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Olafson sighed. “Very well. But I’ll require your utmost tact. Lux’s reputation as a conservative, serious-minded institution is its most important asset.”

“So I’m told.”

“Well, then. I’ll see about furnishing you with a list.” Olafson took another look around in the reflected beam of the flashlight, disbelief once more settling over his features. Then he turned and, without another word, allowed Logan to lead the way out of the shadow-haunted chamber and back toward the tenanted regions of Lux.


Late that evening, Logan returned to the room. He waited until, once again, most of the activity at Lux had subsided for the night; it was highly unlikely of course that anybody else would be in the West Wing, but he didn’t want to take any chances.

He unpinned the tarp, tucked it aside, then ducked through the opening he had made previously. In one hand, he held a flashlight; in the other, a large, tungsten barn door lamp of the kind used on movie sets, which he had borrowed from a mystified Ian Albright. He placed it on its collapsible stand in one corner, then ran the cord to an outlet beneath the worktable. Returning to the lamp, he snapped it on. The space suddenly was flooded with brilliance. He wanted — needed — that brilliance for the kind of minute examination he now planned to undertake.

The danger he had sensed upon first crossing the threshold of the forgotten room had not gone away. But — under the eight hundred watts of luminescence provided by the stage lamp — it maintained its distance.

Under one arm was a set of rolled papers. Logan let his duffel slip from his shoulder, placed it on the worktable along with the flashlight, then placed the rolled papers beside them and smoothed them out. These were original blueprints of Lux, which he had appropriated from Strachey’s office that afternoon. He leafed through them until he located the plans for the West Wing. Within a small rectangular box at the bottom were the words DELAVEAUX RESIDENCE. M. FLOOD, ARCHITECT. 1886.

The oversized blue sheet was dense with lines, measurements, and tiny technical notations, but little by little he managed to decipher it. Mentally, he compared the original state of the wing with the new conception that Strachey and his workmen had been assembling. It was clear that the room he had discovered was not in the blueprints. In fact, it appeared that the space he was currently standing in had been designated, at least in part, as a stairwell. That meant one of two things — either the room had been retrofitted into the wing after the mansion’s initial construction…or the plans had been redrafted with the specific intention of hiding the room’s existence.

He rolled the blueprints up and put them aside.

Under the pitiless glare of the light, things he had not noticed before now became visible. A round disk was set flush with the ceiling, decorated with elaborate chasing — no doubt it covered the hole left by a previously installed chandelier. Had this room once been part of a larger, more elegant space? While five framed pictures remained on the walls, there were three bare spots where other objects had once hung — betrayed by the slight yellowing of the paint beneath. While he had originally believed the room to be spotless, he now made out the remains of ash in the fireplace grate.

He stepped into the middle of the room, turning his attention to the large central device. He walked around it slowly several times, examining it curiously. It was unevenly shaped, as long as a coffin and almost twice as high, with appendages of an unknown nature sprouting from its sides and its top. Each appendage was hidden beneath bulging, carefully fitted pieces of protective rosewood, fixed and locked into place like old sewing machine covers, so that it presented a uniform, monolithic surface of polished wood grain.

One end of the device was wider than the other, covered partly by a metal plate screwed onto its surface. About four feet beyond, Logan noticed that the roman numerals I through VI had been etched into the floor.

The narrower end was covered in yet another piece of wood, monolithic, edged in metal, and locked in two places to the main housing. Logan ran his fingers over one of the keyholes. As he did so, he noticed there was a small brass plaque screwed into the wood, just below the locked section. It was tarnished and age-darkened, but he could make out two words on it, one at each edge: BEAM and FIELD. There was no clue as to what these referred to.

Searching, he found two other plaques, smaller, and screwed into place near the bottom of the device. One read ROSEWELL HEAVY INDUSTRIES, PERTH AMBOY, N.J. and the other — on another section — read ELEKTROFABRIKEN KELLE AG. Plucking a digital recorder from his jacket pocket, Logan dutifully notated all this.

Putting the recorder away, he analyzed the room with both a trifield EM meter and an air-ion counter. He jotted the readings in a small leather-bound notebook for later comparison to other readings he’d taken in Strachey’s rooms and various locations around Lux.

Now he moved over to the light and switched it off. Total blackness was the result. He felt his way back to the large, mysterious machine, sat down on the floor with his back to it, cross-legged, and closed his eyes, waiting to see if the room had anything to tell him. He was curious, and a little apprehensive, as to whether there would be a repeat of the strange and sinister music he had heard in Strachey’s apartment.

At first there was nothing, save the faint awareness of lurking danger. And then, gradually, the sense of unease and disquiet he’d felt in Strachey’s rooms returned, along with a feeling of confusion. And then, quite suddenly, there it was again — the haunting, maddening passages of music, harsh and malevolent, washing over him in waves of sinister minor-key arpeggios, any sense of calm romantic beauty now utterly gone.

Logan leapt to his feet and rushed back to the light, almost knocking it over in his haste to turn it on again. And then he stood there, breathing hard, the disembodied music still echoing in his mind.

This was strange. Most strange indeed.

He walked slowly around the room, not looking at anything in particular, until his heart had slowed and his breathing had returned to normal. At last, when he felt himself again, he continued the investigation.

Above the worktable was a row of bookshelves, all empty. Beside it was a filing cabinet. Logan opened each drawer, only to find all of them empty as well.

Had this laboratory been planned and built, but then abandoned before any work had actually begun? If so, why all the apparent secrecy? On the other hand, if research of some sort had been conducted here, and then brought to a halt, why hadn’t this odd device been removed and destroyed, along with, apparently, all the books and papers?

Returning his tools to the duffel, he now removed something else: a small rubber mallet in the shape of a triangle, of the kind doctors use to test reflexes. Ear to the wall, he made a slow, careful circuit of the room, tapping the mallet against the wall every now and then, listening for the telltale echo that would betray a hollow space or a hidden door. He knew there had to be an entrance — whoever had built and worked in this place had not entered the way he had. But nothing was forthcoming. He replaced the mallet with a sigh. Had this room been entered via the floor or ceiling? No — that would have been ludicrous.

It seemed the answer would have to wait.

Now, adjusting the angle of the lamp somewhat, he began to examine the ash he’d noticed in the fireplace. It wasn’t, as he’d initially assumed, wood ash. Rather, it appeared to be the remains of carefully burned paper. Stretching out a hand, he grabbed a handful of ash and let the tiny, curled bits of blackened paper sift between his fingers. Then he raised the fingers to his nose. The charred smell was faint though detectable, but this meant nothing — the papers could have been burned the day before or five decades before.