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My agent, Jill Marr, of the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency—she moves continents and commands the dead; Dr. Justin Frank—bon vivant, author, friend, driver of strange little cars, impresario, Chuck Close aficionado—a true 21st century Renaissance man; Sandra Dijkstra, the great Oz, pulling levers behind the curtain.

At my agency: Andrea Cavallaro for smuggling Bloodman over countless borders; Elisabeth James for her endless patience; Elise Capron for getting my manuscript to the right hands; Thao Le for her can-do attitude; Jennifer Azantian for dragging the cart up the hill each day.

At Thomas & Mercer: Andy Bartlett, for always making me feel like the only writer in the room; Victoria Griffith, for seeing something in my work that no one else could; and everyone at T&M who helped put Bloodman into a dust jacket.

About the Author

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Photo by Christopher Snow

Robert Pobi dealt in fine Georgian antiques for thirteen years before turning to writing full time. He has fished for everything that swims—from great white sharks off Montauk to monstrous pike in northern Finland. He prefers bourbon to scotch and shucks oysters with an old hunting knife he modified with a grinder. In warm weather he spends much of his time at a cabin on a secluded lake in the mountains, and when the mercury falls he heads to the Florida Keys. The critical response to his first short story (written when he was twelve) was a suspension from school. Now he writes every day—at a desk once owned by Roberto Calvi.

Bloodman has been published all over the world.

Visit him at www.robertpobi.com.