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Nana had everyone’s attention as she repeated the story for the hundredth time. “You should have seen us. Dee Dee and I were looking through the telescope when we saw Amanda on the deck with your mama. We jumped up and down and waved, but we couldn’t get her attention.” She turned toward Dee Dee for affirmation as if we didn’t believe her. “Isn’t that right, Dee?”

“It sure is. And that’s when we called 911 and told them to let Detective Sams know Amanda had Trixie.”

“Yeah, and we knew they were in the mansion, we just didn’t know where. The police set up a floor by floor search, and we finally made it to the basement just in time.”

“That would be when I grabbed Amanda by the hair,” I said. “What I still don’t recall is how I got this tremendous pain in the back of my head.”

Amanda had fought back, and as I worked to disarm her, she flailed at me. She might have scrambled my brains a bit, but she didn’t dislodge the recorder that caught the whole thing.

Now Amanda was going to be a guest of the government for a very long time, and it wasn’t going to be in any mansion.

“I’m just grateful to be alive. She was on a murder spree and I was almost her next victim. She murdered Bobby Lee Ghoston because he denied she was his daughter. When she found out I was on the trail she decided to get rid of me, too. She killed Annie and framed me. As if this wasn’t enough murder and mayhem she tried to kill Tippi hoping she’d be able to claim her inheritance.”

I snuggled up against my Beau. I was never so glad to see anyone when he flew home right away after Dee Dee called and told him we’d caught Amanda and I was being treated at Erlanger for my war wound.

“Well, I’m thankful you’re all in one piece,” Beau said. Nana sat on the other side of Beau. He reached over and gave her a shoulder hug. “And that goes for you and Dee Dee, too. I sure don’t want to lose my favorite girls.” Nana turned cherry red.

I settled in to watch the flames flicker up the chimney, happy we were all together, now. Harv couldn’t have been more pleased to have another article to publish about a solved case. My feature about Bobby Lee Ghoston and the Dixie Mafia was selling lots of copies of Georgia by the Way. Tippi a.k.a. Tabitha was thrilled I’d ask her to contribute, and I was more than glad to give her credit.

“Enough shop talk about murders and evidence and proper police procedures.” Beau looked down at me. “Now what’s this I hear about you being the champion spitter of Chattanooga?”

I felt my face glowing warmer than the yule log, and I cut a look at Nana. “Thanks a lot!”

They all broke out in laughter, and I held a hand to my bandaged head, and laughed right along with them.



ISBN 10: 1-60039-219-9

ISBN 13: 978-1-60039-219-1

ebook ISBN: 978-1-60039-734-9

Copyright © 2014 Deborah Malone. All rights reserved.

Print and Electronic Format & Layout Copyright © 2014 by LAMP POST Inc.

Copy Edit / Back Cover Copy: Melissa Williams Netherton

Scripture quotations taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica US, Inc.®. Used by permission.

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