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“Damn Layla, you can’t leave me like this—”

“Like what?” I asked innocently, turning my head to look over my shoulder at him. He leaned up on his elbows, watching me. His eyes were on fire, he consumed me with his gaze alone.

“You’re such a fucking tease. I’m going to make you pay for that with my cock.”

The warm tingle his words caused hit every part of my aroused body. I can’t wait.

“Oh God, yes.” I said, putting even more swagger into my steps now that I knew his eyes were on my ass.

I walked into the bathroom with a smile on my face before, stripping off my clothes and turning the shower on. If I weren’t so anxious to get back to Grayson, I would’ve spent more time admiring the beautiful bathroom with its luxury fittings. I stepped into the rainforest inspired shower and sighed with content. I found the designer shampoo and conditioner and opened the bottles to smell them. I loved the mix of essential oils that hit my nostrils.

I closed my eyes and let the water wash over my body, feeling the pulsating droplets massage my tired muscles. This was so damn good.

Moments later I heard an appreciative whistle. I opened my eyes to find there, Grayson standing naked next to the shower, with his cock long and hard and pointing directly at me.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous. I keep forgetting just how fuckable you are. I think I’ll keep you naked for five days, just so I can constantly feast on that body.”

He stepped into the shower and pushing his erection into my hip.

“As long as I’m allowed to feast too, it’s fine by me,” I told him.

“This mouth . . . it’s so fucking hot. My cock loves your lips around it,” he breathed as his mouth came down over mine. I let his tongue ravish me, fucking my mouth before he then licked droplets of water off my face and boobs. I soaped my hands with the luxurious shower gel and grabbed hold of that superb specimen of a cock of his, eager to feel it in my hands again.

“Jesus, you’re going to make me come if you keep that up,” he said as he pulled my hands away and lifted them above my head, effectively pinning me to the tiles. His gaze held mine. “Confession time. I’ve come so fucking hard in the shower, it’s one of my favorite places.”

My stomach lurched. How many girls had he fucked in the shower?

“Yeah?” I asked in a tiny voice. I didn’t really want to know.

Gripping both my wrists with one hand, his other made its way down to my pussy, caressing my mound. “Always jerking off, I always imagining I was fucking you.”

“Yeah?” This time my voice was low and raspy. Really? He whilst thinking of me? I couldn’t help the smile that spread over my face.

Those glorious fingers of his found my clit and I let out a deep sigh. He massaged the hard nub with his thumb as he pushed his middle finger inside me.

I could get addicted to this.

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to fuck in the shower.”

“Me too,” I admitted, remembering all the times I’d used my fingers in the shower imagining they were Grayson’s cock inside me. If only I’d known, I wouldn’t have felt so much shame afterwards.

Holding my hands in place, he sucked a nipple into his mouth while his fingers kept up their teasing dance. What, was this man a master at multitasking too?

“Grayson,” I moaned as my eyes fluttered closed. “Fuck me. Please just fuck me. With your cock. Please.”

His chuckle tickled my skin. “I thought you’d never ask.”

“I want your cock so bad.” I don’t know what Grayson did to me, but the dirty words just tumbled from my lips.

He cursed under his breath before letting go of my wrists. He cupped my ass in his strong hands and lifted me up off the floor and onto his dick. With my back against the tiles, I wrapped both legs around his hips and dug my heels into his tight arse to push him deeper inside me.

“Fuck, your pussy is greedy, baby. You’ve swallowed me all up.”

“That’s because I can never get enough of you fucking me.” Sweet Lord, why did I have to tell him all my secrets and deepest desires? Why couldn’t I just keep those to myself? What was it about Grayson that made me spill my soul?

Grayson stilled for a moment. Shit, what was wrong?

“That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me. I love hearing those words from your sweet lips.” His voice caught in his throat as he stared into my eyes.

Grayson’s cock thrust in and out of me at a deliciously hard pace, banging my ass against the wall with every plunge. I cried out, begging for more, working both of us into a frenzy until he slammed into me with ferocious intent.

“Come with me, Lala,” he grunted.

“Yes,” I cried. His name tumbled from my lips over and over as my body shuddered and I fell from the sky as both of our orgasms ripped through us.

I was addicted. Nothing on this earth could be better than this.

15: Grayson

By day three, Layla was raw from all of the sex. We were like damn rabbits, screwing every moment we were awake and on every conceivable surface in the penthouse. We’d wake up and fuck, we’d eat and then fuck, sometimes whilst eating our food off of one another. When we dozed off from sheer exhaustion, our bodies entwined with one another, it was hard to tell where one body ended and the other started.

Layla was everything I had dreamed of in a woman and more.

She didn’t hold back. Not for one single moment did I feel her resist anything I wanted from her. She gave freely and in turn so did I. This was the grand slam of fucking. We had tried every position, fucking for hours on end and still we couldn’t get enough of each other.

If anything, my need for her grew exponentially with each moment we spent together. There was nowhere else I’d rather be than inside her.

Our last day together loomed over our heads like a dark cloud. I’d done my damn best to ignore the dread that filled my fucking soul at the thought of returning to Australia and bursting our little bubble.

So far I had pushed aside any guilt I had felt for not taking her out to see all the sights London had to offer. All she’d seen of the city was the spectacular view from our room and yet she never complained.

Looking down at her peaceful face as she lay beside me, I watched as her long eyelashes fluttered open slowly. She stretched like a lazy cat before she opened her eyes fully. The instant smile on her lips when she saw me leaning over her made my heart beat just a little faster.

“Hi.” My lips curled into a smile automatically.

“Hi.” Her warm breath kissed my skin.

“You look and sound as if you’re blowing bubbles when you snore,” I teased.

“I so do not snore. You’re full of shit, Forbes.” She narrowed those gorgeous eyes of hers and pouted her lips playfully, challenging me.

“Hmmm, but do you have any fucking idea how cute it is and how much it turns me on?”

“Kinky, Doctor, kinky,” she said, giving a fully belly laugh. “But you must have been imagining things. I would know if I snored.”

I threw back my head and laughed. “You’re asleep when you snore, so how would you know?”

“Well, until proven otherwise, I refuse to believe it. Neither Sloane nor Taylor have ever said anything about me snoring and I’ve slept in the same room with them a lot more than I have with you.”

“That’s because they don’t watch you like I do. It’s the highlight of my morning, watching you wake up and smile at me. You’re sexy as fuck, even in your sleep.”

Her grin grew even wider. “Keep telling me that, I might just start believing you.”

I nuzzled her neck with my nose. I loved how she even smelled good in the morning. “Believe it. I never lie. If I say it’s so, it must be true.”

My dick was waking up and stiffening already. I had to move fast before it took over and ruined my plans.