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“He was one of the most famous artists of the Northern Renaissance,” Anton said.        Libby removed another pouch.  Inside was a golden cross embedded with jewels.  They continued to uncover more jewelry and gold coins.  The final item was another leather folder containing several papers with hand-drawn maps and cryptograms.

“Are those treasure maps?” Viv’s jaw dropped.

Anton couldn’t believe his eyes.  “You have quite the treasure trove here.  You’ll need the assistance of an experienced appraiser and a historian familiar with such items.”

Viv’s face was pale and her hands were shaking.

“My cousin might become a very wealthy woman.”  Lin grinned and hugged her.

“Oh, no.”  Viv shook her head.  “Sebastian Coffin put these here.  He refused to profit from someone else’s misfortune and neither will I.  If these are authentic pieces then I’ll donate everything to a museum or university.”

“But, the money.”  Anton gave Viv a serious look.  “It could provide you with things you need, make your life easier.”

“I like my life the way it is.”  Viv smiled at her cousin.  “We don’t need any more than what we already have.”  Viv looked at the necklace Lin still held in her hands.  “That belongs to you.”

Lin was about to protest, but Viv cut her off.  “It belonged to a woman who was probably a lot like you.”  She glanced at Libby for confirmation.

“Yes,” Libby nodded.  “Information that has been passed down to us from our ancestors tells us that Emily Witchard could see spirits, too.”

“Then the necklace is right where it belongs.”  Viv closed Lin’s hand over the pendant and she put her arm over Lin’s shoulders.  “Just like my cousin is right where she belongs.”

Libby grinned.  “I couldn’t agree more.”

Lin’s eyes filled with happy tears as the four people and two animals left the storage area.  As Lin stepped into the sunshine, a sudden current of cold air engulfed her.        She could sense Sebastian Coffin in the breeze.

Thank you for everything.

Lin had a feeling that the ghost wasn’t gone after all and that she might be seeing more of him. Very soon.

Thank you for reading!

BOOKS BY J.A. WHITING can be found here:

http:// www.amazon.com/author/jawhiting

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A Haunted Murder (A Lin Coffin Cozy Mystery Book 1)

A Haunted Disappearance (A Lin Coffin Cozy Mystery Book 2) – Soon!

And more to come !


The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1)

Murder So Sweet (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 2)

Sweet Secrets (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 3)

Sweet Deceit (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 4)

Sweetness and Light (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 5)

And more to come !


The Killings (Olivia Miller Mystery – Book 1)

Red Julie (Olivia Miller Mystery - Book 2)

The Stone of Sadness (Olivia Miller Mystery – Book 3)


About the Author

J.A. Whiting lives with her family in New England.  Whiting loves reading and writing mystery stories.

Visit me at:


http:// www.facebook.com/jawhitingauthor

http:// www.amazon.com/author/jawhiting

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Twenty Years Ago

Chapter 2 – Present Day

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

About the Author