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Hurrying into the brush, she squatted down, out of sight, while waiting for the vehicle to pass. She’d checked under the mattress for his gun, but it was gone, which meant he’d taken it with him.

As the vehicle zipped by, she realized those headlights didn’t belong to a van. It was some kind of car. She should’ve flagged down the driver and would have done so if she’d known…

Tears blurred her vision as she lurched back to the pavement. She hated feeling that he could come upon her at any moment. But she was afraid to leave the road for fear she’d end up lost or run into a vicious animal or even a loose dog. She’d been hoping to find another house, but she hadn’t seen any lights.

Her shivering grew more violent as the minutes ticked by. Was she traveling toward town or farther into the country?

The thought that she might have to be out all night tempted her to go back to the house and retrieve a blanket, or layer up with the rest of her clothes. Maybe she’d have a better chance of getting away if she didn’t feel as if she might freeze to death…

But Gloria’s message kept her moving forward: Marcie’s dead. And that man killed her.

Wes was a murderer. But was it true that he used to be a cop? Was it true that his wife and son had been killed? That he was hunting the man who did it? If so, she felt sorry about the tragedy that had twisted him. But he was the one who’d ended her sister’s life. Gloria said so, and Gloria was always right-wasn’t she?

Suddenly, Latisha stopped. Gloria always thought she was right. But what if this was one instance where she was wrong? What if Wes had dropped Marcie off as he’d said, and someone else had killed her? In her attempt to get home, Marcie could’ve thumbed a ride with someone dangerous. She was probably frantic, not thinking straight. And there could be another explanation for that fire in the barrel and the blood on Wes’s shoes. I didn’t even ask him about those things. Maybe what she’d found wasn’t really blood. She’d been jumping to conclusions. She’d automatically thought the worst.

Sinking into the brush along the shoulder of the road, she curled up for warmth. Was she abandoning the man she loved? Or saving her life? She wasn’t sure. She was too cold and sick to decide-and too cold and sick to care. She didn’t think she had the strength to go any farther.

Another set of headlights appeared, these a little higher than those of the previous car. As the sound of the engine grew louder, Latisha knew before she ever saw the van that it was Wesley.

“Anything?” Jane asked. She’d just hung up after speaking to David. She’d called to let him know what Luther had told her.

Sebastian peeled off his coat and draped it on the back of a kitchen chair. “No.”

She gave him a saucy look. “Well…I got a tip while you were gone.”

Now that it was getting late, he was beginning to think about bed. And these days, whenever he thought about bed, he thought about Jane…

His gaze lingered on the opening of her robe, and he wondered if she’d let him slip his hand inside. “Who from?”

She placed her fingers under his chin, bringing his attention up to her eyes. “A pimp.”

“You know a pimp?” he asked, arching an eyebrow at her.

“Latisha’s dad. We seem to be friends now. At least, our relationship is improving.”

He backed her against the counter, grinning as she glanced behind him to check that the coast was clear. He had a feeling they might end up in the bathroom again tonight. “Glad to hear you’re winning him over,” he said. “What’d he tell you?”

“Malcolm is driving a white van. Luther couldn’t give me the license-plate number, but he’s got everyone he knows keeping an eye out.”

“And how would a pimp know what kind of vehicle Malcolm is driving?”

“Gambling isn’t Malcolm’s only vice.”

Moving his lower body against hers, he bent his head until their lips were a fraction of an inch apart. “Is Kate in bed?”

“That’s your next question?”

“Were we talking about something else?”

She laughed, then their lips met-right before Kate spoke from the entrance to the kitchen. Jane stiffened, but Sebastian felt that scrambling away from each other would only imply that they were doing something wrong. Slipping an arm around her shoulders, he turned to face her daughter as if it wasn’t any big deal that she’d caught them kissing.

“What did you say?” he asked Kate.

“Nothing,” she mumbled with a furious blush and hurried back down the hall.

“I think she’s on to us,” he told Jane, keeping his voice light.

She pulled away from him, her expression more concerned than amused. “I think so, too.”

Malcolm couldn’t believe it. Latisha was gone.

He stood in the bedroom doorway, holding his stupid flowers and gaping at the bed where he’d left her. He’d never dreamed she’d wake up so soon. He’d given her only one sleeping pill, but with all the booze he hadn’t thought she’d need more than that. She weighed maybe a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet!

So what now? He wasn’t sure what upset him more. The fact that he’d begun to trust her and she’d betrayed him, or the fear that she might remember where he lived. The safest approach would be to get out, leave and never come back.

Unless he could reclaim her. Was there any chance?

Tossing the flowers on the floor, he dashed back down the hall, checking each room he passed, including the closets. She wasn’t anywhere in the house. What had she done? Struck out on her own-walking? If so, maybe he could find her.

It was then that he spotted his computer. Why hadn’t he taken it with him? He’d been so eager to reach The Last Stand offices, so confident that Latisha would be unconscious for several hours, at least, that he hadn’t even considered what she could do on the Internet.

Jiggling his mouse, he dissolved his screen saver. She’d left nothing open on his desktop, but a quick check of his browser history revealed that she’d logged into her e-mail account. That meant she’d probably communicated with someone.

Damn it! How had she been coherent enough to do that? She should’ve been completely stoned!

Sweat trickled from his temple. Should he grab his stuff and go? Forget her? Or should he try to find her? Most of Emily’s money was gone. He didn’t want to pay for a motel, not when he’d just paid his rent and this place was so perfect.

He’d go after her, he decided. He’d find her and bring her back. Then he’d kill her and burn her body in that barrel. She’d become too much of a liability; she was more like her sister than he’d thought. He liked female companionship in bed, but the situation had changed and the price was too high. Over the next few weeks, he had to be more agile, had to be able to come and go as he pleased-at least until he’d taken care of his most recent problems.

Grabbing his keys, he tore out of the house. He was about to take care of one of them right now. If Latisha was on foot, she couldn’t have gotten very far.

Latisha could hear Wesley calling her. He wasn’t far away. He’d been driving up and down the road, stopping every few minutes to get out and stab through the brush with a flashlight. Once she saw the beam of his light pass right over where she was. She hadn’t moved since she’d curled up, was beginning to believe she’d die if she didn’t answer. The night sky swirled above her. She’d grown so dizzy she could no longer stand.

I think I’m falling in love with you, in love with you, in love with you…His voice seemed to echo in her head. You’d like to be a mother, wouldn’t you, wouldn’t you? How do you like the ring, ring, ring?

She liked the ring, all right. It represented everything she’d ever wanted.


He was drawing close again, sounding more and more frantic.