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It couldn’t have worked out any better.

But what now?

There was no way this could work in real life. We couldn’t sneak around fucking one another under our parents’ roof for the rest of our lives.

The irony wasn’t lost on me. I’d always wanted an older brother like Sloane had. So when Mum told me she was marrying her boss and I would be getting one, I was more than pleased even though he would spend most of his time away in London. Now he was about to graduate and would be moving closer to home and I had to admit nothing could have made me happier. As much as I loved Taylor, I’d missed spending time with Grayson. He made me laugh and he stimulated my mind—he was exactly the kind of guy I wanted to marry one day.

Staring at myself in the mirror for a long moment, I looked for signs of any changes now that I was no longer a virgin. It was still me, but with a glow on my cheeks I’d never possessed before.

I wanted Grayson.

My brow knitted together. How is this going to work for you, Layla?

Grayson is family.

It can never be. As much as I wanted it, I couldn’t wave a magical wand to alter our situation. An ache settled in my heart.

I dropped the towel and ran a bath, pouring a copious amount of bubble bath into it. The fragrance of frangipanis filled the room as steam rose into the air. I climbed in slowly and slid down, succumbing to the warm water that enveloped my sore muscles. Leaning back with bubbles frothing around me and covering every inch of me to my chin, I let out a long slow breath.

Deep breath in.

Long slow breath out.

And then another.

Until the ache subsided.

I’ll deal with reality later.

At that moment all I wanted was to bask in the glory of what had happened between us. The magic that weaved around us. The spark that ignited my soul.

I couldn’t deny the magnetic pull Grayson had on me any longer. I wanted to give in to those feelings and just experience the magic for a little longer.

Hell no, I’m lying. I want the magic forever.

I closed my eyes and replayed everything in my mind. From the moment I’d come down the stairs, to the last kiss before I crept out of Grayson’s bed.

A slow grin spread across my face as it dawned on me that Grayson had been jealous all along. And there I was thinking all he was doing was being a protective big brother.

My hand caressed down my ribs, recalling the feel of his touch against my skin. Touching my pussy, I remembered the feel of Grayson’s mouth. God, I loved those wicked lips and tongue giving me pleasure. It was sexy as hell that he liked tasting me too.

It felt tender but oh so good between my legs. I’d never imagined sex would be this amazing or that I’d want it so much.

Lost in my thoughts, still touching myself everywhere Grayson had been, my head jerked up in surprise and my jaw dropped slightly open when the door creaked open.

“Good morning, Layla. Why are you up so early and what are you smiling at?” Taylor stuck her head around the door. “Um . . . can I come in?”

“A knock would’ve been nice. You can’t just barge in here.”

Taylor raised a brow.

“And why not? It’s not like you have a guy in here, right?” She pushed the door open and walked in anyway.

“Close the door,” I said, half irritated.

“Sorry! It’s just that I can’t wait to hear what happened last night. Seth looked so damn hot. Did you have a good time? Did you get to have sex?” Her words flew out of her mouth, as if she couldn’t talk fast enough. This girl has no filter.

“Jeez, young lady, you sure ask a lot of questions.”

Her eyes narrowed as she studied my face.

“What?” I asked as her stare became more intense.

“There’s something different about you this morning. I bet you had sex!”

“Well I sure as hell didn’t.” I heard as Sloane came through the still open door.

“What the hell is this? Did I miss the memo about the meeting in my bathroom?” I squealed. “I think I’ll have to lock my door in future.”

Sloane stood with her hands on her hips. She didn’t look all that happy.

“What’s wrong, Hon?” I asked. Sloane was one of those people who always had a smile on her face. Something serious must have happened for her to be here this early with a frown marring her beautiful face.

Sloane turned to my stepsister who had planted her ass on the stool and was watching us as if she were at the movies.

“Um, Taylor, honey, would you mind fetching us a coffee each? Pretty please?”

“And miss all the juicy parts? You’re kidding, right?” She smirked. Missy was getting way too big for her sixteen year old shoes.

“Well unless you want to hear details about your brother—” Sloane said dryly.

Oh shit. She wanted to talk about Grayson. How the hell was I going to pull that off after what happened last night?

“Oh hell no. Spare me that conversation. Two coffees coming up. And I’ll take my time, okay?” She pushed to her feet and left the bathroom, this time closing the door behind her.

Sloane came to sit on the edge of the bath and ran her fingers absentmindedly through the frothy bubbles.

“Layla, I don’t understand what I did wrong. I really thought Grayson was in to me, but it turns out he isn’t.”

I sucked in a breath.

“What makes you say that?”

“Just the way he acted. Don’t get me wrong, he was the perfect gentleman—most of the time. Come to think of it, he disappeared for a while and left me alone without any explanation. I wonder where he went?” The frown between her perfectly sculptured brows deepened as she tapped her finger to her chin.

I didn’t say anything. If I kept quiet long enough, she’d soon fill the silence.

“I asked him if there was someone else. His actions would make sense if he were in love with someone already.”

My eyes widened.

“What did he say?”

I didn’t know if I wanted to hear her answer. What if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear? But what if it was? I was screwed either way. I sat up in the bath, waiting for her reply.

“Funny thing . . . he never gave me a real answer. Said it wasn’t me and that any man would be a fool not to like me. Then he said he’d prove it by taking me to dinner sometime this week.”

“Oh. Right.” My stomach performed a sickly flip.

“What I can’t understand though is that I practically threw myself at him and he didn’t even notice or make a move. I was so open about what I wanted, but he didn’t try anything.”

“He didn’t?” My voice was small and scratchy because my throat had tightened so much.

“I’m sorry, Hon, I know this must be awkward for you talking about your stepbrother like this, but I need advice on how to get him to fuck me.” She looked like she wanted to cry, I felt horrible. “I think I’m falling for him, Layla. I’ve never wanted a man so badly.”

Usually men fell over themselves, practically tripping over their dicks to get to my best friend. I could understand that this was a strange experience for her. Just as strange as me suddenly having two guys chasing after me. Okay, maybe not quite chasing, but still . . .

“You want advice from a girl who last had a boyfriend in grade school? What the hell do I know about these things? I’m probably the last person who can help, Hon.” Ain’t that the truth.

“Thing is, I’m sure he really likes me. He kissed me a few times and it was amazing. I want him, Layla, and you’ve got to help me get him.”

Sweet Jesus. I was in so much trouble. How could I deny my best friend? What would she say if she knew what happened between me and the man she wanted. She’d hardly believe that he’d want me over her.

We were both out of our depths and Grayson was slap bang in the middle of this dilemma.