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“You said it’s taken over everything,” May began, concerned. “Do you think it will last?”

“I think it’ll hold things off long enough for the people to forget some of the unhappiness that’s been so prevalent lately and for us to come up with a way to address issues if they pop up again.” Mom sounded confident.

When they pop up,” I corrected. “My life might be exciting for a while, but eventually people will start worrying about themselves again.” I went back to looking at the pictures, almost pitying these boys. They had no chance of winning and no idea they were part of a public distraction.

“This is strange,” I said, picking up one of the applications. “I don’t want to be judgmental, but look at this. I caught three different spelling mistakes on this one.”

Mom took the form. “It’s possible he was nervous.”

“Or an idiot,” I offered.

May chuckled.

“Don’t be so harsh, sweetie. It’s scary on their end, too.” Mom handed me the form, and I clipped it back to a picture of a boy with a very innocent face and a head full of wild blond curls.

“Wait, are you scared?” Aunt May asked, worry on my behalf coating her voice.

“No, of course not.”

Her expression relaxed back into its normal, beautiful, carefree state. “Can’t imagine you being scared of anything.” She winked at me.

It was comforting that at least one of us thought so.


WHEN THEY STARTED POURING IN, I fled to my room, sketching in the sunlight on my balcony. Too many boisterous laughs and overly enthusiastic greetings. I wondered how long that camaraderie would last. This was a competition, after all. I mentally added finding ways to pit them against one another to my to-do list.

“I think we should put my hair up, Neena. I want to look mature today.”

“Excellent choice, my lady.” She scrubbed at my nails. “Any thoughts on a dress?”

“I’m thinking evening gown. Black would do nicely.”

She chuckled. “Looking to scare them?”

I couldn’t hold back my sly smile. “Only a little.”

We giggled together, and I was glad to have her with me. I was going to need her soothing words and calming touches over the next few weeks.

After my hair was dry, we braided and knotted it up like a crown, which only made my tiara look better. I found the black dress I’d worn for a New Year’s Eve party last year. It was covered in lace and fitted to the knee before it flared out to the floor. An oval of skin was exposed across my back, and the tiny butterfly sleeves set low across my shoulders. I had to admit it looked even more beautiful in the sun than it did under candles.

My clock struck one, and I made my way downstairs. We had converted one of the libraries on the fourth floor into a Men’s Parlor so the Selected could gather and relax during their time in the palace. It was about the same size as the Women’s Room and had plenty of places to sit, lots of books, and two televisions.

I was heading to that area of the palace now. We had decided that the suitors would be brought out one at a time to greet me and then escorted to the Men’s Parlor to get to know one another.

I saw a cluster of people down the hallway, including my parents and General Leger, and made my way toward them, trying not to let my nerves show. Dad looked stunned and Mom covered her mouth as I approached.

“Eadlyn . . . you seem so grown up.” She sighed as she touched my cheek and shoulder and hair, not fixing anything, just checking.

“Probably because I am.”

She nodded to herself, tears in her eyes. “You look the part. I never really thought I passed for a queen, but you . . . wholly perfect.”

“Stop it, Mom. You’re completely adored. You and Dad brought peace to the country. I haven’t done anything.”

She placed a finger under my chin. “Not yet. But you’re too determined to accomplish nothing.”

Before I could respond, Dad approached us. “Ready?”

“Yes,” I answered, steadying myself. That wasn’t the pep talk I’d been envisioning. “I don’t intend to eliminate anyone just yet. I figure everyone deserves at least a day.”

Dad smiled. “I think that’s wise.”

I took a breath. “All right, then. Let’s begin.”

“Do you want us to stay or go?” Mom asked.

I considered. “Go. For now, anyway.”

“As you wish,” Dad said. “General Leger and a few guards will be nearby. If you need anything, simply ask. We want you to have a wonderful day.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“No,” he said, embracing me, “thank you.”

He pulled away and offered his arm to Mom. They walked off, and I felt like I could see their happiness glowing simply in the way they moved.

“Your Highness,” General Leger said gently. I turned to see his smiling face. “Nervous?”

I shook my head slightly, almost convincing myself. “Bring the first one out.”

He nodded before making eye contact with a butler down the hall. A boy walked out of one of the libraries, straightening his cuff links as he approached. He was lean and a little on the short side, but he had a pleasant enough face.

He stopped in front of me, bowing. “Fox Wesley, Your Highness.”

I tilted my head in greeting. “A pleasure.”

He took in a breath. “You are so beautiful.”

“So I’ve been told. You can go now.” I swept my arm across my body, pointing to the Men’s Parlor.

Fox furrowed his eyebrows before giving me another bow and leaving.

The next boy was in front of me, tipping his head to greet me.

“Hale Garner, Your Highness.”

“Welcome, sir.”

“Thank you so much for letting us into your home. I hope to prove myself worthy of your hand more and more each day.”

I cocked my head curiously. “Really? And how will you do that today?”

He smiled. “Well, today I would let you know I come from an excellent family. My father used to be a Two.”

“Is that all?”

Undeterred, he went on. “I think it’s pretty impressive.”

“Not as impressive as having a father who used to be a One.”

His face faltered.

“You may go.”

He bowed and started to walk away. After a few steps he looked back. “I’m sorry to have offended you, Your Highness.”

And his face was so sad that I nearly told him he hadn’t. But that wouldn’t fall in line with my plan for the day.

A parade of endlessly unmemorable boys crossed my path. A little past the halfway point, Kile came through the line, stopping in front of me. For once his hair was styled in such a way that I could actually see his eyes.

“Your Highness,” he greeted.

“It’s ‘Royal Pain in the Ass’ to you, sir.”

He chuckled.

“So, how have they been treating you? Your mom says the papers spilled that you lived at the palace.”

He shook his head in shock. “I thought that it would be an immediate invitation to be pummeled by a bunch of jealous meatheads, but it turns out, most of them see me as an asset.”


“They assume I know everything about you already. I’ve been bombarded with questions all morning.”

“And what are you telling them, exactly?”

He smirked, his smile slightly crooked. “What a pleasure you are, of course.”

“Right.” I rolled my eyes, not believing him for a second. “You can go ahead—”

“Listen, I want to tell you I’m sorry again. For calling you bratty.”

I shrugged. “You were upset.”

He nodded, accepting that excuse. “Still, it’s unfair all the same. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you are exceedingly spoiled.” He shook his head. “But you’re tough because you have to be. You’re going to be queen, and while I’ve seen things unfold in the palace, I’ve never actually had the weight of your work on me. It’s not fair for me to judge.”

I sighed. The polite thing would be to thank him. So, fine, I would be polite. “Thank you.”
