah, he was glaring at them. He jerked his chin up and narrowed his eyes at her and she could read the words, “What the fuck?” in his expression. She grinned.

She leaned in closer, her lips next to Marc’s ear. “Guess what? I’m not afraid of him.”

“I am,” Marc muttered.

She laughed and patted his forearm where it rested on the table. “Right. You’re bigger than he is.”

“Not by much and he knows how to throw a punch.”

“I’ve seen you fight,” she said. “I think you can defend yourself. However, this is crazy talk since he is not going to be beating you up. I’ll handle him.”

“I have no doubt about that. But Lovey…don’t use me in your manipulation tactics with your brother. Duncan’s my friend.”

Lovey’s mouth dropped open as she absorbed his words. “Hey. I’m not using you.”

“No?” Again their eyes met and held. Again, something passed between them, a definite tug. He felt it too…didn’t he?

“I’m just talking to you.”

“Well, maybe you should go back and talk to Sadie and Jenna.”

Her heart tightened in her chest, a hurt feeling she didn’t like. She straightened her shoulders. “Yeah. Guess I should.”

She pushed away from the table, giving him a big smile that felt strained, and returned to the stool she’d been sitting on at the other end of the table.

It was just as well, since a few servers appeared carrying their plates of food. Lovey picked up her burger, but felt unaccountably…something. Disappointed, maybe. She shot Marc a glum look, and dammit, he was watching her again.

He’d been watching her almost all night. She couldn’t help but notice because she kept looking at him too. There was something about him she found so attractive…she’d always liked big guys, again possibly a result of growing up with a brother who hung out with a bunch of hockey players. She liked the shape of his lips, the lean sculpted jaw, his blue eyes. She’d definitely liked his body when she’d seen him nearly naked earlier. Definitely. But there was more than just the physical appeal. She liked his amusement at Marc, she enjoyed his self-deprecating humor, which was maybe extra-attractive because he was a mega superstar athlete, and she liked his intelligence. She’d met her share of hockey players who could barely form a complete sentence. Marc was smart.

Then there was that hint of French accent that honestly made her panties nearly catch on fire.

She sighed and picked up a French fry. She’d gone down there to talk to him because she kept feeling his gaze on her. Why’d he push her away when clearly he felt the attraction too?


She’d never had any trouble attracting guys. The hard part was getting rid of them when they got too serious. What was Marc afraid of? She wasn’t looking for anything long-term. The word “commitment” made her freckled skin break out in hives. What was wrong with having a little fun?

Oh yeah. Captain Codger. Not into fun.

Well, damn.

She nibbled another fry, watching him. Maybe he needed to learn to let loose a little. She narrowed her eyes at him. Yeah.

“I really don’t like that look on your face.” Duncan spoke from beside her. “What’s up?”

She gave her brother an innocent look. “Nothing.”


He knew her too well.

She smiled. “Just enjoying the food.” She looked at Jared. “This burger is really good, Jared.”

“Told ya.” He grinned. He was also a good-looking guy. He wore his nearly black hair cut short and precise, and dressed stylishly—tonight he was wearing narrow black pants and a gorgeous sweater that buttoned at the neck. He was also single. As was Brent. Hell. She didn’t need to be hurt that Marc had rebuffed her. She’d have fun anyway. And so she set about flirting with Jared and Brent, ignoring the icy waves of disapproval that continued to emanate from Duncan. And from Marc.