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“Couldn’t wait for my boys to kick your ass?” I say as I open the door.

Instead, I’m greeted by Juliet.

“Oh yeah, I can’t wait,” she purrs, giving me big, innocent eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I abruptly counter instead.

She’s visibly taken aback by my curtness, but after this weekend, she’s the last person I want to see.

However, she soon recovers from my insolence. “I’m here to fuck your brains out,” she boldly replies, not holding back.

Before, the very vivid picture she just painted would have me tearing her clothes off, but now, it just makes me cringe.

Juliet sees me hesitate and takes a step forward, wrapping her arms around my neck. “What’s the matter? You’re not happy to see me?” she asks, pouting.

“I just wasn’t expecting you,” I reply, subtly unchaining her hands from around my nape.

“Well, what a surprise,” she replies cockily, her blue eyes glowing with mischief.


We stand silent for a few moments, and Juliet’s body language is highlighting the fact she wants me to invite her in. But the thing is, I don’t want to. She looks way too intoxicating in her skinny jeans and peach camisole, and I know she’ll end up destroying whatever resolve I have left.

“I actually am expecting guests,” I reveal, feeling a touch guilty, as I’ve made it more than obvious she’s not invited to join us.

“Oh?” She raises a fair brow.

“Yeah, just a couple of the guys are coming over to watch the game,” I explain with a firm nod.

“Oh,” she says once again, brushing back her hair. “Well, I’ll leave you to it then.”

She gets it. She understands loud and clear that I don’t want her socializing with my friends, and she doesn’t…care.

Most men would think they’ve struck gold, but I’m not most men, and I know Juliet doesn’t care because she doesn’t care about me. For a while, sex without strings was fun, but now, now it’s just sad.

Is this change of heart because of Madison, who I have a genuine interest in physically and emotionally? Or is it because I’m sick of the person I see staring back at me every day? Whatever the reason, I know I should have never started whatever this is between Juliet and me.

“I’ll see you during the week?” Juliet asks, disturbing my thoughts.

“Sure,” I reply, as I don’t want to share my revelations when my friends are due to turn up on my doorstep any minute.

Tracing my stubbled jaw with her fingernail, she says, “I’m going shopping for the perfect outfit this week.”

I cock a confused eyebrow, and she smiles.

“For the awards night, silly. I’ll be the perfect plus one.” She winks. “Speaking of plus ones… What happens in Boston, stays in Boston.” She licks her plump lips. “I’d be willing if you were.”

I remain stone-faced and nod. “I’ll think about it,” I reply, casually addressing her suggestion of a threesome.

“Okay. Well, don’t think too hard, think about me riding your face while you’re fucking another girl,” she states, while I almost choke. She leans forward and kisses me passionately.

My mouth, the traitorous bastard, kisses her back, and her knowledgeable tongue coaxes my dick to shift to attention. However, I pull away before I lose control.

“I’ll talk to you soon, Juliet,” I say, my voice wavering.

“Bye, babe.”She turns on her booted heel, giving me a clear view of her tight ass as she walks away.

I slam the door shut and lean against it. I completely forgot I asked Juliet to be my plus one for the awards ceremony next month. I was caught in a vulnerable moment, as I was fucking her over my desk and the gold invite caught her attention. She asked who I was taking, and the fact I was buried balls deep in her had me asking if she would come. Moments later she did come, and then she agreed to come to the awards night with me. I was planning on going alone, as it’s not typically acceptable conduct to bring your fuck buddy to a prestigious event involving your work. But I couldn’t exactly tell her that.

Now I’m stuck with no other option but to deal with my fuck-up and spend the weekend with Juliet, and a possible plus one, if she has her way. I could retract the invite but honestly, knowing Juliet, she’ll just turn up anyway.

Frustrated, I push off the door and head into the kitchen to grab a much-needed beer. Tossing back my Budweiser, I reach for another, as I know I’ll need it to deal with Hunter, who will smell something is up the moment he enters the room. My cell chimes and I grab it off the marbled counter. I hope it’s not the boys cancelling, as I really need their advice again.

But the text message is from Madison.

Did you know that New York cheesecake is the most popular cheesecake in the entire world?

Smiling, I reply, No, I did not. Good to see you’ve been doing your homework. Speaking of, how’s the dual degree going?

It’s going terribly.

Why terribly?I ask, not able to imagine Madison being terrible at anything.

Because I suck at pharmacology. I’ll make a sucky nurse :(

I chuckle at her wit and text back.

You will not. It just happens I’m an expert in drugs. Well, prescribing them, not taking them :P

You don’t say. Would you be willing to offer your expertise? A slice of New York’s famous cheesecake is yours if you say yes.

Before I have time to respond, she adds. Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Madison begging was enough of a trigger to say yes, but the fact whipped cream and a cherry is involved has, without a doubt, sealed the deal.

You drive a hard bargain…but okay.

Thank you! Thank you! Would 2mro be ok?

Tomorrow would be perfect, I reply eagerly.

Great!!Do you remember where I live?

How could I forget?

Maybe I could suggest she come here. But that doesn’t make any sense, as all her books are at her place. I’ll just suck it up, and it’s not like it’s a date. I’m helping her study. It’s a study date. I’m only offering my expertise, nothing more.

With that thought in mind, I respond.

Text me the details. I’ll be there.

A loud knocking at my door interrupts my vigil by the phone, and by the obnoxious pounding, I know it’s Hunter. Opening the door, I quickly hand him a beer as I want to check my cell. However, the moment he takes one step into my home, he raises a brow. Looking from left to right, he sniffs the air and rotates his finger in a circular motion around the room.

“It smells like nympho in here.” A small laugh escapes me.

Looking at me closely, he adds, “But it also smells like…” He takes another sniff. “Cherry pie.”

It doesn’t surprise me how accurate he can be. I guess these are the perks of knowing someone your entire life.

Closing the door behind him, I say, “Drink that. You’re going to need it for what I’m about to tell you.”


Something Sweet


“Maddy, why oh why are you getting messed up with this jerkoff once again?” Mary says, watching in distaste as I try on outfit number five.

“First, I’m not getting messed up with him. He’s helping me study, that’s all. And second, he’s not a jerkoff,” I say, defending Dixon’s honor.

“Um, yeah he is,” she rebukes, her eyes rising from the magazine she’s flicking through. “Do you not remember he stood you up, and then he disappeared off the face of this earth for like three months?”