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‘The story is one that will rank up with the Fifty Shades and Crossfire trilogies’ Incubus Publishing Blog

Release Me gives readers tantalizing pages of sensual delight, leaving us reeling as we journey with this couple and their passions are released. Release Me is a must read!’ Readaholics Anonymous

By J. Kenner

The Stark Series

Release Me

Claim Me

Complete Me

The Stark International Novellas

Take Me (e-novella)

Have Me (e-novella)

Play My Game (e-novella)

Seduce Me (e-novella)

The Stark International Series

Say My Name

On My Knees

Under My Skin

The Most Wanted Series




About the Book

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There’s no better place to turn up the heat than in Sin City . . .

I’ve never felt as close to anyone as I have with Damien Stark. I know every line of his body, every secret within his soul. There’s nothing I crave more than his touch, and with his kiss, he seals his claim.

Las Vegas is the perfect place for us, where we can indulge every desire and fantasy. But when someone from my past resurfaces, I can’t ignore my instinct that I have to make things right.

With Damien by my side, I feel safe no matter the danger. Our passion protects us, drives us, makes us whole. His pleasure is an exquisite game, and one that I’ll play forever.

Find out how it all began for Damien and Nikki in J. Kenner’s hot and addictive bestselling Stark series: Release Me, Claim Me, Complete Me, Take Me, Have Me and Play My Game.

Return to the smoking hot Stark world with the Stark International trilogy: Say My Name, On My Knees and Under My Skin is the explosively emotional story of Jackson Steele and Sylvia Brooks.

Don’t miss J. Kenner’s sizzling Most Wanted series of three enigmatic and powerful men, and the striking women who can bring them to their knees: Wanted, Heated and Ignited.

Dear Reader,

In 2012 I had the pleasure of meeting former tennis star turned billionaire entrepreneur Damien Stark when he leaped full-blown into my imagination. After the first book featuring Damien Stark and Nikki Fairchild hit shelves in January 2013, I was thrilled to discover that so many readers loved these characters as much as I did. Loved them so much in fact, that both readers and I wanted to see more of Nikki and Damien, even after their courtship concluded in book three of the original Stark Trilogy (Release Me, Claim Me, and Complete Me).

Thus, Stark Ever After novellas were born. Writing these novellas has allowed me to spend more time with the characters I so love writing, and to offer readers extra glimpses inside their life after “happily ever after.”

Seduce Me is the fourth Stark Ever After novella, and was originally published as part of the limited-release Sweet Seduction anthology, a charity project for the benefit of juvenile diabetes. Because some readers were coming to that anthology without having met Nikki and Damien, I wrote this novella in a way that allows any reader to follow and enjoy the story, whether or not he or she has met Nikki and Damien on the page before.

If you are already a fan of the series, this story falls chronologically after Play My Game (a Stark Ever After novella) and before Say My Name (book one of the new Stark International Trilogy, in which Damien and Nikki are secondary characters).

For those of you who are already familiar with Nikki and Damien, I hope you enjoy this novella that peeks into their lives after marriage. For new readers, I hope the characters intrigue you and you check out the series.


J. Kenner

Chapter 1

I scowl at my calendar for today and wonder how I am possibly going to be able to cram everything into one workday. I have three meetings, half a dozen phone calls to return, a lunch appointment, and plans to meet my best friend, Jamie, for drinks at seven. And somewhere in there I have to schedule time to actually get work done.

Frankly, I’m not sure if it’s possible without the aid of time travel devices or, at the very least, a part-time assistant.

I’m tapping the end of my pencil against the overfull sheet—because despite owning my own web- and mobile-app development company, I print my schedule every morning—when Damien approaches.

I know that he is there even though he has yet to say a word. Perhaps I heard his bare feet on the wooden floor. Perhaps the air shifted as he passed. Or perhaps he is simply Damien Stark, and I could no more fail to notice his presence than I could miss a tidal wave.

But more likely, I think it is because he has so thoroughly claimed me that there is never a moment when I am not blissfully and totally aware of him.

I am in the library on the mezzanine of the exceptional Malibu house that was still under construction when I first started dating Damien. Now it is our home, and every space within these walls is precious to me. I’m at the desk near the section where Damien has shelved his sci-fi/fantasy collection, tattered paperbacks tucked in alongside pristine, signed first editions. A few feet away, in one of the comfy leather chairs, the newest addition to our household is curled up into a tiny ball of orange fluff.

This is Damien’s favorite place to work, and that’s part of why I come here almost every morning—I like to feel close to him.

Right now, I feel very close indeed.

“You’re amazing, you know.” I speak without turning around, then smile when I hear his soft chuckle behind me.

“Because I can sneak up on you?” This time I do hear his footsteps as he moves even closer.

“I knew you were there. By definition, that isn’t sneaking. Or, at least, it’s not successful sneaking.”

“You make a good point, Mrs. Stark.” His hands press gently on my shoulders, and I close my eyes, just soaking up the feel of him. It’s more potent than coffee, and if I could bottle this sensation, I’d be richer than my husband.

I haven’t yet turned to look at him, but I don’t need to. I long ago memorized every delicious inch of him. His lush, raven-black hair, so familiar to my fingers. His perfectly sculpted face, softened by the slightest shadow of beard stubble. His lean, well-muscled athlete’s body that looks equally exceptional in jeans or a tux. And, of course, his dual-colored eyes that can look right to my core and see all my secrets.

It is not yet seven on a Friday morning and though I’m still in my typical morning uniform of a T-shirt and baggy shorts, I know that he is already dressed. I inhale, confirming that assumption. I smell the soap from his shower. The hint of musk from the cologne I bought him in Paris on our honeymoon, just a few months ago.

“So tell me, why am I amazing?”

“To properly answer that, I’d need PowerPoint, a projector, and at least two days.” I tilt my head back so that I can grin at him, and my heart skitters when I see his face, even more perfect than the picture I keep tucked away in my mind. “But in this particular instance, I was referring to your time management skills.” Damien accomplishes more in a day than most people do in a year. Frankly, I think it’s highly likely that superpowers are involved.