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“And you did all of that,” Bonnie said gently. “But it’s not over yet. Mama still needs you. Can’t you feel how she’s hurting?”

He could feel it. “I don’t think I can go back. You can stop it. She loves you.”

“But she loves you, too. And I love you, Joe.”

“Do you? There were times that I resented you. She wouldn’t let you go no matter how much it hurt her.”

“How could I not love you when you loved and cared for her? It didn’t matter what you felt about me. I knew you only wanted what was best for her. But you can’t leave her now, Joe. She’s going to need you more than ever soon.”

“Is she? Then I have to be there for her. But I don’t know if I can make it back.”

“You can make it. We’re walking together now, and now we have a destination. Can’t you see it?”


And beyond her something else.

“The … end?”

“There’s no end in a circle, but there’s sometimes the loosening of a knot in the fabric. I guess you could call it the end. But she needs you to help her do it. We all need you, Joe.”

“Then I’ll be there. I’ll find my way.”

“No, take my hand. It will be easier for you.”

Somehow, she was clasping his hand, and he suddenly felt as if light was streaming through him, around him. “Dear God.”

“See, the darkness is going away. You can see her more clearly now. And you’re growing stronger, aren’t you?”


“We’re almost there, Joe. Hold on. I won’t let you go. Just as you’ve never let her go.”

Brilliance. Radiance. Love.

His heart pounding with wild eagerness as he saw Eve at the window of the ICU.

I’m coming. Don’t be afraid. I’m coming, Eve.

“I’m letting you go, Joe,” Bonnie said. “For a little while. I’ll be with you again, but you don’t need me now, do you?”

“No.” He couldn’t look away from Eve’s face. Why had he thought that he could ever leave her? “It’s okay for you to go, Bonnie. I’ll take care of her now. After all, she’s mine.”

“No.” Bonnie smiled. “She’s ours, Joe.”

*   *   *

SHE WAS GONE BUT THE LINGERING golden radiance was still keeping the darkness at bay.

And he couldn’t wait to dispel it entirely.

He opened his eyes.

And then he smiled at Eve.

*   *   *


Eve could feel the tears running down her cheeks.

Good-bye? Surely not good-bye.

Bonnie had vanished only seconds before, and Eve had feared the worst. But there was a flush of color in Joe’s cheeks, and he was smiling.

“Oh, God, thank you.” She tore open the ICU door. “And thank you, baby.” She was at Joe’s bed in seconds. She took a deep breath. “Hi … took you long enough,” she said unsteadily. “No, don’t say anything. I just want to touch you.” She pressed the bell for the nurse. “I want to hold your hand.”

“So—did—she,” Joe whispered.

“Who?” She answered herself as she took his hand in both of hers. It wasn’t as warm as it usually was, but she could feel a faint pressure. He was alive and it was a miracle. The only miracle she knew had a name. “Bonnie?”

He nodded. “Bonnie.” His eyes closed. “I couldn’t—find my way back. She knew…”

“Yes, she knew.” Her clasp tightened. “Don’t talk anymore. I’ll let you go, but don’t you get lost again. Do you hear me?”

He nodded. “I hear…”

He was asleep again.

But the flush was still on his cheeks, and his hand was holding hers.

He was going to live.

The nurse was running into the room, a frown on her face.

They would tell Eve to go, and she would do it. She would put him in their hands to heal.

As Bonnie had surrendered him to Eve’s hands.

*   *   *

EVE SAW JANE GET OFF the elevator as she left the ICU.

“Eve?” Jane was hurrying toward her, her face concerned. “You’re crying. You look … how’s Joe?”

She smiled shakily. “He’s going to be fine.”

“That’s what they told you? But Catherine said he could be dying.”

“Could doesn’t mean that’s going to happen.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks. “He’s taken a turn for the better. I just talked to him.”

“Thank God.” She took Eve in her arms and held her. “I was nearly frantic when you told me.”

“I thought it was the end.” Eve hugged Jane tighter. “He came so close, Jane.”

“But he’s tough. We both know that.” She released Eve and handed her a handkerchief. “You seem to be a little damp. I’m pretty close to a deluge myself. Dammit, you should have told me right away. Do you think I would have let you go through this alone?”

“It was enough for one of us to go through this.” Eve dabbed at her cheeks. “I told you when I thought I should.”

“Should you leave him? Can you go to the waiting room? I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.”

Eve looked back at Joe, who now had three nurses and an intern by his bed. “He won’t need me. They’re not going to let me near him until they figure out which of those brilliant doctors managed to save his life and turn him around.”

“And which one did?”

“None of them. They’d written him off. Joe did it on his own.” She paused. “With a little help.”

Jane stiffened. “Help?”

“He said Bonnie held his hand.” She glanced at Jane. “I think she did and showed him the way home.”

Jane didn’t answer for a moment. “I’m not going to argue with you. You know I have a few problems with the idea that Bonnie pays you visits, but if you tell me it’s true, then I accept it.” She glanced at her and smiled. “And if you tell me that she helped keep Joe alive, then I’ll jump up and down and shout hallelujah.”

“Don’t jump up and down. This is a hospital.” She smiled brilliantly. “But you can do it in the parking lot.”

Jane nodded. “Later.” She went to the coffee machine and pressed the button. She let her breath out in a long sigh. “I can’t tell you how relieved I am. I was so scared riding up in that elevator.”

“I’ve been scared for days. Since the moment Paul Black stabbed him, it’s been a nightmare.” She took the coffee that Jane handed her. “Catherine told you everything that happened?”

“In broad strokes.” She got a cup of coffee for herself and came back and sat down by Eve. “I got the gist of it. I was too on edge to cross-examine her. Though I think she’s probably not a good candidate for interrogation. She impressed me as being a very tough cookie.”

“She would have let you ask her anything. She’s a good friend to both Joe and me.” She took out her phone. “Which reminds me; I have to call her and tell her about Joe.”

“Even before you get the official news from the doctor?”

She made a face. “You’re right. Catherine is very practical. She always wants everything crossed and dotted. She’d run down here and have the doctors backed against a wall demanding guarantees.”

Jane’s brow rose. “But you still like her very much.”

“Very much. She’s as close as I’ve ever had to a woman friend.” She reached out and squeezed Jane’s arm. “Except you. I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.” She lifted her cup to her lips. “Catherine’s at the Hyatt getting me settled.”

“You don’t have to get settled. You can go back to London if you like. Everything is going to be okay here.”

“Stop trying to get rid of me. Do you mind if I stay and be with you? I’ll go when Joe is better.”

Eve nodded. “I just wanted to give you the option.”

“You’re rushing me out of here, and you haven’t even heard that he’s definitely on the mend.”

“I’ve heard.” Eve took another sip of coffee. “Joe told me.”

“And no one with more authority.”

“Well, Bonnie told him, and who has more authority than that?”

“Impossible.” Jane chuckled. “But I’m so glad that you’re this happy and giddy that I don’t give a damn. It was the last thing that I was expecting. You’re absolutely certain, aren’t you?”