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We’re both steadily fingering her, but this is my show, so I nudge her hand away and insert another finger, stretching her wide. She cries out, taking me deeper, and moans the instant I go in all the way. Her inner muscles clasp around me and I finger her fiercely, showing her no mercy until she comes with a quick, explosive cry. The sound is music to my sex-starved ears, and I yank down my zipper before the final tremor can rock her sated body.

The moment my belt and pants hit the floor, I’m desperately drawing her closer, leading my throbbing dick to her delicious, soaked cunt. But before we do this, I should caution her that things are about to get messy.

“I don’t make love. I fuck. I fuck long. And I fuck hard. I’m not here for romance, or to fall in love,” I warn, rubbing my tip along her opening. “I don’t make empty promises. I’m just here to come. Can you handle that?”

Juliet groans low in her throat, my promises of unrestricted pleasure obviously appealing to her kinky side. “Show me what you’ve got.”

However, my last sense of reason alerts me to the fact I don’t fuck without protection. I especially don’t fuck someone as promiscuous as Juliet without protection.

She senses my delay and quickly whispers, “I’m clean,” and wiggles her ass, begging me to give her what we both want.

Any level-headedness is lost, and I finally succumb to the lustful Juliet Harte.

With one rough, fluid movement, I thrust forward and impale her, pressing her flat up against the wall. She cries out, but the sound is far from pained.

“Hold on,” I breathlessly caution, as I plan for this to get out of control.

She splays out both palms against the wall, and stands on tippy toes, angling her body so she can take me in deeper, and harder. Wrapping one hand around her waist, and the other in her long blonde hair, I begin pumping my hips ferociously, fucking her so hard her body slams against the wall with every single punishing thrust I deliver. But I can’t stop. I’m fucking away my pain, and the harder I push, the further away it seems to fade. I want to fuck it all away, until there’s nothing left but this mind-numbing pleasure.

I bunch my fist in her hair and tilt her head to one side, exposing her long neck, her pulse pounding against the heated flesh. I strike down and avidly bite, sucking her floral-scented flesh into my hungry mouth, while she screams out in approval.

Her passion-filled mewls spur me on, and I moan against her throat, my biting and sucking in step with my driving hips. My orgasm is so close, it’s bubbling to the surface, so I reach down and begin massaging her swollen clit, my deft fingers never ceasing until she finally comes with a violent, thunderous scream.

One…two…three, and I’m fucking done.

The moment I pull out, jetting my seed all over her back, she slumps down the wall, her trembling legs unable to hold her up, because I just fucked her like an animal. A sense of shame and disgust rolls over me, and I open my mouth, ready to apologize for being such a brute. Yes, I did warn her, but that was out of control.

But she surprises me as she turns her head and with hooded eyes pants, “Let’s do that again.”


Just a Man


I wake the next morning, my body screaming at me for falling asleep at such an awkward angle. One half of me is sprawled out on the sofa, while the other half is on the floor. And I’ve just come to realize, I’m pantless. The top three buttons of my white shirt are also missing, as they became victim to Juliet’s inquisitive fingers.

Memories from last night assault my now-sober brain, and I look down at my lap, the stickiness clinging to my crotch highlighting what a fucking idiot I am.

Just as my body was collapsing into an exhausted heap after round three, I felt Juliet climb on top of me and fuck the living hell out of me until I forgot my own name. After that, I’m pretty sure I passed out, sticky and spent, and that’s where I have remained.

Squinting with one eye closed, I see it’s just on 7 a.m. I wonder where Juliet is as I take in my surroundings. The small living room is elegantly decorated, and I take a moment to appreciate the stylish furnishings, as last night, the only thing I was appreciating was Juliet’s ass.

I notice my pants are across the room, and Juliet’s fluff ball dog is currently using them for her bed. I wearily stand and moan, as my overworked muscles feel like they’ve been skinned from the bone. Shooing off Marcia or Macy, or whatever its name is, I tuck my crinkled shirt into my pants. I then decide to try to find Juliet because I feel stupid waiting out here.

Not wanting to aimlessly wander around her apartment, I walk down the hallway in hopes the first room will reveal Juliet inside. I sneak a look inside, as I don’t want to invade her privacy, which is ridiculous, seeing as I didn’t mind violating her privacy last night.

When I see that she’s not in there, I decide to take a look in the bathroom. However, that search is also fruitless. Deciding to freshen up, I try to tame my messy hair, but quickly give up and instead use the toilet, splash some water on my face, and gargle with some mouthwash, hoping to look and smell semi-human.

There is another door down the hallway, but I decide to wait it out in the kitchen, as Juliet would have no doubt heard me moving around, alerting her to the fact I’m awake. However, thirty minutes later, I’m clawing at the walls, desperate for a shower, a couple of Advil, and a cup of coffee. But I feel rude leaving without at least seeing Juliet. After last night, the least I can do is wait, but then a thought hits me. What if she didn’t want me to wait? She would have surely left a note if she did, letting me know where she went. But as I scour the counter, I see there is no sign of a note.

Suddenly feeling like a right royal dumbass, I reach for my discarded tie on the back of the sofa, say goodbye to the mutt, and then slam the door shut behind me. I feel like such a chump, sitting around for a woman who obviously doesn’t want to be found.

As I push the elevator call button, I ignore the pressing thought that Juliet has just…fucked like a man.

However, in this circumstance, I’m the damn woman, waiting for the man to magically appear after their blatant one-night stand, and not getting that it was just that. This is beyond embarrassing. I should feel relieved, but I’m not.

Bolting out the elevator doors as soon as they slide open, I hang my head, partially as a way to hide my disheveled state, but for the most part, because I’m ashamed. This is my first walk of shame, and I’m going to ensure it’s my last.

Not looking where I’m going, I charge straight into a wafer-thin frame, but quickly reach out to steady her arms before she tumbles to the ground.

Looking down, I don’t know if I should bless, or curse the irony of life as I see Madison’s sparkling green eyes shine up at me in amusement.

“We’ve gotta stop bumping into one another this way.” She smiles, tucking a curl of sweaty hair behind her ear.

She looks damp, puffed and perfect. Her tight shorts and crop top reveal way too much milky white skin, and once again I find myself staring at her like a creepy old pervert. What is it about this girl that leaves me tongue-tied?

“What are you doing here?” she asks when I remain silent.

Her innocent question however, has me feeling like an even dirtier old man, but I coolly reply, “Just visiting a friend.”

She looks down at my unkempt state, not at all believing my pathetic lie. But she nods, not questioning it. “Oh, cool. I was just coming back from a run. Not that I needed to clarify that.” She shuffles her sneaker-clad feet with a small smirk.