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“Baby, come for me,” I managed to grunt as I continued my onslaught with my tongue, my nose pushing against her clit.

“Yes, oh yes, baby, I can feel it.”


“Grayson,” she screamed, her legs shaking as her whole body shuddered. “I want you inside. Fuck me with your cock.”

I didn’t need another invitation. She loosened her grip around my neck and slid down my body, trembling as she exhaled in short sharp pants.

With trembling hands she unbuttoned my jeans and let them drop to my ankles.

Pressing her body against the wall once more, I guided my aching cock to her slicknessand slid into her warmth with a deep rumble reverberatingfrom my chest. Fuck, I loved the feeling of her tight pussy swallowing me whole as I slammed into her. I wasn’t going to last long, my balls were ready to fucking explode.

Searching for her eyes, I pulled my face away enough to find them. Dark pools of green stared straight into mine.

“Hi.” I fucking love you.

“Hi.” Her voice was low and strained.

I exploded inside her with her milking me for every drop of cum i possessed.

This was where I belonged. This was where I wanted to be. Always.

Inside the woman I loved so fucking much.

But I couldn’t tell her. I couldn’t declare my love for her.

Not until I could offer her the world like she deserved.

Not until I spoke with my father and the family and told them that I wanted to be with Layla.

I was deeply in love with my stepsister and it was time the family knew.

Until then, I couldn’t tell her a thing, because all hell was about to break loose and it wasn’t going to be pretty. Milton would probably want my balls on a plate. Alice would then chop them off and feed them to the dogs. I didn’t care. I didn’t give a fuck as long as it meant I could be with Layla for the rest of my life.

Panic flooded my brain. What the fuck would I do if this tore us apart?

Would Layla even want me the way I wanted her? I’d been the one taking her—first her virginity, then fucking her every chance I got. It was all on me. Does she want a forever with me? I stood to lose the one thing I didn’t want to live without.

Big green eyes stared into mine. Her voice hitched. “You have no idea how much I loved being here with you, Grayson. You have given me the best days of my life. I’ll never forget them.”

Why the fuck did that sound like goodbye?

24: Layla

Why had Grayson gone all quiet all of a sudden? I wanted to shout out that I loved him. I could hardly keep the words buried inside any longer. I wanted him and the rest of the universe to know just how fucking much I was in love with my stepbrother.

If only he reciprocated my feelings. The things he’d said and done over the last few days raced around in my head, making me giddy with love and lust The way he fucked me, the way he looked into my eyes, the way we connected on a level that went deeper than anything I’d ever known—surely I couldn’t be reading him wrong?

Deep in my heart I was yearning for him to say the words, to tell me that he needed me as much as I needed him. Just the thought of leaving him behind for a couple of days caused my chest to tighten and my heart to ache so damn much I couldn’t stand it.

But not once had he told me that he loved me, not the way I wanted him too, anyway. He loved my pussy, loved being inside me, loved doing things to and with me, that he’d told me enough times to make me believe him.

Maybe love had nothing to do with it.

Maybe my stepbrother was just in lust not in love with me.

My throat threatened to close on me as a wave of emotion washed over me.

“Lala, you’re going back only a day earlier and I’ll be back in Sydney the day before Dad’s party. We’re all good, right?”

Grayson’s question surprised me. We were both still coming down from our amazing orgasms, our chests heaving as we fought for breath.

“Of course we are. Why wouldn’t we be?”

The deep frown marring his beautiful face scared me.

“I don’t know. Just something about the way you said that.”

I sucked in a breath. “Oh?”

He leaned over and rested his forehead against mine. His voice was low and hoarse as he spoke. “I’m going to make this work for us. This is not the end, it’s just bye for now . . . until I get things sorted out.”

My heart was beating at a million miles per hour as he gently traced a finger down my cheek and across my jawline.

“Oh, Grayson,” I sighed, already knowing how heavily the odds were stacked against us. If Milton wouldn’t let his son change the career path he’d chosen for him, the chances of getting Milton’s blessing our relationship was zero to none.

His lips brushed over mine. As rough as he’d been while fucking me a moment ago, he was gentle and tender now.

“Believe it, Lala.”

“I want to,” I breathed. “So badly, you have no idea.”

He chuckled softly. “Oh I think you’ve shown me how badly. You nearly strangled me with your thighs.”

I buried my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment. When it came to Grayson I couldn’t stop myself getting carried away. He brought out something in me that was normally dormant. I was logical and rational—until his magnificent cock came out to play.

“I can’t help it. I love your mouth . . . and your cock,” I mumbled against his skin as my temperature started to rise.

“Jesus, baby, that dirty little mouth of yours . . . I’m going to miss the fuck out of you.”


“Oh yeah. If it were for any reason other than Carmen, I wouldn’t let you go.”

Expelling a long slow breath, I nuzzled his neck. I loved when he said that because I felt the same way. Other than an emergency, I never wanted to be far away from Grayson ever again.

“We need to leave for the airport soon. You know what the traffic is like. Let’s get something to eat after I pack,” I said as brightly as I could without sounding fake.

With my throat burning and tears threatening to spill at any moment, I turned away to get my shit packed.

Keep it together, Layla.

I had a lot to be grateful for and I refused to spoil our last few hours together.

25: Layla

Grayson dropped me at the airport with a completely different mindset and expression on his face than the one he wore when he picked me up.

I had already checked in my luggage and now it was time to say our goodbyes. During the long and silent drive to Heathrow I kept telling myself that I wasn’t going to cry, but I simply couldn’t hold back my tears. Standing in front of the final gate that I had to go through alone, I buried my face in Grayson’s neck and allowed my sobs to erupt from me.

My throat burned with the words that I still couldn’t say. I wanted so much to tell Grayson how I felt about him.

How much he meant to me.

How much I loved him.

How much I never wanted to be apart from him.

“Lala, please don’t cry. I can handle almost anything but you crying breaks my fucking heart.” He cradled me in his arms, soothing me by rubbing large circles on my back.

“I’m sorry,” I said, crying even harder because I was upsetting him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. With shaky hands I hauled it out to see who was calling me. I sucked in a breath when I saw the name on my screen. Milton.

In two minds about answering it, I took too long to decide and the cool thankfully went to voicemail.

“Damn, it’s your father. Why would he call me?” My stepdad wasn’t one to call to shoot the breeze. He’d have a very specific reason for wanting to speak to me.

Grayson grimaced. “His timing sucks.”

My stomach lurched as I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand and pressed the button to retrieve the voicemail.