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An enormous debt of gratitude must go to my endlessly encouraging literary agent, Andrew Gordon at David Higham Associates. I could not have had a better guide and advisor in getting my manuscript to the point at which it would be of interest to publishers. I can only apologise to Andrew for the number of times he has had to read the book during its many redrafts. My thanks also go to the whole team at David Higham Associates who have helped to give this book a future.

I also want to thank my fantastic editor at Headline, Vicki Mellor. There can’t be many people around with her breadth and depth of knowledge in the genre and her advice, guidance and good humour have been invaluable in shaping this book. Thank you also to everyone at Headline who has helped to make the book as good as possible.

Thanks, finally, to my family for all their encouragement and support. To my mother for keeping the faith. To my wife who has given me the time and determination, evening after evening, weekend after weekend, to get this written. And to my children who played around my feet as I wrote. I’m happy to say I’ve finished the book, I can play now!