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“From what you said about Potter’s protection, I’m sure of it.”

“Makes it all the more urgent to go,” said Oskar, excitedly.

“Hold your horses. The Princess isn’t exactly something that slips by unnoticed. If we do try and make a run for it and they catch us, there is no way they’ll believe that Jack drowned.”

“They’d nail our asses to the wall.”

“You got that right. Neither one of us would see the light of day ever again. Worse yet, if he is still alive … well either way, it likely won’t matter. If we’re caught, we’re dead. Thailand believes in capital punishment.”

“Oh, fuck. So what should we do?” asked Oskar.

“We need some insurance,” said Barfoot, rising to his feet and pointing to the boat that was off in the distance. “I think we should grab that one. The authorities won’t be looking for it. Kill whoever is on board and use it to get back. The murders might even get blamed on the pirates.”

International politics and extradition treaties were no longer on Jack’s mind. He glanced out to sea at the lights from the boat. Someone’s romantic cruise was about to turn into a nightmare.

Wonder how many people are on board … or if they have children?

“And leave the Malaysian Princess?” asked Oskar.

“Would you would prefer to be executed?” replied Barfoot.


“I’ll tell Razak and Khalid to bring the Princess back. They’ll do what I tell them. If need be, they might also act as a distraction by making a run for it. If they make it, great, if not, that’s too bad.”

“Let’s do it.”

“I’ll radio Razak and tell him to pick us up. With luck, we’ll be on our way in that other boat within the hour.”

Hiding and waiting to be rescued is no longer an option …

Jack was already heading down the beach toward Khalid, when he heard Barfoot using his walkie-talkie to call Razak.

The level of the beach dropped as it neared the ocean. As long as Jack remained doubled over, Barfoot and Oskar would not be able to see him from where they were.

Khalid was strolling down the beach away from him. The waves, only knee-deep as they hit the shore, took on a luminescent glow as they rolled in. He knew Khalid would have his attention focused on the waves.

Jack was no longer worried about leaving footprints. He stopped at the water’s edge and quickly took off one running shoe and a sock.

Guess what, asshole, you’re about to find out that I’m very much alive!

Chapter Forty-Three

The sudden appearance of a shadow in the moonlight told Khalid that someone was behind him. He glanced back to look, but was too late. The first blow to his temple emitted a wet-sounding thud. Jack thought the blow might have killed him, but it didn’t.

Khalid only fell to his hands and knees, but was stunned and his mouth gaped open as he blinked and tried to get to his feet.

Jack quickly struck again. His weapon was his sock. Packed with wet sand and twisted and knotted to hold the sand firmly in place, it made an ideal club. This time his blow landed on the opposite temple and Khalid dropped face-first into the sand.

Jack’s plan had been to take Khalid out silently, then take his pistol to get the drop on Barfoot and Oskar. He could then use one of their phones to call for help.

So far, his plan was working. Khalid was still breathing, but completely unconscious and had not yelled out during the attack.

Jack quickly rolled him over, searching for the pistol. That was when the plan fell apart. There was no pistol. Khalid had left it back in the duffel bag at the fire pit.

The sound of the tender caught his immediate attention. In the lights from the yacht, he could see Pike untying the tender for Razak. Seconds later, Pike shoved the tender off and Razak gunned the engine and headed for shore.

Jack recalled Barfoot’s comment. It can do up to forty knots … faster than the Princess

A new plan emerged. Steal the tender and warn the people on the other boat to call for help. Jack figured if he could pull it off, it would take everyone at least twenty minutes to swim to the yacht. It would give him enough of a head start to warn the others who could call for help while they escaped.

Jack raced back down the beach and could see Barfoot and Oskar folding the chairs and preparing to leave. He looked at the tender roaring across the water, its spotlight shining like a locomotive. Jack guessed he had less than two minutes before it arrived. He took a deep breath and plunged into the water.

Jack lay on his back in chest-deep water with his arms stretched out, while one foot occasionally bounced off the bottom to help keep him afloat. He hoped he looked dead, otherwise he knew he would be.

He heard the tender bouncing across the water as it drew near. Razak cut the throttle down as he approached and soon felt the bump of the tender against his arm.

“Guys! I found him!” he heard Razak yell. “Floated in right at you!” he added.

A muffled reply came from Barfoot, but Jack did not hear and held his breath as his head dipped under the water. Okay, haul me in, asshole. I’ve got a little surprise for you …

Jack was the one who was in for a surprise. Razak didn’t bother to haul him into the tender, instead, opting to grab him by the wrist and tow him to shore.


As Jack’s body started to drag behind the tender, he twisted his body and braced both feet on the bottom while wrapping his fingers around Razak’s wrist and yanking as hard as he could. He hoped it would catch Razak off guard and topple him into the water, giving him a chance to grab the tender and make good his escape.

Razak’s body turned and half fell over the back of the tender, but for the most part, he remained still inside. “He’s alive!” Razak shouted.

Jack heard more shouts from the beach and his feet momentarily came off the bottom as Razak gunned the engine with his other hand. Barfoot and Oskar were both shouting and running toward them on the beach.

Jack was barely aware that the propeller had taken a gash out of his shin as he struggled to brace his feet again, while trying to pull Razak out.

Briefly, he came face to face with Razak who managed to clamp both hands around Jack’s throat before forcing his head under the water. Jack flailed with his arms, twisting and turning while thrashing his body in a bid to escape.

Razak had the advantage of height from above to lean down and use his strength and weight to force Jack’s head under the water. Looking up through the churning bubbles, Jack could make out the blurred silhouette of Razak’s head.

Jack’s body cried out for air as the energy he expended demanded that he breathe. He lifted his feet off the bottom and the tender surged slightly ahead before Jack braced himself again, while getting one more gulp of air before being forced back under the water.

Razak’s knees and legs were still in the tender but the upper part of his body was stretched out over the back as he dug his thumbs deeper into Jack’s throat.

Razak expected Jack to try and pry his hands off … so he was caught off guard when Jack reached up and grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and plunged him face-first into the propeller.

Razak immediately let go of Jack’s neck, but he was too late to fend off the attack. The effervescent foam around the engine became a red froth as Jack held the tender in place with one hand, while mashing Razak’s face and throat into the propeller.

Jack was conscious of Oskar approaching the front of the tender, but fear, coupled with adrenaline, caused him to push longer than necessary. He could feel the vibration from the propeller as it struck the bones in Razak’s face.