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A stunned gasp leaves her parted lips, but I remain still. I’m too heated to make a move because the next move I make will be smashing my lips to hers.

“Dixon, I…” she says, her beautiful green eyes focusing on mine. “I…” but she doesn’t fill in the blanks.

She merely lowers her face to mine and closes the distance between us. The kiss is soft and chaste, but the moment I feel her warm lips on mine, I lose all control and nothing else matters but devouring this woman with my last breath.

I kiss her with a deep, desperate longing and feel like an inexperienced school kid as I thrust my tongue into her mouth, wanting to savor every last part of her. She returns my kiss with frantic fervor as she wraps her arms around my neck and draws me so close that not even a wisp of air could pass between us. But I like it. I like that she’s showing no restraint, especially after tonight.

That thought has me backing off, however, as she just confessed her deepest, darkest secrets and I’m pawing at her like a dog in heat. But the moment I do, Madison yanks on my hair and presses my face firmly to hers, not letting me go.

“Make me forget,” she breathlessly pants against my lips as she pulls away. “I want it to be your hands, your mouth, your body I remember, not his.”

How can I say no to a request such as this? But how far can I take this without freaking her out? Will she regret her decision once we’re done?

She must be able to read my apprehension because she reaches for my hand and places it against her heaving chest. “Touch me. Please make new memories. Ones I won’t be afraid to remember.”

The last of my resolve vanishes with her honesty and I nod, needing to take away her pain.

Wasting no time, I lower my mouth to hers, determined to make it my kisses she remembers, and nobody else’s. She kisses me back with such fierce intensity, and as much as I try to rein in my hormones, my dick decides that’s an awful idea and raises his intrigued head. I don’t want to freak her out, and my impending erection will most likely do just that. But she surprises me when she reaches between us and, with gentle, bashful strokes, she lightly rubs over the bulge in my pants. I can’t hide my delight at her touching me, and I try to suppress my moan, but her inquisitive fingers feel too good and a low growl slips past my parted lips.

“Does that feel okay?” she questions, the uncertainty apparent in her tone.

“It feels more than just okay,” I breathlessly reply. “It feels incredible. You’re incredible.”

My words seem to spur her on and her fingers wrap around my length, softly stroking me up and down through the material of my sweats. As good as this feels, I want to be the giver, not the receiver, so I tenderly still her hand with mine.

“What’s the matter?” she asks, her confused eyes opened wide.

“Lie back,” I gently order, kissing the tip of her nose.


“Because I really, really want to go down on you,” I honestly reply, while Madison blushes a bright pink hue, “and I want to make this as comfortable for you as I can.”

She hesitates for a mere second, but then slowly lowers herself onto the bed, her dark hair contrasting with the white silk sheets. I take her in, not wanting to rush, but the sight of her flushed face, wild hair, heaving chest, and bare, perfect legs, has me eagerly swooping forward and capturing her mouth with mine.

Being with Madison this way feels so perfect, and so right, and any other memory pales in comparison to what is happening between us right now. Her responsive body succumbs to my touch, and that fact has me walking my hand between us, needing to feel her bare skin. I brush over her erect nipple, and Madison groans into my mouth. I slip lower and curse my damn T-shirt for being so long because it takes me an eternity to find her skin. But the moment I do, nothing else matters.

The muscles in her supple thighs quiver under my touch, and as much as I want to savor this moment, I can’t stop myself as I slowly slide my fingers over her lace underwear. She hisses, and to my surprise, she opens her legs wider, granting me access to her most personal treasure. The damp material between her legs reveals that Madison is as turned on as I am, and as I continue rubbing her through her thong, I know she’s not too far from coming.

When I break our kiss, she inhales a large gulp of air, my intense kisses starving her of oxygen. Her unsure eyes meet mine, but I don’t give her time to rethink her decision. I slip my hand into her underwear and cup her wet, hot pussy. We both moan at the contact and Madison raises her hips, silently begging me to continue. With our eyes still locked, I slowly insert my finger, her tight inner walls sucking me into the cavern of her warm body. She’s incredibly tight, too tight, and I know I’ve entered a place no man has ever entered before. The thought sickens me because this just confirms what I knew to be true. Madison is a virgin, but her brother, he raped and degraded her in the worst possible way. But I push those vile thoughts aside. I won’t allow that bastard to ruin this for us.

“Dixon,” she moans, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut.

I begin moving within her, my movements measured and paced, as I don’t want to hurt her. But when she arches her back and opens her legs wider, I know measured and paced will no longer do. Tiny whimpers escape her parted lips when I work in another finger and stretch her wide. My deep intrusion is a shock to her sensitive tissues, but she doesn’t stop me. She begins rotating her hips, finding a comfortable rhythm as I hungrily finger her, her wetness providing all the lubrication I need.

Her clit is swollen and needy, and as I brush my thumb over the bundle of nerves, she cries out, bucking her hips upward.

“You like that?” I hoarsely ask, my fingers moving faster and deeper within her.

“Yes,” she gasps, her greedy muscles holding on tightly, not letting me go. “Please don’t stop.”

“Never, I’m right here with you. Let go,” I gently encourage, pushing my fingers in further and lightly circling her clit with my thumb.

The action sends her wild and she bows her back, pumping her hips furiously to match the tempo of my punishing fingers.

“Let go, angelo, let go,” I repeat, as I can feel her release is moments away.

Without delay, her body responds to my command and she cries out loudly, her orgasm hitting her so hard her entire body shivers from head to toe. The sight is the hottest thing I have ever seen, and still lost in a pleasure bubble, I allow Madison to laze in her gratification for a mere second before I scoot down her body, grab a hold of her flimsy underwear, and rip them clean off. Before she has time to protest, I lap at her drenched pussy in one slow, agonizing lick. She yelps in shock, but I’m holding her prisoner until she explodes once again, and this time, it’ll be on my tongue.

I bury my face deeper between her legs and simply bask in the heady fragrance of her arousal. Nothing has ever smelled or tasted sweeter, and when she shuffles away, embarrassed by her unconcealed exposure to my mouth and eyes, I latch onto her thigh, throw her other leg over my shoulder, and fasten my mouth to her glorious pussy.

She moans in approval and relaxes her body, slackening under my gentle sucks and licks. Pushing her leg out further, she’s spread out in front of me, her pinkness glistening with her desire. I lick up her entrance, and then down, and she cries out when I insert my tongue, twirling it within her writhing body.

“Oh…my…God,” she gasps, taking a breath between each word.

Her pleasure spurs me on and I dive in deeper, sucking, licking, biting, and worshiping her until Madison is shamelessly fucking my face, her body trembling under every demanding stroke I deliver. She’s totally exposed, but yet it’s not enough, so I insert a finger, opening her up so I can gain full access to her heat.