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“Like what?” Derek asked.

“Seems to me that Straus isn’t running because he is helping Alexander Black, but because he must’ve seen what Black did here and didn’t want to have his body added to the pile. And wherever he did run off to is somewhere that he feels will be as far away from Black as possible. To me, this new info rules out everyone but the father from the list of suspected accomplices. You see things any different?”

“Not sure yet,” Derek said. “I mean, until we know if or how the father may have found out about Black, we can’t assume to understand his reasons for not flying off to the sunny Bahamas. He may have stayed back to make sure his son – my client – is safe or to talk him into flying to the Bahamas with him. We don’t know. Way too many options. And until I know his reason for staying and exactly where he is, Straus is still a suspect. Maybe he got tired of hiding Black and made a deal with Ken O’Connell. ‘Everything you ever wanted to know about that day you thought your son died but were afraid to ask’ sort of deal. Maybe Lucietta is involved somehow. I don’t know. But what I do know is that I need to find William Straus. Now more than ever.”

“You think your client knows what his daddy has been up to?”

“Something tells me that he has no idea. Not sure why I feel that, but I do.”

“Didn’t you tell me that his daddy suggested that your client hire you?”

“He did. According to my client.”

“Then why would your client’s daddy suggest that you get on the case if he’s the one you’re looking for?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he thought that we wouldn’t find out that he never left town or maybe he wants me involved for another reason. I don’t know.”

“Well, you’re about to find out,” Smith said to Derek as he walked back into the lodge’s entry room.

After spending ten minutes telling Derek exactly what to say and what not to say, Smith handed Derek his phone back.

“Remember, you need to keep him on the call for at least ninety seconds and, whatever you do, don’t tell him that you’re with any police agency and make damn sure that you act like you believe he is on some beach in the Bahamas. Clear?”


The phone rang twice before being answered.

“Ken O’Connell.”

“Mr. O’Connell,” Derek said. “This is Derek Cole. Your son asked me to give you a call about the case I was hired to assist with.”

“Took you damn long enough to call me,” Ken barked. “I trust that you understand that while my son contacted you, the money you’ve received came from me. That makes me your client, and if I want something from you or need you to do something, I expect your full compliance. Is that understood?”

“Understood. How can I help you?”

“Where are you right now?” Ken asked.

“Sitting in my car down the street from Doctor William Straus’s lodge in Piseco Lake New York,” Derek delivered his instructed response.

“Have you contacted or are you working with any of the local police?”

“I’ve met Chief Ralph Fox but am not working with him. He’d prefer that I just stay out of his way.”

“And that’s what I want you to do as well,” Ken said, his voice sounding somewhat relieved. “I don’t know why the hell you felt it was important to be up in that area in the first place, but I am not going to tell you how to run your investigation. I am, however, going to tell you what I need you to find out from this point forward.”

“And that would be?” Derek asked.

“Find William Straus, Brian Lucietta, and Stanley Mix. I need you to find them and keep them safe. I want to punish those assholes for what they did to my family. Not that I wouldn’t be glad if they were killed, but I want to make them suffer in the a court of law and in prison.”

“I understand. Do you have any suggestions as to where Straus and Mix may be holding up?”

“If I knew that I wouldn’t need you, would I?”

“Just trying to save you some money, Mr. O’Connell. The longer I spend on this case, the higher your bill.”

“Don’t worry about my bill. In fact, I’ve arranged to have another payment transferred to your account tomorrow.”

“Much appreciated,” Derek said.

“I want you to call me twice a day, every day with updates. Call me at 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Understood?”

“Absolutely. How long do you plan to stay in the Bahamas?”

“I’m not in the Bahamas, Mr. Cole. Never got on that plane. Never intended to. My wife is down there, and my son believes that I am with her, and I need you to assure me that you will not tell anyone that I am not where everyone thinks I am.”

“Where are you?” Derek asked.



“Chicago?” Derek questioned. “If the police find out that you’re in Chicago, then you’re going to quickly become a very sought after person.”

“You think that I’d actually leave town without my son?” Ken responded.

“Which son?” Derek asked.

“Don’t be a smart ass, Cole. You know I’m talking about Thomas. I found out about what the doctors and Saint Stevens did six months ago. I’ve been planning exactly how I was going to get my revenge when I got a call from Ralph Fox, telling me that Alexander Black had killed three people and had listed my family on his hit list. I’ll tell you that I am not at all upset that those bastards are dead. Wish I had the courage to kill them myself. But now that Alexander has made his intentions clear, I am focused on keeping my family safe and making damn sure that Straus, Lucietta, and Mix don’t get killed before I can make send them to prison.

“Mix is dying of cancer. He doesn’t have much time left, or so I’ve been told. I need you to find him first. I want to look him in his eyes and let him know what a waste of humanity he is. I want the last thing he hears is a jury finding him guilty and the last thing for him to see is seen through steel bars.

“Find him, Cole. Whatever it takes, and whatever it costs. You find Stanley Mix before Alexander does.”