Marrow. The soul, said the fae, was anchored in the bones. There was something humans did, where they put marrow from one into another. Dane’s newly healed body was slowly succumbing to the injection; he couldn’t remember what was happening to him or why it mattered. His focus faded. From where he lay, he could only see his uneaten breakfast.

Don’t take it away. I’m hungry . He remembered starving. Things became confused and he thought that time was now. My food. Don’t take it. Something was eating him. He was down to survival instinct, awake only because he was sure he would die if he didn’t protect his food.

“Don’t worry, Dane.” A woman’s voice soothed him. “We’ll be done soon.”

Done with what? Done with me? The dark didn’t answer any of his questions.

When Noah woke, it was light in the room. He’d slept the rest of the night, and the aches and pains he felt were only from good things. For the first time in months, morning finally felt like something new.

Lindsay was gone but Noah knew he couldn’t be far, and the empty bed meant he could stretch luxuriously.

Rolling over, Noah discovered that Lindsay hadn’t gone far at all. He was curled up in the chair across the room, smiling at Noah’s antics. Everything dreadful about last night came back in a wash of awareness, but Noah tried to put it in its place so he could keep the mood positive.

“Want me to do that again?” He sat up and grinned at Lindsay.

Lindsay laughed and looked Noah over, toes to head. “Only if you push the covers off the rest of the way.”

Noah sat up and the covers moving triggered an agonizing itch on his right shin. Getting naked was supposed to be for Lindsay’s benefit, but he ended up shoving the covers off to scratch. The minute he did, he was itchy everywhere.

“This is wrong.” He scratched at his elbow next and gave Lindsay a narrow look. “Are you giving me a hard time?” None of his siblings would have hesitated, that was certain.

Lindsay’s eyes went wide. “Me?” There was a grin twitching at the corner of his mouth, but then he laughed. “No. Rajan said your skin would need oiling on a regular basis. Here, let me.”

Lindsay stood and crossed the room to pick up the blue bottle on the table near the bed.

“Oh, I’m sure you have no reason at all to make me itchy.” Noah stuck his tongue out.

“Careful, you’ll make me think you don’t want me getting my hands all over you.” For all his teasing, Lindsay managed to rub the oil in quickly and efficiently, starting at Noah’s feet and working his way up.

“Feel free not to think that.” Noah tried to pretend it didn’t feel good, but it did, it was almost like sex the way it quelled the itch and made his freshly healed nerves sing. It would have felt good on any day, to have Lindsay’s hands on him. His body was very happy about it, and Noah gave up on telling his dick to shut up about it by the time Lindsay was at his knees. He was outnumbered.

“I take it the oil is helping,” Lindsay said as he rubbed oil into Noah’s thighs and hips. His gaze flicked from Noah’s hardening cock to his face. “Or do you have a kink I ought to know about?”

“Yes, and quite possibly,” Noah answered, trying to cover all his bases.

It was mostly Lindsay’s fault, really. If one didn’t know what the fae were, one might say Lindsay looked like one. But to Noah, Lindsay looked like pure class on top of being gorgeous. Unwashed and worn down, he still seemed more elegant than most people did clean. Elegant was about the sharp bones and that skin that was nearly luminous and those wide eyes with the brightness of intelligence in them.

Lindsay’s hands stilled on Noah’s belly and his head tilted. “Oh?”

He started massaging again, working the oil into Noah’s tender skin, but it was obvious that Lindsay expected Noah to elaborate. If only Noah could remember what he’d been saying. He backtracked in his head, and laughed.

“I’m a bad person to ask about kinks. I’s all pretty good.” If he had to think about sex right now, Noah was never going to be functional this morning. “If everybody’s happy, then it’s good.”

If he thought about what he used to like too much, anyway, he’d make himself melancholy. Before he’d ruined himself, before his magic had come to plague him, his body had felt like his home. Sex was magic of its own, something to share, to connect the lonely. He’d loved it and he’d been good at it—

sharing had always made him happy.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Lindsay’s slick fingers trailed over Noah’s cock, but he moved away to work on Noah’s neck and arms instead. “Roll over.”

“You’re a bad man.” Noah obeyed, sprawling out as far as he could. They had to get something done today, anything. Now wasn’t the time for playing or resting, as much as he wanted to soak in the sensations of being nearly whole again.

“I actually thought I was rather good,” Lindsay countered. He quickly finished Noah’s back, but lingered over his ass longer than was strictly necessary. “But you’ll have to confirm that some other time.

Kristan will be back soon.”

“And I won’t get to lie around and play rent boy all day.”

That was a rather sad thought, and Noah would have felt very differently about it a few days ago.

Whether it was the experience they’d gone through together or the magic Lindsay had used to save him, Noah felt like some wall in him had crumbled. He felt twenty-five again, not eighty-five—still sorrowful, but not afflicted by it. He could move forward without losing his past.

“Do you know what we need to do now?” Noah tried to focus on the practical, instead of on Lindsay’s strong, slim fingers sliding over his ass; his newly healthy body was obsessed with how good Lindsay could make him feel. “Other than bathe and find me something to wear?”

“I would love to bathe.” Lindsay made it sound like an orgasmic experience, the emphasis he put on the word. “No running water. We’ll have to find a truck stop or something. Kristan is going to pick up some clothes for you while she’s out, though.”

Lindsay patted Noah’s ass, letting him know he was finished. Noah couldn’t help but stretch all over again. Being free from pain was incredible, and now that the itching was gone, he felt relaxed and content enough that he was ready to go back to bed. However, he made himself sit up.

“Thanks.” He gave Lindsay a grin. “Hope you enjoyed that a little, at least.”

“I’d have enjoyed it more if we had time to finish what I wanted to be starting,” Lindsay shot back.

“Anyway, I know we need to find Ylli and Zoey, but I don’t know how. Cyrus is gone, so we can’t use the wind, and without some idea of where to look, I can’t use an illusion to pick them out of the masses. I’m not that good.”

Noah grabbed a sheet to wrap around his waist and got up to test his legs. Cyrus hadn’t foreseen them being separated and left alone? Noah couldn’t quite believe that. The way things had fallen out, everything that happened had been perfectly predictable—unfortunate and horrendous, but predictable. He paced over to the window and looked out, wracking his memory for an answer.

“Cyrus would have left some clues, just in case. I can’t see him letting all these years of work fall away. Cyrus was in this war that only he could see—in it to his ears—when my dad was my age.” Noah leaned on the sill, looking down into the narrow yard and dirty alley. “He was old, but...he was still with it, right?”

“Yes.” Lindsay stood near the window, staring out past Noah. “He was always very aware of everything going on around him. I knew he was old, but I never would’ve thought he was... Well.”

“We don’t do senile very well,” Noah said, dryly. “Please remember that when I get old.” He put his arm around Lindsay’s shoulders and gave him a little squeeze.