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"I had you worried!" Illya cried. "You seem to have things reversed, Napoleon."

"Napoleon!" exclaimed Kenneth at Solo. "Is your name Napoleon?"

"My first name."

Illya introduced them.

"Napoleon Solo, meet Kenneth Craig."

"Napoleon!" Craig laughed, pointed at Illya. "I thought this guy had lost his marbles; I really did. I thought he'd gone mad. There he was, talking into thin air—to Napoleon Bonaparte!"

"I wasn't talking into thin air," said Illya. He took the palate-plate out of his mouth. "I was talking into this."

"What is it?" asked the astonished Craig.

Waverly took him aside and quickly brought him up to date on current events. "I doubted you, Kenneth. I admit it. But in all the circumstances, can you blame me?"

"Not at all, sir. I understand. Of course I do. I'd have reacted in exactly the same manner."

"Good of you to say that, Kenneth."

"I mean it with all my heart, Mr. Waverly."

"Thank you. And now back to business. You're going to have to get those ingots out of there."

"No problem, sir. I'll need a couple of your men and—a conveyance."

"We've got a truck outside."


Just then the phone rang. Craig answered it. He listened, frowning. Then he said, "Hold every thing, Brian," and he hung up.

And once again he and Waverly were in private conference.

"The circus is shipping out tonight."

"Well, it'll have to ship without John Parley," said Waverly.

"Good enough. Brian Powell and I can handle it."

"What you can say about Parley—a form of truth without telling too much about it—is simply that he was arrested in the United States. Now, what about the gold ingots, Kenneth?"

"Without an outside cage for the lions, it's going to be more difficult. But leave it to us."


"Candy and I."


"My daughter."

"Fine." Waverly turned and pointed. "You, you, you, you," he said, pointing separately and individually. "You will go with Mr. Craig. And take the truck."

"Come on, Candy," Craig called.

"Where, Dad?"

"We've got a job on our hands."

Candy smiled brightly. "Whatever you say." She joined her father and they went out in the company of four men from U.N.C.L.E.

And so the Parley Circus departed that night, minus John Parley, and minus Felix Raymond and Otis Langston and Tito Zagoro, and minus six million dollars in gold bullion.

Table of Contents

1. Welcoming Committee

2. Lone Wolf

3. An Extraordinary Discover

4. Interrogation

5. Thunderbolts

6. More Thunderbolts

7. Agent or Double Agent?

8. Tools of the Trade

9. Solo Delivers the Goods

10. First Report

11. An Evening Chore

12. Invitation Declined

13. Second Report

14. Illya in the Lions' Den

15. Invitation Accepted

16. Sight-Seeing

17. Guessing Games

18. Name-Dropping

19. Unmasked!

20. More Guessing Games

21. "Kitten on the Keys"

22. Say "UNCLE"

23. Change in Course

24. Ten Long Minutes

25. The Old Man Takes Charge

26. Candy Lulls the Lions

27. Zeroing In

28. Parley Makes His Point

29. Circus Catch