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“And will still kill her if no one stops him,” Eve said.

“You may try. Black is looking forward to it. He’s planned something special.” Queen added viciously, “I wish I could be here for the show. I’d like to see you taken down, Gallo. But it’s safer for me to take the ledger and ride off into the sunset.” He turned and started back down the path. “May you both rot in hell. Good night and good-bye.”

He disappeared around the curve of the path.

“It’s so tempting,” John murmured. “It would only take me thirty seconds to reach him and break his neck.”

“Judy’s daughter,” Eve reminded him.

He reluctantly tore his gaze away and turned on his heel. “It was only a thought.” He headed back in the direction of the cave. “We’ve got to hope that Queen isn’t as adept as he thinks about handling Black. Come on, let’s go back and wait for Black’s next call.”

*   *   *


Joe shinnied down the pine tree to where Catherine waited on the ground. “Nothing.”

She nodded. “I didn’t think we’d get lucky.” She glanced down at the Celltec. “And this thing is giving us zilch.” She punched the cell-tower locator button. “It indicates there’s possible tower access in the south and east. Maybe we’ll get lucky.” She started striding through the brush. “I guess we strike out to the south and try there.”

Joe moved ahead of her. “Dammit, it took us over an hour to search this quadrant.”

She was as bitter and discouraged as he. Time must be running out. She had hoped that they’d be able to get on Black’s track right away. “Maybe we can split up and each take—” Her phone rang.


“We’ve just turned over the ledger to Queen. Tell me that you’ve got Black pinpointed.”

“I wish I could,” Catherine said. “We’re moving south now. Let me know if Black calls you.”

“There’s no ‘if’ about it. He’ll call,” Eve said. “But we can’t control the when. I hope it’s not right before he kills Cara. He’d probably enjoy having us on the line when he did it.” She paused, then added shakily, “Find him, Catherine. He killed Bonnie and so many others. We can’t let him kill anyone else.”

“I’ll call you as soon as we spot him. Take care, Eve.”

“And how is she supposed to take care of herself tonight?” Joe asked savagely, as Catherine hung up the phone. “She’ll be so busy trying to save that kid that she won’t think of herself. And I’m not there to do it for her.”

“John Gallo is there,” Catherine said quietly. “She’s not alone, Joe.”

“No, she’s with a man who will bring Black down on her without a second thought. Hell, Gallo may be worse than Black for all we know. Why couldn’t we convince her of that?”

There would be no sense in arguing with Joe right now. He wouldn’t be able to think logically until he had Eve safe. And Catherine wasn’t sure she wanted to argue. There were moments she was as scared as he was at Eve’s situation.

She shoved her phone in her pocket and moved forward through the brush. “South, Joe.”

*   *   *

“I’VE GOT IT,” QUEEN SAID jubilantly as he strode into the camp. He pulled the ledger out of his pocket and waved it. “No trouble at all. He forked it over without batting an eye. Gallo was meek as a church mouse.”

“I’m glad you were pleased. I know he gave you a bad time on occasion. It’s always good to get your own back, isn’t it?” He glanced at Cara sitting a few yards away. “Aren’t we happy Mr. Queen got what he wanted?”

Cara was staring at Queen, her eyes wide. “But you said he was—”

“Soon.” Black turned back to Queen. “I’m trying to teach our little friend the connection between cause and effect. But she’s a bit confused. I believe I’m going to have to demonstrate.”

Queen’s smile faded. “Well, I’ll leave you to your … lesson. Now that I’ve got the ledger, I’ve no need to stay here any longer. I’d just be in your way.”

“That’s correct. It’s true I don’t need you any longer.”

“And the remainder of your fee will be deposited in your usual Grand Cayman account. I’ll be in touch when I need you again.”

Black smiled. “I believe you’re taking me for granted. I really don’t appreciate your doing that. I’ve decided I’ll do a little freelancing on my own.”

Queen stiffened. “As long as you don’t get yourself in a situation that I’ll have to pull you out of. I can’t allow you to be arrested.”

“Because I know too much?” He spoke to Cara again. “You see, knowing a great deal can be either a good thing or bad depending on the point of view. You can see that Colonel Queen is breaking into a sweat because he thinks it’s a bad thing.” He glanced back at Queen. “We’re confusing her again. She has so little time that I hate to have that sweet head in a whirl.”

“We’ll talk later,” Queen said curtly. “I’ll call you.”

“But that would defeat the purpose. I think it has to be settled now.” He pulled a pistol from his jacket. “For the good of Cara.”

Queen’s eyes widened in panic. “What are you doing? We have a deal. You’d be lost without my help. The police would pick you up in a heartbeat.” He was backing away, his hand inching toward his shoulder holster beneath his jacket. “I’ll double the fee for your next job for me. Put the gun away.”

“I wish I could. I don’t like guns. They lack the personal touch. But in this case…” He shot Queen in the stomach. “I’ll make do.”

Queen screamed and clutched his belly.

Black aimed and shot him in both knees.

Queen fell to the ground, groaning with pain.

Black moved leisurely to stand over him. He fired into Queen’s chest. “You see, even though the pain is there, it’s still only a remote pleasure for me.” He added, “So I might as well just end it.”

He shot Queen in the head.

He turned to Cara. “Dead man. Just as I told you.”

Cara was staring in horror at the remains of Queen’s skull, which had been almost entirely blown away. She started to cry.

“I’m getting very tired of all that weeping.” He reached down and plucked the ledger from Queen’s jacket and stuffed it in his own. “I think it’s time we started the hunt.”

*   *   *


Joe stood frozen, listening for more shots.

“East,” Catherine said tensely. “A little toward the north, but definitely the east.”

And there weren’t any more shots.

Joe whirled and started at a run toward the eastern quadrant of the property.

“You think it’s Black?” Catherine was right behind him.

“Good chance. I’d bet that Queen is no longer with us.” He hoped desperately he was right, that none of those bullets had been aimed at Eve or Judy’s daughter. “But at least we have a clue to his location. Now, if we can get there before he moves on—”

“And it’s east. There’s a chance of cell-tower access. We might be able to zero in on him. But we don’t have much time. He’ll know those shots are a giveaway.”

Which meant Black didn’t care, that he thought he could afford to let Gallo and Eve know where he was. A trap?

But he didn’t know Joe and Catherine were there and tracking him. That could be an advantage.

If there was such a thing in this ugly game.

*   *   *

“EAST.” EVE’S HEAD LIFTED, her gaze flying to the trees. “Those shots came from the east, John.”

He nodded and jumped to his feet. “Black.” He grabbed his rifle. “Will you stay here?” He answered his question. “No, of course not. Then stay close, dammit.”

He took off at a dead run.

*   *   *

“WE HAVE TO HURRY ALONG NOW,” Black told Cara as he jerked her after him up a low hill by the ropes binding her wrists. “Those shots were not only unsatisfying, they were dangerous. But what is life without a challenge? Gallo and Eve will be hot on our trail, so I think that I should make them play the game on my terms. I always have to control the play. Queen didn’t realize that, did he? I was right to shoot him, wasn’t I?”